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Newborn Sleeping
Newborn Sleeping

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Shadows (Classic Editing)
Camera: Kodak DX3900
Location: Home
Date: Jun 9, 2002
Aperture: Auto
ISO: Auto
Shutter: Auto
Date Uploaded: Jun 11, 2002

This is our newborn who just came home from the hospital. She had a slight case of jaundice and the doctors said it would be good for her to sit in the sun.

Place: 120 out of 138
Avg (all users): 3.8378
Avg (commenters): 3.5000
Avg (participants): 3.6900
Avg (non-participants): 3.9590
Views since voting: 1012
Votes: 222
Comments: 17
Favorites: 0

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06/24/2002 09:48:00 AM
Congrats on the new baby, Tim! :)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/21/2002 07:23:00 PM
The blanket he's laying out distracts from the photo. For this type of shot, I would've tried a solid color blanket.
06/21/2002 03:44:00 PM
Just out of curiousity -- what does it look like in black adn white? Also, is there a particular reason the picture is turned this way. It almost looks like the baby is flying or falling face down. Babies sure are cute aren't they. especially when they are asleep.
06/19/2002 12:59:00 PM
This is a cute baby :) A possible improvement here would be to get a bit closer and crop off the right side of the image... nice shot :) - jmsetzler
06/18/2002 11:53:00 PM
I would have preferred to see this with longer shadows so they are more pronounced.
06/18/2002 07:39:00 PM
Turn this one 90 degrees counter clockwise. The little one looks suspended in the air.
06/18/2002 04:28:00 PM
The composition on this shot could be a lot better. The items on the floor are a distraction. I'm not sure I see the point to the odd angle, either.
06/18/2002 03:28:00 PM
Infant pictures should show the beauty and innocence of your baby. This does a disservice to the child. There are so many other ways to have taken this baby's picture.
06/18/2002 09:36:00 AM
great snapshot
06/17/2002 09:47:00 PM
beautiful baby...not so beautiful photo to enter a contest. All of those different blankets and textures together are ugly...I can barely see the shadows fro the loud clashing patterns. Did I mention the baby's beautiful?
06/17/2002 06:07:00 PM
Is this your best use of shadow? Or a wonderful family keep sake snapshot?
06/17/2002 05:02:00 PM
Sorry to ask, but lower end camera? Appears a bit smudgy, could be from over sharpening, also. Nice shadow lattice (spots of sun and shade).
Photo 7 Creativity 6 Shadows 6 total 6
06/17/2002 04:34:00 PM
There's something so peaceful about sleeping newborns, isn't it? Have you considered taking this photo from a different angle, if possible, maybe more face on so that the baby's face is visible? Also, I would try and save the image with a larger file size, there's a lot of pixelation visible that shouldn't be necessary. Last but not least, while there's shadow in the photo, it's totally not the focus, sorry.
06/17/2002 04:28:00 PM
Too many compression artifacts.
06/17/2002 03:06:00 PM
Shadows on a newborn, cute baby! I would like to see stronger more defined shadows. What might have made this better (easier said than done) is casting a strong shadow from a direct light source using the baby's mobile or some such thing. Also, shift baby off center to get rid of the distraction from the left side.
06/17/2002 02:46:00 PM
Cute picture, yet the quality of the image is not quite right
06/17/2002 03:37:00 AM
kill all babies

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