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Sports Illustrated
1st PlaceSports Illustrated

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Magazine Cover (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D1H
Location: East Rutherford, NJ
Date: Jun 8, 2003
Aperture: f. 1.2
ISO: 800
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Sports, Photojournalism
Date Uploaded: Jun 9, 2003

Ok, so I got to go and edit for USA Today with photographer Bob Deutsch, however I also got to shoot for the first 10 minutes. It rocked man! Game 3 NBA Finals Nets vs. Spurs. If i was to put a caption on this photo it would go something like this.

June 8, 2003, East Rutherford, NJ == The Nets' Jason Kidd tries to defend the Spurs' Tony Parker (9) who scored the most points in game three of the NBA Finals as teammate Tim Duncan (21) looks on. The Spurs defeated the Nets 84-79 at Continental Airlines Arena

So there you go... hope you all like it! I left extra space for the title and the extra highlights and stuff. ENJOY!

Place: 1 out of 232
Avg (all users): 7.4542
Avg (commenters): 8.8788
Avg (participants): 7.3761
Avg (non-participants): 7.5285
Views since voting: 7415
Votes: 240
Comments: 64
Favorites: 8 (view)

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06/24/2003 06:51:42 AM
Congrats Talya :D
06/21/2003 12:58:22 PM
oh yeah, i still think you could improve this pic in terms of 'magazine covers'

-- adjust the white/color balance to reduce the orange cast and make the real colors pop.

-- possible crop just above the scoreboard - none of the action is happening up there.. will give you a bigger frame on the real subject matter

-- possibly lose the guy on the right and make your two main guys big as possible in the frame. judgement call on that one but i think itwould add... :)

rock on ...
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/19/2003 09:32:06 AM
Well done Talya, congrats on the ribbon. But far and above that well done on getting the editing work. Sitting in on a major sporting event and shooting it is where the real thrill is here. Stick with it, you have talent and a good eye for capturing the action, I have no doubt you will be very successful in the sports photography area. As it is an area that also interests me I look forward to seeing more of your work.
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06/18/2003 11:49:37 PM
A most excellent shot! Many congrats on the well-deserved win.
06/18/2003 06:00:42 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club.

Congratulations on your firt place at this challenge.

I must admit, I am not the best person to crtitique this photo. I personally am not a very big fan of sports photos, and basketball bores me to death. Never the less, I can still look at this photo and see its good points.
Technicaly, it's very well done. Excellent use of shallow depth of field, bringing the attention to the players in the foreground. The movemement of the players is very well captured too. You have nice obliques going on there, from bottom left to top right. This makes this shot very dynamic. It's quite a PLUS to have no other playres in the background. I assume they must be near the net... :-)
I understand you kept the crop quite large to acocmodate the title and all. But I personally think the crop could be a lot closer, focusing onthe two main players. They have such a dynamic energy glowing around these two, it would be fantastic to crop the photo closer to them. It would probably still work with a magzine title, like they usually do (cover part of the title with the models/players heads).

Nice use of Neat Image (you must have used it, right? After all, you shot at ISO 800... there should be more noise in there at 800. If not, then wow! You got a fantastic camera!). Very nice colors and all.

All in all, a well executed sports journalism shot.

Message edited by author 2003-06-18 18:03:05.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/18/2003 10:50:41 AM
Looks professional. Congratulations! You did a great job!
06/18/2003 10:50:19 AM
Way to go..great action shot. The gals did alright this week.
06/18/2003 09:17:57 AM
great shot and well deserved win...
06/18/2003 09:12:17 AM
Now you can say you are an award-winning sports photographer! That'll beef up your resume a bit. : ) Congratulations on a well-deserved ribbon!
06/18/2003 09:10:31 AM
Way to go! Well deserved! You're certainly on the right track for this career :)
06/18/2003 08:20:48 AM
Rider ... that rocks. And to win with sports photography ... your intended profession. Good show. Congrats on the blue ribbon. You won't have to borrow mine anymore.
06/18/2003 08:17:45 AM
06/18/2003 08:07:12 AM
wooo hooo! congrats Ridergal! Great shot!
06/18/2003 07:43:24 AM
Congrats! What an excellent experience and awesome shot.
06/18/2003 07:21:13 AM
Woohoo! Congrats on your first ribbon!
06/18/2003 06:12:30 AM
Great shooting Ridergal - This picture got the only 10 I've given for the last 2 or 3 weeks and is just a terrific shot. I'd be honored to share the front page with ya :P Really, nice work here. It's a helluva shot. Congrats - Bob
06/18/2003 03:46:21 AM
To everyone who commented on my image during and after the challenge THANK YOU! This was a very meaningful shot to me in a few ways...
1) It was my first pro game with a press pass
2) It was my first pro, championship game (with or without a press pass)
3) My first time getting to work with Bob Deutsch, a wonderful, seasoned photographer who is the main USA Today photographer stationed in NYC
4) My first ribbon on DPC
5) It's a part of history, the Spurs won the championships :-)
6) I managed to get it in the very short time I had to shoot because I was there to edit... 10 minutes!
Plus I just enjoyed shooting it... I LOVE SPORTS!

Let me just say, I am so pleased to have gotten a ribbon, let alone a blue ribbon, let alone in open against 231 other photos! What an honor because there definitely was some good stuff in there! This whole week I was on edge... and the last 30 minutes before the switchover I was seriously BOUNCING off the walls. When I found out I had gotten first there were so many friends from DPC there to support me and share in my happiness which made it all the better! Thanks to everyone!

A few more details for all of those who were so curious on how I got such good seats and got so close to the action

I dream of being a photojournalist, specializing in sports. I have worked for this dream for 5 years now and I have tried to make contacts throughout the profession. I just happened to make the right contact (Bob Deutsch) at the right time, when he was low on people to edit for him. He took me along to this game. I got an official press pass complete with my photo on it... we got to the game before 3 pm (8:30pm start) we set up all of his remote cameras and got everything ready. USA Today happened to have been assigned two spots so I got to sit in one for the first ten minutes of the game! Right on the floor on the left of the basket that the Spurs were going towards for the first part of the game, and directly in front of Michael J. Fox! I was so close to the action, and to give you an example of how close this shot was taken with a 55 MM MANUAL FIXED LENS! (it's an F1.2, no I didn't use a flash or strobes) it was truly awesome, and this shot is almost full frame! To make things sweeter I was sitting between two very experienced photographers 1 from Reuters and one from AP... pretty cool! The rest of the game I spent watching it from a television as I edited (cropped and captioned) Bob's photos and sent them directly out to USA Today. I was underneath with the rest of the press, and I sat next to the photo editor from NY TImes. This was an awesome event! Truly... thanks to everyone for making it that much sweeter by giving me my first ribbon! (exception goes to the one "troll" who gave me the 1 ) Thanks again!


Talya AKA RiderGal

P.S. In case you were wondering if I did ok with my editing... the answer is a big YUP :-) Bob actually invited me back for the next night THE STANLEY CUP!!!! I didn't get to shoot, but it was still just as cool :-)

Message edited by author 2003-06-18 03:48:42.
06/18/2003 03:18:49 AM
Killer shot. Congrats on the ribbon. You earned it.
06/18/2003 01:10:16 AM
Congrats! What a professional photograph. I knew this would be number one. Right place, right time, right challenge. Way to go!
06/18/2003 12:56:16 AM
Great shot. You definitely get great shot opportunities and take advantage of them! Nice stop motion shot and capture of emotion. The blacks seem a little light - maybe a slight curves adjustment? Congrats on the well-deserved win!
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06/18/2003 12:47:35 AM
Talya! Great shot! I shoulda known it was you! This is right up your alley. Congratulations on your first ribbon! Let us all know when that Sports Illustrated job comes through!
06/18/2003 12:43:20 AM
Great shot, congratulations! Sure wish the Spurs had won though.....
06/18/2003 12:36:57 AM

Congrats on a great photograph. Nice ribbon too!!! Spurs won the series though - Go Tim Duncan.

06/18/2003 12:11:10 AM
How fitting that the blue ribbon go to the photograph that shows how the San Antonio Spurs (Now, NBA Champions) took it to the nets.
GO Spurs GO.
By the way, I wish I had the chance to sit courtside at the finals.
Great shot
06/18/2003 12:08:49 AM
great shot ridergal, this shone out. Even though I didn't vote for this challenge, I glanced through the images, and I had another look at this one, several times. Well done matey.
06/18/2003 12:04:31 AM
woohoo!!! i knew this was blue ribbon from the beginning! congratulations on your first ribbon...amazing shot!!
06/18/2003 12:03:56 AM
Congratulations, Congratulations, Congratulations!
06/18/2003 12:03:37 AM
It's your 'thang'...sports and you do it well. Way to go!!!!!
06/18/2003 12:03:22 AM
I just knew that this one was yours. Congrats on the win and your first ribbon. Hope this is a sign that you might get the job of your dreams someday. Again, congrats on a well done photo!
06/18/2003 12:01:32 AM

Nice job!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/17/2003 10:50:46 AM
Great capture and I like the horizontal lines of the blue court surface and the lights and boards at the top. 8
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06/17/2003 04:54:21 AM
Fantastic image, everything in the right place and one of those opportunistic gems that take lots of effort to get.
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06/16/2003 09:07:57 PM
must have been a very exciting game! :) I like the action in the shot, I know there were probably more action packed scenes to be captured here, but I like the mostly uncluttered composition here (if that #21 would have gotten out of your shot, how insensitive of him! ;)) One of the best of teh challenge, and one of only a tiny tiny handful that I think could actually be considered for a cover. Nicely done. Can't wait to read all the neato details about what it was like to take this. :)
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06/16/2003 07:06:44 PM
This shot rocks with anticipation! I love the way Kidd's feet are off the ground and he's moving laterally. This is a really good shot - if Parker was driving a bit harder on this shot, you'd have had a cover shot. Unreal good as it is and the access doesn't hurt! 10
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06/16/2003 03:51:07 PM
Nice action shot! I wish I had those seats! You've adjusted well to the existing lighting here, or did you bring special lights and ask everyone to pose? LOL. Great work!
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06/16/2003 12:51:50 AM
Classic. How did you get down on the floor for this one? Not to mention how did you afford tickets?
06/15/2003 06:44:25 PM
It's a good action shot, I gave this a 9.
06/15/2003 01:41:41 PM
wow!! this is a great capture!! i can really see this as a Sports Illustrated cover. excellent work!
06/15/2003 12:13:50 AM
Fantastic. How did you get on the floor?
06/14/2003 12:26:09 PM
Easily could be the current cover for Sport's Illustrated. Beatifully captured image and very timely. Great stop action shot.
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06/14/2003 04:53:19 AM
Great shot! Lots of room for type. 9
06/14/2003 12:51:11 AM
Wonderful Job. This should do well
06/13/2003 11:29:58 PM
Cool, I am watching game 5 as I write this. Excellent shot. Although this looks more like a shot from inside the magazine, it still is a perfect catch.
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06/13/2003 06:08:36 PM
Excellent gradient down to the left from the tall guy - well done - a 9 for me
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06/13/2003 05:40:52 PM
were you sitting with the press photographers? wow!!! excellent shot. looks like there is a pinkish tint over the whole photo which causes the colors not to be as clear. the white could be whiter, etc. 10
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06/13/2003 04:03:27 PM
FANtastic photo! Got challenged, eh? Very clear, great color, very good stopped action shot! 10 Rob the Swash
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06/13/2003 03:49:22 PM
A perfect example. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up. And I don't even really like sports. But I love this shot. Very very nicely done.
06/13/2003 08:15:26 AM
Great action shot. Pity No. 21 couldn't make up his mind if he was in or out of the shot :)
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06/13/2003 01:43:29 AM
Yeah baby, this one might also win. Great one. You get my 2nd 10 for the voting. Good luck!
06/12/2003 06:42:59 PM
Very nice. Perfect use of space for a magazine title.
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06/12/2003 06:39:42 PM
man oh man you got in close
06/12/2003 04:31:20 PM
Great action shot, definitely belongs on the cover of SI
06/12/2003 03:58:12 PM
VERY NICE WORK! You've managed to capture the intensity on their faces absolutely perfectly. What a great entry. :)
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06/12/2003 11:44:42 AM
Yup, its good. Not sure about the no21 player, but ihes not too intrusive.
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06/12/2003 12:44:21 AM
This shot is so awesome, you had to get it validated :) How about a bit more contrast to make it a ten!
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06/11/2003 11:44:16 PM
Wow, great shot! 10
06/11/2003 09:16:16 PM
what does your image need to be validated for? Nice action image.
06/11/2003 06:00:37 PM
Umm, he must love your job-- ya know its a 10
06/11/2003 01:57:08 PM
From the DOF to the stopped action, to the intensity on the player's faces, this is what this site is all about. You have created a pro shot that would do well on ANY sports magazine! 10 -danny
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06/11/2003 12:50:41 PM
Wow, an amazing shot! Clean, sharp, the sport action is well captured. The expressions on the players' faces tell a story, which would certainly encourage me to read the accompanying feature article. Plenty of space at the top for the mag title. This is certainly something I'd expect to see on the cover of sports illustrated. A professional-looking shot.
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06/11/2003 12:40:04 PM
This is a nice shot, perfect magazine cover for Sports Illustrated if the Spurs win. Go Spurs! 10
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06/11/2003 12:03:56 PM
Way to go! One of the few shots in the challenge that *REALLY* meet the challenge. Nice work!
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06/11/2003 10:19:01 AM
Very good shot - meets the challenge extremely well. Quite professional quality. 9
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/11/2003 01:12:19 AM
Good one...

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