Hello, Inga,
I've been looking at your picture since early this morning (not all the time, on and off :). There is something about it that I like quite a bit, and I think it's the back and forth zig-zag motion that you get from looking at the fence, land and tree branches. The weed-whacker mimics that motion. That's very interesting.
The photo meets the challenge - no problems. I can hear the machine quite clearly.
Focus looks to be on and around the little boy sitting down holding the dandelion gone to seed. IMO, focus is fine overall. By the way, I like the little boy's expression, how he's concentrating on watching the older man use the weed-whacker.
Light seems to be coming mostly from the top right. It creates interesting patterns on the land and the vegetation. It might be nice to have better light on the two people in the picture, but, IMO, the picture is not too dark. I think I personally would prefer a tone further towards the orange rather than the reddish, or maybe a simple b/w.
Overall, I think this is a very nice photo, good to look at, but one that was easily overlooked in the challenge - it's one of those pictures where you have to take a bit of time to appreciate it.
Keep up the good work!
Ursula (uabresch)
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