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Celebrate Pets that Fly
Celebrate Pets that Fly

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Celebration (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
Location: Aurora Colorado
Date: Oct 9, 2005
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/100
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Oct 9, 2005


Place: 137 out of 137
Avg (all users): 3.6986
Avg (commenters): 3.3000
Avg (participants): 3.5652
Avg (non-participants): 3.7643
Views since voting: 1072
Views during voting: 329
Votes: 209
Comments: 23
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/16/2005 09:04:08 PM
I would have given this an 8 if the bird was in focus! 4
10/16/2005 11:49:41 AM
the branches are in focus, but the pet isn't ...
10/16/2005 09:21:56 AM
Wow, what a great action shot. Love the colors but its a bit out of focus. Great wings, love the feathers spread apart like that.
10/15/2005 09:28:51 PM
wow! it's very excellent & gorgious.i am very impress to see this pic.keep work hard "GOD bless u" khuda hafiz
10/15/2005 07:13:11 PM
The door is beaurifully in focus.
10/15/2005 06:39:34 PM
the focus is on the tree and not the bird.
10/14/2005 12:09:14 AM
Your subject is blurry and the background is in focus. What happened?
10/14/2005 12:00:07 AM
blurry and noisy. the focus seemed to have been on the perch and the door rather than the bird itself. the colors are muted as well. no pop!
10/13/2005 12:55:58 AM
Not a bad subject, but the focus really hurts this (oversharpening unfortunately does not help much, believe me I know). I think this subject just needs more attempts at catching the bird in focus. Also, if you could move the branch & bird further from the door, that would let the background fall into a softer focus, leaving only the bird as the focal point of the image.
10/12/2005 04:47:21 PM
too bad it's focused on the door
10/11/2005 08:49:24 PM
Sure, why not, who doesn´t like pets that fly. This shot however isn´t really working IMHO as the focus is on the door in the backround and not the bird so I frankly gave this a 4, had it been the other way around I would probably have given this a 6 or even a 7 but it´s hard to tell. Oh well, at least the timing was right, hope you get the focus right next time.
10/11/2005 08:24:51 PM
unfortunately, the focus is on the door not the bird. The colors are great tho!
10/11/2005 05:37:44 PM
what a spectacular flight shot! it looks like the camera focused on the branch and pvc pipe instead of the bird, though. such a shame! and with such vivid colors, too! groovy wing span, and groovy shadows too.
10/11/2005 04:08:07 PM
focus ?
Celebration ?

10/11/2005 03:35:31 PM
the de-colorization may lead your to a brownie
10/11/2005 01:38:03 PM
way out of focus.
10/11/2005 10:47:36 AM
very soft focus
10/10/2005 11:16:15 PM
a bit blur...
10/10/2005 08:42:09 PM
I wish the bird had been more in focus rather than the tree and doorway in the background. Keep trying and I'm sure you'll get a great shot of the bird in flight. Looks like a very beautifully colored one.
10/10/2005 07:46:37 PM
You captured your subject beautifully and lighting shows off the colors brilliantly. Unfortunately the focus is on the door in the background. Try a larger apeture for action shots if your camera allows that adjustment. It's also possible the bird was just too close for the camera to focus correctly.
10/10/2005 03:57:53 PM
Great capture. Out of focus however.
10/10/2005 03:36:37 PM
Easy on the sharpening! DOF is off too.
10/10/2005 01:29:20 AM
If the bird was in focus, this would be a great picture! It looks like he/she has some nice colors.

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