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Bad Hair Day
1st PlaceBad Hair Day

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Shadows (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot Pro 90 IS
Location: Garden
Date: Jun 16, 2002
Aperture: 8.0
ISO: Auto (50 or 100)
Shutter: 1/1000
Galleries: Still Life
Date Uploaded: Jun 16, 2002

Onion weed in my garden. Tried to put the emphasis on the shadow rather than the bottle/weeds by turning the shadow into the upright form.

Place: 1 out of 138
Avg (all users): 7.0620
Avg (commenters): 8.3784
Avg (participants): 7.0943
Avg (non-participants): 7.0333
Views since voting: 5163
Votes: 226
Comments: 49
Favorites: 36 (view)

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06/20/2006 07:25:32 PM
This is an old photo... but creativity is incredible... I am stunned. Very cool, nice... excellent... perfect idea...

Very nice :)
07/08/2003 09:45:20 AM
Amazing foto! It almost has a lithographic feel to it. I like how the lone onion appear to be in the same plane as the other three, and yet this illusion is conveniently broken by the bottle's shadow.
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07/24/2002 11:53:00 PM
That's a wonderful image. Of course, love what you did to the shadows. They are rich and beautiful. The placement is superb too. Among the shadow I see one "real" weed, nice touch. The shape of the weeds themselves is gorgeous. This is one of the best pictures I have seen so far on this forum. Posted July 24, 2002.
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06/30/2002 11:41:00 PM
congrats on the upgrade :)
06/27/2002 12:59:00 AM
For me, the onion weed in the shadow on the table was the thing that made the shot perfect.
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06/24/2002 03:05:00 PM
Wonderful shot, you have earned this award!! Congrats to you.
06/24/2002 12:17:00 PM
I gave this a 10..it's a great shot and I remember distinctly that I commented on it.Yet I can't see my comment. Did I dream that part? lol..I don't know but I loved this shot and I had made a comment on how much I liked the idea of the one weed laying on the shadow. Congrats!
06/24/2002 09:13:00 AM
Thank you all for the comments and votes! :) I was going to post a version of the shot w/out the additional onion weed in the shadow (this is by far the most common critique I got), but it seems that I deleted the gazillions of other variations I had of this shot when I tried to clean up my photos. Sorry.

Anyway, I did that, as well as turning the shadow to be the vertical object to try and put the emphasis on the shadow first, and the bottle & weeds second.

Btw, these weeds actually look that way, they are not dead! ;)
06/24/2002 08:59:00 AM
This was my favorite photo from last week! Congrats on your ribbon!
06/24/2002 08:05:00 AM
Congratulations---great picture!!!
06/24/2002 12:47:00 AM
Congrats on second :) Great photo and well deserved ribbon :)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/23/2002 06:06:00 PM
Great shot, awesome framing. I don't know why you laid the one down on the shadow though, it seems to distract from the image... i'd like to see the shot without it.
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06/23/2002 03:40:00 AM
This is art
06/23/2002 12:37:00 AM
This silly weed has more hair than I do (but I didn't dock you for it) - Great compesition and creativity. - 10
06/21/2002 08:50:00 AM
why the real one on the surface? i think i'd have liked it better without
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06/20/2002 08:41:00 PM
Is this digital?
06/20/2002 05:27:00 PM
This is one of my favorites this week for sure... The depth of field is phenomenal and i really love the touch of adding an extra 'weed' or whatever this is into the shadow... I wish I could make photos this nice... great shot! = 10 - jmsetzler
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06/20/2002 11:23:00 AM
I really like the way you mixed the shadows and the flowers. Creative
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06/20/2002 08:55:00 AM
Great idea, beautifully composed. The "hair" is a nice element that creates a very interesting shadow.
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06/20/2002 06:35:00 AM
Nice composition! I like the subject and minimal amount of color that makes this image a visually soothing shot!
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06/20/2002 01:50:00 AM
I like your shot, a lot. Even the title made me giggle. (most of them don't)
06/19/2002 10:39:00 PM
This strikes me on two levels. First, it looks like I am your gardener. Every plant in my house is either dead, or well on its way in that direction. Secondly, I would have never though of putting the flower in the shadow like you did. Good job.
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06/19/2002 02:11:00 PM
Very Nice :)
06/19/2002 01:42:00 PM
Well thought out! Very creative!!! Good one!
06/19/2002 12:04:00 PM
06/19/2002 11:56:00 AM
I love the simplicity of this photo... white background and nothing to distract the viewer. I really like the fact that you've placed a lone branch/twig on the shadow itself to separate this photo from all the other flower/vase photos. I like the way your mind works. My only 10 ever!
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06/18/2002 11:35:00 PM
I really like the concept of your picture, and you executed it very well. The buds in the shadow give a good effect. The only 10 I'm giving this week.
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06/18/2002 11:10:00 PM
Great idea - clean-looking with wonderful framing - a perfect photo. My favorite photo of the week.
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06/18/2002 10:23:00 PM
The more I look at this, the more I like it. Good job keeping the white so white. Might be a little overshaprened though. Great work.
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06/18/2002 08:44:00 PM
this is a quality shot---thanks for spending the time---10
06/18/2002 02:54:00 PM
Great angle and subject for your shadow. I can't help but wish would it would look like without the flower on the ground. I may have liked it more.
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06/18/2002 01:34:00 PM
I like this! For some reason my brain wants the vase in the lower right and the flowers in upper left, though.
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06/18/2002 09:43:00 AM
Now, THAT's a nice shot.
06/18/2002 12:38:00 AM
Is this Moon Flower pods?
06/17/2002 09:47:00 PM
I like this. You must be one of the good photographers.
06/17/2002 09:35:00 PM
Good job on this one. I like the simplicity and I think that the thistles on the left help break up the monotony of the shadow and add more interest to the overall photo. The angle of the bottle seems a bit wierd to me, but you're the phototographer, you control the horozontal and the vertical so do what looks good to you. Again, good job!
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06/17/2002 08:56:00 PM
Great shot. Your wonderful textures and lighting have acheived the sense of depth that reallly makes the shot.
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06/17/2002 07:16:00 PM
very nice composition!
06/17/2002 05:53:00 PM
Excellent use of shadows, excellent composition and negative space. The inclusion of the flower lying on the shadow gives that little extra.
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06/17/2002 05:53:00 PM
very nice! Indoor or outdoor?
06/17/2002 04:47:00 PM
I really like this image very much. Very crisp & clean, nice composition. Adding the flower along with the shadow really made the difference - makes it a much more interesting photo imho. Good job!
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06/17/2002 03:55:00 PM
So smooth - made me look twice - I like it
06/17/2002 03:53:00 PM
lol Done well, good job, good light, composition, SUPER!!
06/17/2002 03:08:00 PM
Cool flowers, I really like the starkness of this shot. Why the stem on the table (not in the glass)?
Photo 10 Creativity 9 Shadows 9 total 9
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06/17/2002 01:37:00 PM
pretty good.
06/17/2002 01:19:00 PM
I like this a lot. I just wish that one of the dead flowers wasn't lying down. It is somewhat distracting and it also takes away from that great shadow.
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06/17/2002 11:27:00 AM
I love this! You get a perfect 10 from me.
06/17/2002 10:19:00 AM
I like the idea but not the composition. I had a hard time figure out how to position the shadow and object in my photo too. I think that's the hardest part of the challenge!
06/17/2002 01:09:00 AM
Nice idea here. Excellent composition, sharpness and detail.

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