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 This image was disqualified from the Perspective II challenge.
Focus on Strength
Focus on Strength

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Perspective II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: Brooklyn Bridge, NYC
Date: Sep 11, 2005
Aperture: 1:7.0
Shutter: 1 sec
Date Uploaded: Sep 13, 2005

On the 4th anniversary of 9/11. This was taken on Brooklyn Bridge (NYC) with the tribute beams glowing in background. I wanted to composed the various perpective elements using the tension cable as a focal point without distracting the whole image.
Disqualification Details
A person may only hold one DPChallenge account and may submit only one photograph per challenge.

Views since voting: 666
Views during voting: 373
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1 (view)

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09/26/2005 08:59:46 PM
*Critique Club*

Wow, what an image. The neon is amazing and I loved the way you were able to capture this photo. I think most people probably did not take the time to see what the picture was taken of and when. The angle is my favorite part, Which makes make think this is one of the strongest perspective pieces in the challenge. The colors are a little strong, maybe its the contrast. I think the bridge looks a little green but that is probably in the contrast to the make the blue that strong. The composure is excellent. There are just some small pats that have blurred pixels, like around the upper right on the rope. I really feel if people understood what the image was the score would have moved up. Excellent capture, this will be a great time piece to keep in your collection.
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09/21/2005 09:43:16 PM
I'm totally disappointed. This was a top 5 all day long!! People just don't get it. Well, congrats - I guess not so bad a placement considering the zillions of entries!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/20/2005 10:27:50 PM
Great color and perspective--strong message here--10
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09/20/2005 01:32:46 AM
really nice shot- love the perspective, composition and light. NICE JOB!!!
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09/19/2005 08:44:05 PM
awesome. great perspective. cool lighting. its cool that you can see the texture of the bricks on the bridge.
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09/19/2005 07:59:41 PM
Nothing really seems to be in focus. Don't really care for this picture, but the perspective is nice.
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09/18/2005 11:00:29 PM
those colors are superb
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09/18/2005 08:52:47 PM
cool. nice job.
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09/17/2005 04:59:47 PM
really good, the sodium light adds to the shot
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09/16/2005 07:52:02 PM
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09/15/2005 03:29:15 PM
great!! Its a pity it lacks from sharpness and image quality... perhaps jpg compression artifacts, loved the colors and placement.
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09/15/2005 03:14:12 AM
Great job, Brooklyn bridge and 9/11 lights convey a strong message along with cables, very interesting. I would have done a little more tilt angle, but that's just me.
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09/14/2005 07:56:09 PM
very cool
what is the blue streek in the background
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09/14/2005 07:21:10 PM
great angle and colors!
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09/14/2005 09:52:35 AM
Wow. Nice job.
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09/14/2005 08:36:51 AM
This is excellent. Best I've seen of the challenge so far. The green and blue are wonderful compliments to each other. The rope and grid of the metal with the soldiering pattern of the bricks over the opening make for wonderful textural differences. I like the dim light - to showcase what appears to be neon. The gothic arch point your eye up to the upper areas of the photo. 10
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09/14/2005 03:27:14 AM
very cool. creative and clever :)
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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