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 This image was disqualified from the Wide Angle challenge.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Wide Angle (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED
Location: Lisbon
Date: Oct 16, 2005
Aperture: f10
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Cityscape, Landscape
Date Uploaded: Oct 16, 2005

Vasco da Gama Bridge.

Edit After the challenge:

So many thank's for every one that hleped to put my photo in the ribbon corner. I can not put in words what this means to me. thanks for all the comments.

Let me do some explanation about post processing:

The image is from Vasco da Gama bridge, in Lisbon, in the Lisbon side. I was there to take some shoots of a park mad for skateboarders and bikers. It was late in the afternoon and it was a very clowdy day.

The original image was a bit underexposed and I used levels to correct it a bit. But the grass and the sky were's as apealing as I wanted them to be. I selectively selected the sky with magic wand, just the sky above the bridge and ajusted contrast a bit, and enhanced saturation of it. Then selected onlt the grass with the magic wand and copy it to a new layer. As some portio of the bench and the lower bridge was also copyed, I deleted this bits with the eraser tool. Then set the blendig option of the grass layer to linear dodge and ajusted opacity. Resized with bicubic sharper to fit challenge size.

A million thank's to you all.
Disqualification Details
Your photograph must be taken after the challenge is announced. Your camera's date and time must be set to correspond with your local timezone. Please review the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 5038
Views during voting: 397
Comments: 61
Favorites: 19 (view)

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10/25/2005 04:44:42 PM
Nuno, I am disapointed that your image was DQ'd because of a technicality. I thing it is an outstanding image and deserves the recognition of a ribbon.

One of the images I chose as a winner.
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10/25/2005 02:58:40 PM
A beautiful image..I would be proud of it if I were you..no one can take that away!
Remember the ribbon is virtual...and you REALLY won it..the rest is just technicalities...
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10/25/2005 02:55:48 PM
No ribbon, but the shot is still just as good. Well done and sorry about the DQ.
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10/25/2005 02:55:33 PM
Sorry to see the DQ Nuno. It's still a lovely image though :-)
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10/25/2005 02:25:59 PM
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10/25/2005 02:18:46 PM
It's a shame this was DQed. I wanted to add it to my favorites, but now I can't. :( Beautiful shot!
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10/25/2005 02:01:52 PM
Wow...so sorry about the DQ. I thought this was the best entry overall. Your the real winner in my eyes...
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10/25/2005 04:09:00 AM
Os meus parabens, Nuno.
I'm delighted to see you won a ribbon, which happens to be the logical thing with this wonderful pic.
The bridge leads you to infinty (and beyond!! ;) and the people in the front adds some sense of scale.
A must see when visiting Lisbon for sure!

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10/25/2005 01:22:41 AM
Parabens nuno uma foto muito bem conseguida dessa nossa bela ponte...
Great shot Nuno. Wonderful bridge this is. a very well won ribbon.Very well composed...
Happy to see us portuguese winning some ribbons hehe.
Keep up the good work.
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10/24/2005 10:08:51 PM
Congratulations, Nuno. I am delighted to see your name on the ribbon page ... I have admired your stuff ever since your Long Exposure image, which was cruelly under-estimated by the voters. This one is very beautiful and also a little more DPC-friendly! I did not vote, or even look at the entries until now, but this image would have been in my top two choices. Bravo!
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10/24/2005 09:27:39 PM
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10/24/2005 05:03:02 PM
Congratulations on your first Ribbon with this wonderful image! Very nice work!
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10/24/2005 08:57:29 AM
Congrats on your well deserved Third Place and your first ribbon. That's a beautiful shot, deep as well as wide. The people and the color of the foreground add a lot to it for me.
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10/24/2005 07:59:12 AM
Great to see this in the winner's circle!! Beautiful shot!! Congratulations.
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10/24/2005 07:19:34 AM
Woohoo! I was glad to see this one won a ribbon. Beautiful job!
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10/24/2005 05:02:08 AM
beautiful, congratulations!
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10/24/2005 04:55:49 AM
Very nice, I like this better than the other two that ribboned.
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10/24/2005 02:41:20 AM
Wonderful shot, congrats on the ribbon.
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10/24/2005 02:37:05 AM
That's a really sweet shot; it's understaed enough to grow on you. The composition looks better and better each time I see it.

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10/24/2005 01:25:57 AM
Well deserved win. Love this. Congrats!
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10/24/2005 01:02:09 AM
Fabulous use of wide angle and composition. Congratulations!
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10/24/2005 12:51:27 AM
Perfect scene for the competition, and so beautifully composed! Congratulations on your first ribbon.
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10/24/2005 12:37:07 AM
What a vista! Congratulations on your yellow! Very good work.
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10/24/2005 12:34:13 AM
Fantastic. Congratulations!
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10/24/2005 12:16:58 AM
One of my favorites of the Challenge. Congratulations.
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10/24/2005 12:10:43 AM
congrats on top 3 ;)
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10/24/2005 12:10:14 AM
Congrats! Beautiful shot!
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10/24/2005 12:06:00 AM
Nice Ribbon...I gave an 8!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/23/2005 11:05:55 PM
Great shot for wide angle , one of the best.
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10/23/2005 06:05:40 AM
WHOA thats is a BIG bridge! great shot as well 10
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10/22/2005 10:17:52 PM
SO very nicely done! Top ten in my book - this really shows what a wide angle can do - and does it with grace and elegance! Perfect composition.
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10/22/2005 06:52:03 PM
this is so interesting! very nice capture!
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10/22/2005 02:59:08 PM
Wondering if you posed the people. I like their angles...the v's created bringing the eye to them,.
Great phtograph. 9
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10/20/2005 08:51:51 PM
wow, where is this? beautiful spot to take photos.
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10/20/2005 12:33:28 AM
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10/19/2005 05:19:23 PM
The leading line and incredibly deep DOF make this a great picture. Is the horizon (not the grass) level? or is that an optical illusion from the bridge? 9
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10/19/2005 03:59:01 PM
Perfect angle. Really wide...9
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10/18/2005 06:53:23 PM
Fantastic. This is what it's about. Good luck!
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10/18/2005 02:03:45 PM
Beautiful image...superb composition. I do hope you will revisit this site/angle/composition when you have a lil bit more to work with sky wise. Still a lovely photograph. A 9
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10/18/2005 12:29:28 PM
Wonderful bridge! Where is this located? I love the angle used to get this shot.
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10/18/2005 12:18:49 PM
This great shot meets the challenge perfectly and is exceedingly well composed. It is simple but effective and like it a lot. 10
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10/18/2005 11:03:17 AM
Oh my! What a spectacular wide angle shot. 10
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10/18/2005 08:00:05 AM
Very nice. I love the couples on the benches and the composition of this shot. Too bad the sky was dreary but still an excellent photo.
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10/18/2005 05:44:15 AM
A nice shot with a good overall composition. The wide angle gives a nice long view to the bridge. I would have liked to have seen a little more definition to the clouds. Not sure if a grad ND might have helped to give a little more details or not. JMO.
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10/18/2005 05:37:55 AM
no need for words...10
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10/18/2005 02:48:18 AM
Excellent contrast, perfectly chosen black point, and nice framing. If anything, you were betrayed by the drab light that day (or time) but I still like the softness.
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10/18/2005 02:24:28 AM
awesome! you have my 10 but you've got some steep competition...
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10/17/2005 10:56:01 PM
Awesome....Great job..!!! 10
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10/17/2005 08:48:57 PM
very nice! Good composition and wonderful dof .... nice and wide!
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10/17/2005 03:29:53 PM
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10/17/2005 02:02:26 PM
I love the simplicity of this photo. Not too cluttered. Great line with the bridge that draws your eye across the image. Nice foreground subjects. Nice placement of the bridge in the frame. Very good job. You'd get a ribbon from me...10.
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10/17/2005 01:00:57 PM
I'm in love with this one. :)
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10/17/2005 10:35:29 AM
wonderful juxtaposition of the modern and traditional! well done!
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10/17/2005 10:24:17 AM
Well executed shot. The people really define the scale of the whole scene. Only real room for improvement would be for mother nature to provide a better sky but I can't mark you down for that. 8
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10/17/2005 08:50:24 AM
beautiful shot
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10/17/2005 05:16:22 AM
Very nice... I would have been tempted to clone out one of the couples and the left-most bench too make it even cleaner
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10/17/2005 01:50:49 AM
great lines in this picture. I'm sure a lot of people are going to tell you that. they're right. the people add a lot to this picture as well. while this picture has a lot of merit, I feel like it's lacking a strong focal point. My eye is sort of drawn to the bridge tower, and sort of drawn to the people below it, but neither really grabs me. a version of this with a bit more contrast between the tower and the sky (darker tower, maybe) might be worth seeing.
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10/17/2005 01:26:39 AM
black and white and closer and you have a 9!
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10/17/2005 01:20:04 AM
Very nice lines. Excellent challenge photo. Maybe would have liked to see more colors come out in the sky.
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10/17/2005 12:53:13 AM
One of my winners. 10
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10/17/2005 12:29:07 AM
WOW! Awesome! 10
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