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hoary spray
hoary spray

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Image Grain (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 135mm f/2.8 Soft Focus
Location: Downing, WI
Date: Oct 23, 2005
Aperture: F2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/2500th
Galleries: Floral
Date Uploaded: Oct 23, 2005


Place: 65 out of 274
Avg (all users): 5.6738
Avg (commenters): 6.5000
Avg (participants): 5.5565
Avg (non-participants): 5.8611
Views since voting: 1283
Views during voting: 264
Votes: 187
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/30/2005 07:32:23 PM
Interesting photo. I've been looking at it for a moment and trying to decide if Neat Image was used - and can't decide. Bumping up one point after second look.
10/30/2005 11:20:52 AM
This is an interesting shot for a grain challenge. I just finished commenting on another shot in the challenge that I felt suffered from a loss of detail due to the noise, and the subject was similar to yours in that it was plantlife that had fine lines. In your photo, which honestly has finer lines, the detail does not seem harmed, and the softness added by the noise actually helps the shot along. If this shot had been very sharp, I think some of the effect would have been lost. Good job.
10/30/2005 07:55:13 AM
one of my favorites this challenge -- soft and warm
10/29/2005 06:58:12 PM
Grain on softness makes a very interesting combination, unusual to combine but it works well. Good luck, I am sure you will place well.
10/28/2005 11:00:24 PM
This is a nice photo. However, It leaves me wondering whether or not the grain really enhanced the image. To me, grain works best in photos that are dark, contrasty or moody, or to provide an "aged" look. This seems to me like a good image that had grain added to it for a contest, rather than an image that was enhanced by the use of grain. Keep shooting! :)
10/26/2005 10:27:55 PM
8 - Good use of grain for the Challenge. Criticism; not much, maybe 'wider', but I like it like this. Colors are nice and 'soft', you retained the 'feel' of the seed heads, even with the grain, so well done. The 'bokeh'(?) is nice as well.
10/24/2005 12:58:49 AM
I like the muted tones. It looks old. Fun title. Good one. 8

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