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October feast
October feast

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Celebration (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Location: Hervey bay, Australia
Date: Oct 9, 2005
Aperture: 6.7
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/90
Galleries: Family, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Oct 9, 2005

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Place: 136 out of 137
Avg (all users): 3.8932
Avg (commenters): 3.4444
Avg (participants): 3.7059
Avg (non-participants): 3.9855
Views since voting: 754
Views during voting: 298
Votes: 206
Comments: 19
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/16/2005 07:25:13 PM
Not clear to me what this is, wouldn't know without the title.
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10/16/2005 02:51:19 PM
Doesn't look like a celebration, just an afternoon at the bar
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10/16/2005 09:47:38 AM
Just a snapshot and not a very good one: too far, too small and it's tilted. Can't see how it's a feast.
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10/16/2005 06:45:55 AM
A little too far away to feel the celebration..
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10/15/2005 09:25:27 PM
I am having difficulty with this image representing celebration.
The wide perspective crop on this is fine, but the way the curved roofline come in & out of the picture is distracting. It appears this was a small part of an original image due to the lack of detail, unless a bit too much noise reduction was used. (4)
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10/15/2005 01:02:36 PM
too far away to focus on anything.
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10/14/2005 10:59:50 PM
For me, the main focus of this photo is the large banner, which unfortunately is blocked partially by the white cylindrical object in the foreground - which is distracting to me. I wonder how this would have been if you were closer to some of the people feasting? Also, be sure to try and utilize the maximum or as close to the alotted 640 pixels as stated in the challenge rules. Larger photos can sometimes have a better impact on voters :)
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10/14/2005 11:16:46 AM
Interesting picture, Lots of stuff going on in here. With such a wide shot, it is hard to see how the people are enjoying it.
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10/14/2005 08:59:54 AM
i think this shot could have done better if we could see the 'celebration' more clearly, rather than inferring it from the title. since the major elements are structural, the uneven lines are a bit distracting. a closer shot, straight-on shot might have had more impact. good luck in the challenge!
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10/13/2005 11:58:49 PM
This image IMHO is blah! There's really nothing to peak the interest here. I gave you a 4 simply due to the fact that this just looks like it's just a snapshot as you were passing by. I don't mean to sound mean but evaluate your image again and ask yourself, \"What is the celebration in this image?\".
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10/11/2005 05:20:23 PM
while this shot does show lots of people, the focus becomes the architecture/banner because that's the only thing you can see clearly. it results in a not very interesting photo, imo. i would be interested in seeing tighter shots of the people enjoying that feast.
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10/11/2005 03:39:49 PM
definitly a celebration, but ya need to experience it. So, next time get closer
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10/11/2005 02:56:51 PM
i'm not sure of the subject matter
too nondiscript to be interesting ...the slght tilt of the brown beam is very distracting ..
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10/11/2005 01:34:05 PM
title says celebrate, photo shows nothing. needs some action.
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10/10/2005 11:16:01 PM
way too busy...
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10/10/2005 06:00:53 PM
I think it may have been better if you could have captured a individual celebration rather than a group shot. Just my opinion.
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10/10/2005 03:48:33 PM
I would like this better if the emphasis had been on some of the people.
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10/10/2005 12:44:46 PM
I'm not sure what the focus of this image is. I'm guessing its the sign, but the composition really doesn't emphasize it, especially with the pole in front. Keep trying, improvement will come.
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10/10/2005 12:30:41 AM
the picture is so small I can't see all of the drunk people
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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