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Sippin' in September
Sippin' in September

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Beverages (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A520
Location: Confluence PA
Date: Sep 22, 2005
Galleries: Nature, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Sep 27, 2005

Camping trip in Confluence PA

Place: 197 out of 206
Avg (all users): 3.1529
Avg (commenters): 2.5000
Avg (participants): 2.9412
Avg (non-participants): 3.2675
Views since voting: 792
Views during voting: 338
Votes: 242
Comments: 16
Favorites: 0

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10/08/2005 12:52:27 AM
I downloaded this and tried to do something with Photoshop. I was unable to get even a remotely appealing image...

I can only asusme that you are possibly fairly new to taking low-light pictures. My suggestion would be to take this pic one step at a time. I AM fairly new to taking pictures myself, but I find that I can usually get what I want by taking the picture one step at a time. This means one step for composition, one step for focus, and one step for lighting. These are probably the most important and most simple aspects of your pictures. There is actually a lot more to them than pointing and hitting the shutter button.

Here are the three steps as I see them with your pepsi can and the firelight.

Composition: Try to find a place that I could put the pepsi can where it will have some firelight and share the frame with a rock to bring in the camping feel. The pepsi can would take up enough of the frame that it could be considered a major element. Part of this step would be finding a suitable location for the camera where it could rest and allow me some consistency from shot to shot.

Focus: In this light, this would be a major issue. This would take maybe 5 or six test shots and I would need to either use Manual focus or AF lock, whatever is present in your camera.

Lighting: This is an balance between shutter speed and available light. This is a major challenge. Flash light on a pepsi can will create a series of harsh reflections. That's not necessarily bad, but it might necessitate having a longer exposure to allow the light from the fire to build up. If you use flash, you also have to remember that flash has a limited range (the above pic looks like you might be out of this range, using zoom, but I could be wrong). I would move in closer and put a little tissue or something over the flash to diffuse it. Others have had good success with using a plastic spoon. I would start experimenting with 3 second exposure with no flash to see how things looked naturally, then add the flash in after to see if it improved matters. This lighting choice would likely require the fire to be removed from the picture. If you wanted the fire in the picture as well, things get a lot more complicated.

Hope this is helpful to you. I'm not intending this to be a manual, nor as an indicator of what is right. I am merely trying to show you the type of thought process that needs to go into difficult lighting shots like this. If you want to get angry at me, feel free to vent in a PM.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/02/2005 12:33:58 PM
Bad picture... better luck next time
10/01/2005 07:10:49 PM
I don't mean to be too harsh, but I don't see any reason for your putting this photograph in as your entry. The picture is soft, the colors are weak, the subject is poorly complemented by its environment. I get the "at night, near the fire" "feel" that you were going for, but (sorry to say) this picture really doesn't capture it.
10/01/2005 06:02:34 PM
Nice fire pit. Nice picture, would like to see it a bit clearer though
10/01/2005 11:14:21 AM
10/01/2005 10:34:29 AM
This just doesn't work for me. Its dark, the beverage isn't really the focus of the picture (the fire is, IMO), and it seems a bit out of focus.
09/30/2005 04:14:39 PM
Forgive me if this across a little blunt ... This has the feel of being taken from a camera phone. The lighting is a proble for me.
09/29/2005 07:24:01 PM
OMG, too dark and noisy. Nice try tho.
09/29/2005 04:08:25 PM
Dark image, poor quality.
09/29/2005 01:58:36 PM
I think I would have tried to fix the lighting, or found some way to get the can clearer.
09/28/2005 07:48:10 PM
The lighting is really bad, maybe a longer exposure to let the light of the fire to fill the picture?
09/28/2005 05:26:32 PM
this shot is too light...it took me a second or two to even see the pepsi can...the fire is pretty, though...
09/28/2005 04:35:53 PM
Tough lighting and metering to get right on one of these shots. Did you play around with levels in post at all?
09/28/2005 04:28:50 PM
needs post processing
09/28/2005 12:57:00 PM
Picture appears too dark. Maybe a second light on the can would have helped
09/28/2005 03:22:32 AM
Nice fire, but overall quality is poor.

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