Author | Thread |
04/05/2007 03:39:56 PM |
This is such a funny shot. . . my dog (Archie) would have all that stuff off and hidden in the garden in two seconds flat !! |
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07/25/2006 06:44:50 PM |
Well deserved ribbon....Great looking clown. |
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07/14/2006 01:21:49 PM |
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06/23/2006 09:01:01 PM |
Such a cute puppy! We have a longhair too, you can see her in my portfolio (in Misc). The colors in this shot are wonderful, as is her intent stare upon that treat (I see that look on a multi-time a day basis). |
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05/30/2006 08:38:25 PM |
this is beyond cute.
great photo,
adorable doggy |
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10/07/2005 07:52:14 PM |
This is so cool! I would buy this if I saw it on the shelves. |
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10/07/2005 11:09:06 AM |
well done, as predicted! :)
do a series and market them.
i'm sure doggies love the fuss! |
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10/06/2005 08:34:21 PM |
Greetings from the Critique Club
by strangeghost
Ah, first time I've gotten a ribbon-winner to critique! Here goes: Composition is perfect. A cute dog is a very good choice for a subject. A cute dog wearing an adorable costume is tough to beat. The off-center composition and liberal use of negative space work well. With the dog's very attentive look, it's obvious that you've riveted her attention with something just off camera. The composition creates a sense of anticipation as we're drawn into the expression her face. I'm usually the commenter calling for a tighter shot on faces to bring out the emotion and feel, but I think you've captured it perfectly here, and her body language adds to the attraction. The angle of the shot, using the floor as the whole of the background is great, avoiding any distracting clutter or extraneous detail.
Very nice job managing the bright white backdrop. It doesn't overpower the dog or costume colors, and manages to look so effortless that it's hard to imagine any other color back there. Lighting is very nice, and the understated shadow is perfect. I'd like to see a bit more light on her face but as I've said above, the facial expression is preserved and adds so much to the impact. Good post processing and camera control. You didn't give any details which makes me think auto mode, but whatever, it worked for you and you got a real winner here, in more ways than one.
Your score speaks for itself, and a ribbon to boot. I hope you're happy with this image. This is a pet shot that manages to convey tons of personality. Anyone would have been proud to have shot it. It begs to be printed, framed, and hung.
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10/06/2005 01:10:53 PM |
Congrats on your first Cindi!
This is just too cute, and can see this as a marketable shot.
Well done. |
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10/05/2005 05:41:16 PM |
That's hilarious (and it matches my hat). Congrats on your first ribbon, and into my favorites it goes... ;-) |
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10/05/2005 05:07:11 PM |
i think it rocks, but my friend thinks it is an interesting choice. |
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10/05/2005 05:03:21 PM |
So cute! Congrats for a well deserved second place, now give Lexi another treat! She's a winner :) |
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10/05/2005 06:16:36 AM |
Congrates for such a nice shot. Very anxiously looking at the camera makes impact on viewers. Simply excellent pix. Regards, |
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10/04/2005 08:24:04 PM |
This is hilarious. The title is awesome. |
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10/04/2005 10:45:50 AM |
Love the high key. Congrats on your first ribbon. |
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10/04/2005 02:51:03 AM |
Wonderful !! It's really an superb picture! |
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10/03/2005 10:06:02 PM |
What garb! Lovely and so, so funny. Congratulations on your Red. |
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10/03/2005 05:56:43 PM |
What an awesome picture...!!! Congrats on your first ribbon! |
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10/03/2005 04:23:01 PM |
Congrats on your first ribbon! An adorable card! |
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10/03/2005 03:45:55 PM |
This image rocks on so many levels. Just wonderful. Congrats... |
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10/03/2005 02:23:20 PM |
Congratulations on the ribbon. I just loved this photo. Every time I look at it, It makes me laugh. Great photo and very cute dog :) |
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10/03/2005 01:07:04 PM |
Congrats on the ribbon... looks like you can back up all that trash talk! Good job! |
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10/03/2005 10:31:00 AM |
Congrats Cindi! This makes me smile everytime I see it. Such a great expression on Lexi! |
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10/03/2005 09:35:30 AM |
Congrats Cindi on your first ribbon. A very cute shot. I hope the dog got her fill of treats for this :) |
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10/03/2005 08:55:17 AM |
Congrats!!! What an adorable baby! One of my favs!!! |
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10/03/2005 07:41:58 AM |
Congrats Cindi on your first ribbon. This was by far the cutiest one. |
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10/03/2005 06:46:02 AM |
Congratulations - this was such a hoot (and I gave it a 10) What a good sport that doggy is! |
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10/03/2005 03:10:53 AM |
Brilliant photo, me ultimate favorite on dpc. The colors are superb and the dog is absolutely the cutest :) Congratz! |
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10/03/2005 02:56:27 AM |
Fantastic colour in this photo, congrats on the red ribbon. |
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10/03/2005 01:48:06 AM |
you are mad! excellent, as always. w2g! |
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10/03/2005 01:31:42 AM |
LOL..I thought my shot was degrading to all dogs, but this takes the cake. ROFL!!! I love it and need to get a costume just like that for my dog. |
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10/03/2005 01:09:53 AM |
Just an awesome shot! I figured this would be in the top ten! You go
girl! |
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10/03/2005 01:07:59 AM |
Very cute! Congratulations on Ribbon #1! |
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10/03/2005 01:07:33 AM |
congrats on your first ribbon! |
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10/03/2005 01:02:24 AM |
congrats on the first ribbon and hopefully its just the first of many many more! |
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10/03/2005 12:42:50 AM |
Congrats on your first ribbon Cindi, very well deserved ..... gorgeous shot!! Lexi is sooo cute! |
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10/03/2005 12:35:42 AM |
Congrats on your first ribbon!! |
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10/03/2005 12:25:50 AM |
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10/03/2005 12:20:27 AM |
To damn cute for words, Cindi! Big congrats on your ribbon for this marvelous image! Congrats to Lexi as well! |
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10/03/2005 12:17:46 AM |
Congratulations on your ribbon! Great shot! Very cute! |
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10/03/2005 12:05:17 AM |
Great job - Well Deserved !!! |
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10/03/2005 12:02:22 AM |
Soooooo CUTE! I love this. Instant favorite :) |
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10/03/2005 12:01:42 AM |
Suh-weet! Way to go! Congrats! |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
10/02/2005 10:22:04 PM |
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10/02/2005 08:27:46 PM |
Cute subject & a good idea. The contrast from the colourful subject to the white background is also effective. 7 ;o) |
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10/02/2005 08:12:56 PM |
I cannot stand how cute this guy is! Great placement, great shot, a 10! |
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10/02/2005 12:07:11 PM |
This is just too cute. I love it. |
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10/01/2005 11:26:44 PM |
All dressed up and nowhere to go?! Fun and cute! |
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10/01/2005 08:13:54 PM |
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10/01/2005 06:51:11 PM |
Love the vividness of this & the cute expression! |
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10/01/2005 01:21:24 PM |
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10/01/2005 08:19:32 AM |
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09/30/2005 08:06:17 PM |
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09/30/2005 04:30:22 PM |
This better get the blue ribbon! |
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09/29/2005 11:42:37 PM |
Great card! Makes me smile. What a precious llittle thing. I like that the background is plain and isn't competing with the subject. |
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09/28/2005 08:49:48 PM |
Funny. He looks embarrassed. |
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09/28/2005 12:41:42 PM |
A difused flash on the left would remove the shadow. Very cute costume however. |
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09/27/2005 10:36:21 PM |
nice white background. (i have trouble achieving one) Cute dog .,good luck |
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09/27/2005 08:12:10 PM |
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09/27/2005 02:46:05 PM |
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09/27/2005 12:16:15 PM |
Fantastic. I would buy this one. COngrats & good luck! |
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09/27/2005 11:19:02 AM |
Alright -- I must have this little clown dog. Great use of colors and minimalism. Spot on focus. LOVE IT! --10-- |
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09/26/2005 06:43:39 PM |
Nice color, composition and sharpness.-7- |
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09/26/2005 03:11:19 PM |
You do realize, that this qualifies as "cruelty to animals" |
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09/26/2005 10:50:01 AM |
This picture is the best! Hilarious and so colourful and crisp. And such a lovley dog! This picture must ribbon, I'm sure. Great choice of white blackground. Very good composition. |
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09/26/2005 10:48:37 AM |
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09/26/2005 10:43:29 AM |
priceless! blue or red ribbon imo |
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09/26/2005 10:10:48 AM |
How did you get him to sit still? I'm sorry, but I really don't like the flat white background. I'd have gone for a green lawn, wooden floor, anything but white. |
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09/26/2005 09:42:30 AM |
Excellent! This should be a ribbon winner. Colors, compo...great. |
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09/26/2005 08:52:26 AM |
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09/26/2005 05:27:46 AM |
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09/26/2005 03:42:44 AM |
Your dog hates you - you know that don't you? ;-P
just kidding. This is very well done. Great comp, color, lighting, focus - nothing bad here. |
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09/26/2005 02:54:12 AM |
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09/26/2005 02:08:40 AM |
ROFL So cute. This gets an extra boost cause it's a dog. Love the expression. Great use of negative space. Maybe a touch shadowy for me but overll - well done. |
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09/26/2005 01:31:21 AM |
This is soooo cute! Wonderful color combination, priceless expression. Good Luck! |
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09/26/2005 01:21:15 AM |
omg! i would definatly buy a card with this photo on it! it's just too cute, great job. |
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09/26/2005 12:51:29 AM |
Glad I'm not the only one that makes my dogs look silly! The colours and sharpness are great. Good luck! |
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