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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Off-Centered Subject (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: Hickory, North Carolina
Date: Jun 14, 2003
Aperture: F2.4
ISO: ISO 200
Shutter: 1/3"
Galleries: Performance, Photojournalism
Date Uploaded: Jun 15, 2003

Local band in a local bar...

Place: 102 out of 138
Avg (all users): 5.0769
Avg (commenters): 5.6364
Avg (participants): 5.0215
Avg (non-participants): 5.2162
Views since voting: 2035
Votes: 130
Comments: 16
Favorites: 1 (view)

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05/29/2005 02:42:34 AM
Is that a Les Paul Guitar?
09/16/2003 12:33:37 AM
It woulda been better if he had been standing very still in a brightly lit space with good focus and an accurate range of tones. That's a terrible saturation and lighting for accurate skin tone. And look, his head is all blurry. Looks like he's playing an A. It woulda been better if he were playing a C or a D.
06/24/2003 02:16:10 PM
I think the thing that bothers me, is the position of the mike stand. It really intrudes on the flowing colors of this image,
06/23/2003 12:31:11 AM
Wow! what the hell happened here. How did you end up near the bottom with this shot? People just don't get it. Although I knew it would not win, I had this in my top 10.
Oh well...Live and learn. Great shot John.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/22/2003 11:15:17 PM
Very cool shot. I love the motion and the blown out colours.
06/22/2003 01:15:33 PM
The placement of the subject in this photograph meets the challenge as the musician is off center. The total blur effect, which I believe to be purposely used, in this photograph confuses me when I look at this photograph. I would like to suggest next time you attempt to capture most of the image in focus while using the hands strumming the instrument to show the movement blur. This would have had a better impact for me. I must give you a 4 for this effort. RLS
06/22/2003 04:15:22 AM
I like this pic....crazy.... wild ....and off...... centered....lol
06/21/2003 05:33:52 PM
This is a treat to view and interpret. You have captured not only the motions and sounds of this musician, but what one would imagine to be the energy of the moment and the surrounding environment. I'm impressed with the range of hues you were able to capture - this is not always easy in these settings. The saturation and contrast really provide the subject with an aura of sorts. The more I look at this shot, the more I understand that it is a harmonious union of vertical and horizontal lines. The window edge, mic stand, guitar strings, and shirt stripes all playing against the horizontal window blings, guitar frets. Wow - great job! Oh, by the way John, I like the PBase title better.
06/21/2003 02:10:39 AM
Crazy urban image. I like it. You've captured some wild movements but it hasn't totally ruined your photograph - in fact, just the opposite. Well done. Extra points for taking this and cranking it up a notch with some high contrast.
06/20/2003 04:24:38 PM
off center slightly but to busy 4
06/18/2003 12:10:46 PM
Nice take on the theme and very different to all else here - 9
06/18/2003 12:06:45 AM
A riot of colours.. . Funky movements that bring to mind a jammin atmosphere. Electric blue and electric guitars - certainly 'off center' for the main DPC style and makes me feel more is happening to the viewer's left. Might have moved to keep the three lights/reflections at the top away from the subject.
06/17/2003 02:12:36 AM
I know what you're going for here (I have tried similar things myself), but this one isn't doing it for me. your reds are too strong (i know it was intentional) and your blues blend into everything. composition is very nice...movement works well for the subject as well. i might have cropped the noise on the left a bit...but then he wouldn't be off-centre...quite a conundrum. :)
I'd like to see it with a little less (only a little) on the reds, and a LITTLE less contrast. good effort in any event. I can appreciate taking chances.

06/16/2003 11:00:57 AM
Fun colors! The motion tells a nice story here, too!
06/16/2003 09:10:41 AM
A very courageous entry for DPC considering everything is blurred :-P Love the colors and the motion, perfect capture, and the frame sets it off nicely. I wouldn't change a thing!
06/16/2003 01:31:21 AM
I'm afraid this doesn't work for me. It looks very accidental, and just a bit scary.

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