Author | Thread |
06/05/2007 03:03:57 PM |
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09/13/2006 10:12:11 AM |
Erotic squash. Will it be in the supermaket soon? |
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09/13/2006 09:58:27 AM |
this could a result dirty & sinful idea |
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10/25/2005 12:21:47 PM |
This is very sugestive, looks like You have influences of Helmut Newton and Weston, You make me smile!
Particulary, I like more the B&W version. Covering the botom of the chayote You achive a dramatic picture (Weston never atempt this with a fruit)
Good work!
Message edited by author 2005-10-25 12:22:40. |
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10/25/2005 07:24:52 AM |
Brilliant and beautiful!
Well done.
Congrats to you on the ribbon and to the forum for voting it.
Message edited by author 2005-10-25 07:25:58. |
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10/23/2005 07:38:40 PM |
Originally posted by rightsaidfred: If Shrek's wife dropped her pants...hmmm, oh never mind... |
Thank you for that laugh. you find it disturbing at all that you dressed a vegetable in panties? |
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10/23/2005 07:35:02 PM |
Oh my god. My family cooks chayote once a week in tomatoes, with eggplant or just slice and fry as french fries.
Im my 33 years of knowing this vegetable, Ive never seen it as sex alleghory.
Bravo on your imagination.
Can you tell me how u achived this lighting?
MAggie |
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10/22/2005 06:15:01 PM |
Reminds me of an image I took a while back.Image |
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10/22/2005 10:38:19 AM |
THAT is genius!!! Congratulations. What an amazing shot! |
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10/22/2005 09:17:11 AM |
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10/21/2005 09:41:58 PM |
If Shrek's wife dropped her pants...hmmm, oh never mind... |
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10/21/2005 04:34:08 PM |
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10/21/2005 11:06:16 AM |
Is this from the porno version of the Wizard of Oz? |
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10/21/2005 08:51:41 AM |
Okay, this has to be my favorite 'nude'. :) very creative and very unusual! Congrats! |
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10/20/2005 09:20:59 PM |
A stroke of veggie genius. Congratulations on your Red. |
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10/20/2005 02:30:29 PM |
Oh my God, I read all the comments and I can't stop laughing. I love this picture it's one of my favourites.I like the other two also,especially the black and white. Awesome job. |
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10/19/2005 11:50:11 PM |
congratulations on an image that made me laugh a lot ! It fits the theme and sex sure does sell. |
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10/19/2005 11:40:36 PM |
What can I say?
Congrats on the Yellow Red Lev.
Somethin very wrong about ANY vegetable that looks like this... LOL |
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10/19/2005 10:13:09 PM |
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10/19/2005 08:31:24 PM |
Congratulations on your 3rd place win! |
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10/19/2005 01:21:03 PM |
Thanks once again for all the comments (47 during the challenge!), i had a blast reading them! Just a quick observation: contrary to my expectations, among all comments only a handful were angry or judgemental - and all of them, without exception, were from men! Women, on the other hand, were uniformly supportive! Way to go, girls!
Message edited by author 2005-10-19 20:56:40. |
10/19/2005 12:52:48 PM |
Congratulations! Hot veggies rock!!!! Love the lace undies. |
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10/19/2005 12:50:05 PM |
I was embarresed to see this shot!!! Wonderful interpretation and shot. Congradulations on your ribbon. |
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10/19/2005 11:29:39 AM |
Congrats. Anybody who sees that in veggies rocks. HEE HEE |
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10/19/2005 09:42:14 AM |
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10/19/2005 09:27:35 AM |
Congratulations Lev - you have achieved the ultimate DPC goal. To go out on a limb with something controversial and suceeded with flying colours (yellow to be exact). I love that this has made it to the front page. DPC GOLD imho. |
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10/19/2005 09:05:24 AM |
outtake two looks too faked. imperfections are not a bad thing, i would have given a higher rating to the one that you posted than your outtakes. |
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10/19/2005 08:19:29 AM |
Originally posted by 1olddawg: Sorry but this does nothing for me sexually or photographically. |
I have to add...that I'm very grateful that it doesn't nothing for this person sexually....I would have been concerned if it had.... LOLOLOL!
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10/19/2005 07:31:01 AM |
what a great shot! the lighting in this is especially pleasing. congratulations! |
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10/19/2005 03:03:55 AM |
LOL, I'll never eat a choko without thinking of that now. (At least that is what it is called in Oz). Must check out the veggie dept. more thoroughly at the markets from now on. :-)
And another thing...maybe you could get big bucks for that on E-bay, and I want 20% of the proceeds. :-) :-)
Terrific shot.
Message edited by author 2005-10-19 03:05:15. |
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10/19/2005 01:55:45 AM |
Well seen and shot, Lev! Love the addition of the lace. Many congrats on your ribbon! |
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10/19/2005 12:53:59 AM |
horrifying! how could you do this to a vegetable! nice lace btw |
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10/19/2005 12:37:34 AM |
Gawsh, Lev, that's downright LEWD! (wink) Who'd have thought a staid chayote was so passionate? Congrats on ribbon! |
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10/19/2005 12:17:05 AM |
This is fantastic. Great lighting and presentation. I am so happy to see that we can have fun here. Congrats!! |
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10/19/2005 12:15:34 AM |
Hey it's Mrs HULK.. congrats i love it |
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10/19/2005 12:12:38 AM |
Whoo hoo! For you as well as the DPC gang, nice to see such uh, blatant humor win a ribbon! |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
10/18/2005 09:36:53 PM |
Interesting conceptually, sends a strong message. 9 |
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10/18/2005 09:25:07 PM |
This is just too rude but I like it! LOL |
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10/18/2005 04:29:03 PM |
That is very suggestive, nice job. |
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10/18/2005 11:05:05 AM |
Great use of lace. Qute clever! Love the dramaticness of the colors.
10 |
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10/18/2005 10:35:30 AM |
It's so wrong it's right. Great job. Just stay away from my garden. :D |
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10/18/2005 08:25:58 AM |
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10/17/2005 08:04:48 PM |
terrific, though your DOF makes it look like the "panties" are in focus and the veg isn't quite...I'm rating it highly in any case. |
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10/16/2005 09:43:05 PM |
8 - 'Good'. Criticism; some finer lace to enhance the 'illusion' may have made this better in my opinion, however I do like the color & texture combinations you have achieved with this. Lighting seems good, particularly given the 'shine' of the 'subject', was likely difficult. Shame about the 'eroded flesh'. |
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10/16/2005 04:04:21 PM |
OK ... so that's just really wrong. :) This one goes with the tropical phallic photo. |
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10/15/2005 10:44:10 PM |
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10/15/2005 11:34:56 AM |
This is outrageously hilarious, best by all means |
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10/15/2005 11:28:17 AM |
very naughty. nice focus. 8 |
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10/15/2005 10:21:46 AM |
Excellent! Great lighting and composition. One of my few 10's |
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10/15/2005 07:17:13 AM |
Sorry but this does nothing for me sexually or photographically. |
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10/14/2005 10:56:43 PM |
After some thought...moved you from a 4 to a 6 |
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10/14/2005 05:00:00 PM |
Hahaha full frontal veg. Nice lighting and focus but i still can not bring myself to give it more than an 8 |
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10/14/2005 04:52:43 PM |
Well...I'm sure you'll be seeing many comments on THIS one! ;^) Where did you find that ?? vegetable ?? - I thought it was a pear at first glance. Then you could have done 'Forbidden Fruit'.
I should have looked for another one of these...
...our veggies could have gotten together! He-he.
Message edited by author 2005-10-19 08:05:10. |
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10/14/2005 02:52:35 PM |
Is this a frontal or backal veggie? |
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10/14/2005 02:17:47 PM |
Great,great,great. You could have forced more levels for better effect.
Darkening it up a little bit. You've got a great eye |
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10/14/2005 08:48:51 AM |
Ohhhh, something naughty! You might get some low scores from prudes. Someone took a bite? Hmmm. Can't figure out what vegetable this is. Like the lighting, the composition. Excellent find. 8 - good luck in the challenge! |
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10/14/2005 07:41:49 AM |
Great photo ! You have the lighting perfect and the panties are a excellent choice. Is that scar a tatto that she had removed? 10 |
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10/14/2005 06:00:10 AM |
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10/14/2005 04:14:46 AM |
Ok, I blushed. A well done shot. |
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10/13/2005 10:51:51 PM |
Front side or back side? Can't figure it out. Either way, it should get that gash checked! |
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10/13/2005 09:29:16 PM |
That is uhh....yeah...good photo...or...yeah... |
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10/13/2005 07:31:21 PM |
Yikes! The lace makes it that much more realistic. 6 |
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10/13/2005 12:08:41 PM |
Interesting vegetable find, but It looks like it has an STD (syphilis chancer). Very good lighting. The addition of the lace was quite clever. |
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10/13/2005 10:43:43 AM |
Oh this one made me laugh :) Great idea. Would have been better with more light. |
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10/13/2005 10:23:27 AM |
Very creative. Lighting is well done and the fits the challenge perfectly. |
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10/12/2005 10:25:53 PM |
If it wasn't so human looking, for the challenge purpose, I would have thought this to be a ribbon winner. Just an awesome shot and idea. I won't ask you how you thought of this LOL. |
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10/12/2005 08:10:32 PM |
Gee that thing better go get it's rash checked out. |
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10/12/2005 05:04:10 PM |
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10/12/2005 03:38:47 PM |
HAHAHAH this is going into my favourites right next to the phallic radish!!
1 <3 vegie porn!! |
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10/12/2005 02:14:28 PM |
I like it, a 'That's Life' homage, did Esther Rantzen submit this? hehe |
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10/12/2005 01:14:55 PM |
Well done, I wouldn't have included the lace though. |
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10/12/2005 12:19:11 PM |
Mmmm, don't find it very tasteful altho' get the picture. Ultimate objective of voting here still remains photo appeal. |
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10/12/2005 10:13:25 AM |
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10/12/2005 10:10:16 AM |
ROFLMAO This is awesome. Love the lace. The lighting and placement is well done. It's so funny, cause I was at the grocery store looking at bell peppers, hoping to find something as well done as this. The focus seems to be just a smidge off. Maybe it's me and I need more coffee. GREAT |
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10/12/2005 08:28:28 AM |
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10/12/2005 08:27:12 AM |
Oh my, looks like you shaved a bit too much! lol This is great! I can't look too long at this while at work, people might get the wrong idea and I'd be stumped to try to explain. Nice lighting and composition to make this look like what it's supposed to be (I think). Great conception, uh... wait, I mean imaginiation. |
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10/12/2005 06:13:18 AM |
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10/12/2005 01:46:28 AM |
Lewd, innapropriate, and hillarious. 8 made me laugh out loud a bit |
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10/12/2005 01:37:46 AM |
This seems borderline naughty. Funny though. |
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10/12/2005 12:53:22 AM |
i am cracking up!! too funny!!!!!!! |
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10/12/2005 12:44:17 AM |
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10/12/2005 12:22:46 AM |
Hahahahha....ahhhh...HAHAHAHAHAHA....ahhhhhhh, yeah...that's quality.
I'm still laughing... |
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10/12/2005 12:16:12 AM |
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