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 This image was disqualified from the Reflections Without Mirrors II challenge.
Trakoscan in the mirror
Trakoscan in the mirror
the Pljuc

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Reflections Without Mirrors II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Olympus C-5050Z
Location: Trakoscan castle-Croatia
Date: Oct 18, 2005
Aperture: 5
ISO: 64
Shutter: 160
Galleries: Architecture
Date Uploaded: Oct 18, 2005

panorama-seven portrait pictures stiched
Disqualification Details
Composites: You may not post-process your entry from or to include elements of multiple images, multiple exposures, clip art, computer-rendered images, or elements from other photographs. Please review the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 1355
Views during voting: 402
Comments: 26
Favorites: 0

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10/31/2005 03:01:50 AM
Beautiful work!!
10/30/2005 10:18:36 PM
10/30/2005 08:14:49 PM
masterful job in stitching. your website has some amazing work in it also. this image is amazing sorry it didn't fit the challenge rules.
10/30/2005 07:23:19 PM
Too bad about the DQ, it is such an awesome photo. Don't be too bummed you still did awesome work.
10/30/2005 05:38:31 PM
dang man sorry about the dq...this is a sweet photo. Don't let it get you down...clearly you misinterpreted the rules.
10/30/2005 05:34:14 PM
Too bad about the disqualification. I understand though. Try to read all the rules very carefully once so you understand them so we can see your work get a ribbon soon!

10/28/2005 02:03:08 AM
First and foremost, this is a sweet image. It fits the challenge well, great colors, and excellent reflection. Only problem is that it is not a legal photo to enter in any challenge on this site. In the Basic editing rules (//dpchallenge.com/challenge_rules.php?RULES_ID=10) it specifically states:

"Your entry must come from a single photograph, taken during the specified challenge timeframe. You may not combine multiple exposures. You may not post-process your entry from or to include elements of multiple images, graphics or text such as multiple exposures, clip art, computer-rendered images, or elements from other photographs (even those taken during the challenge week)."

I realize this is your first entry here, but there are no excuses when a Disqualification request is placed for your image. Good luck in the future and I hope to see more of your (legal) work!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/25/2005 06:16:00 PM
wow! that really is a fairy tale image! beautiful.
10/25/2005 09:31:47 AM
Wow great color and reflection. The composition seems a little bit too busy. Keep up the good work!
10/24/2005 05:47:08 PM
Beautiful, so crisp and clear.
10/23/2005 10:36:07 PM
such vivid coloring - and the water is sooo calm - great job!
10/23/2005 09:09:55 PM
That'a absolutely beautiful...great image.
10/23/2005 04:41:58 PM
Very good picture with interesting subject, nice color and very good choice in framing. My compliments.
10/23/2005 08:20:32 AM
This makes me want to visit
10/22/2005 02:39:01 PM
Too much scene. I would have framed the structure more. Although this would work with a large print size.
10/21/2005 11:06:15 PM
Nice focus and beautiful colors. Well done.
10/21/2005 10:57:32 PM
great composition
10/21/2005 01:35:08 AM
I find it hard to believe that this is a photo of a real place.. It's otherworldly... awesome... Wow! ... voted as real... nah this must be an excellent painting ... did you cheat?
10/21/2005 12:16:45 AM
8 - Nice. Criticism; it is the 'crispness'/sharpness that appeals to me most in this shot. A different crop, especially tighter on the right, may have made this better in my opinion. If also possible, a 'wait' for a 'different sky' may have also given this something 'extra'.
10/20/2005 09:06:29 PM
wow detail to the max...very cool :D
10/20/2005 08:58:41 PM
I would have liked to see it alittle closer to the castle Perhaps a 90 degree image. Still very beautiful image. Nice job! -7
10/20/2005 10:10:20 AM
A beautiful scene, perfect mirror image, well done!
10/19/2005 10:34:28 PM
This looks too beautiful a scene to be true =;-) Lovely.
10/19/2005 07:34:16 PM
Wow! nice capture.
10/19/2005 05:21:10 PM
beautiful photo. The lilys and reeds in the foreground really add to overall effect I love the color saturation as well.
10/19/2005 01:32:20 AM
the challenge specifically said reflections without mirrors...but I don't see a mirror here? I like the surreal look, not the title.

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