Hello, and greetings from the Critique Club. The critique you are about to recieve is tailored for DPC challenges alone, and is not intended to be seen as an artistic critique per se.
Initial Thoughts
Oo, nicely done. Love the lighting and a great angle.
Composition / Content
A rather nice composition here, it has some great symmetry while also being rather asymmetrical. The shine of the individual signs is great.. I assume they were lit from within? Nicely captured anyway.
While most of the photo is nicely black.. there's a little spot in the lower left where we see background lights. While a minor thing, I'd suggest keeping an eye open for little things like this and cloning them out when you can. It just helps keep your photograph tidy and really helps it with voters, who will always find *something* to nitpick.
Camera Work / Technical
A great job capturing the exposure of these signs. They are nicely exposed, and that's not an easy task with self-lit subjects. Your focus is also great.. nice and crisp.
Digital Processing
You included no information on this, so I cannot comment. However, I do have another cloning suggestion. See the black spots on the "Chur" and "City" signs? Again, tiny little minor things, but cloning them out would have helped a lot I think. Remember that voters are a rabid clan, and tend to grasp "imperfections" big-time. Tiny little things like that can actually cause a full point or two difference in a voter's vote. Also, on the "Affoltern" sign, there's a black mark on the bottom that, with careful cloning, could also have been fixed.
Fits the Challenge
This fits the challenge in a wonderful way. A great choice, and very well presented.
My Opinion of the Photo
This is a great little photo that is pretty clean, well shot, and strong on the challenge. While the subject matter may not be exactly awe inspiring, it isn't boring either, and the light and color really stand it out from something that may have been more mundane. Great job, nice score, and good luck in future challenges. |