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 This image was disqualified from the Collections challenge.
Bone collector
Bone collector

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Collections (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 880
Location: Old monastery
Date: Nov 23, 2005
Aperture: F 7.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 4s
Galleries: Photojournalism
Date Uploaded: Nov 24, 2005

You may wonder who's that creep that collects so many skulls? Well, I thought that too when taking this photo in an old monastery. There is a logical explanation of this. All skulls are the skulls of the monks who lived their life in this monastery. Because the thumbs were limited, after a while they were taken out and only the skulls were kept on those shelves.

Because only a small window was available, I couldn't use my D70s and instead I've used my old camera, a Nikon Coolpix 880 which unfortunately has some dead pixels. The rules didn't permitted to remove them, so here they are :P
Disqualification Details
Your photograph must be taken after the challenge is announced. Your camera's date and time must be set to correspond with your local timezone. Please review the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 1027
Views during voting: 484
Comments: 54
Favorites: 1 (view)

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12/10/2005 04:28:11 AM
Talk about "dead" pixels... While a morbid image, it still attracts interest, mostly thanks to the lines created by the shelves, leading the eye into the image.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/06/2005 11:52:42 PM
Interesting collection...
12/06/2005 10:58:26 PM
Really nice pic, wish the shadow was not on the one skull. Good lighting, contrast and arrangement
12/06/2005 09:20:59 PM
the concept for this shot is very interesting! i wish there weren't a shadow over that one skull...
nicely composed, like the slight angle for the shelves.
12/06/2005 07:25:35 PM
Overly bright in some spot while the shadow over the one skull seems artificial or forced. Try a black veil for a little drama.
12/06/2005 06:15:46 PM
Where did you take that??? It's creepy. But... it's a nice composition...
12/06/2005 02:22:20 AM
I like the shadow on the one skull - shadow of death?
12/06/2005 01:18:28 AM
It is a crazy collection, I wish it had been taken at an even angle and that shadow over the one skull wasnt there, would have a better impact but still one of the more interesting collections I've seen.
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12/05/2005 09:33:47 PM
That's a pretty interesting photo, lots of repitition. Seems a little flat tonaly. I'm anxious to read the comments on this photo!
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12/05/2005 06:43:21 PM
The shadow in the middle really bugs me
12/05/2005 12:18:06 PM
Gosh! A most unusual collection, but what is the odd shadow there?
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12/04/2005 01:59:31 PM
any story on the shadow on the one skull in the middle?
12/04/2005 10:35:48 AM
Wow, what a dramatic subject. I like the skulls on the edges that don't have the glare. The shadow in the middle is also distracting. A nice uniform gray acriss the skulls and the shelves, contrasted with the black shadows behind the skulls would make this even more dramatic.
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12/04/2005 09:44:04 AM
How did you get this shot? A University maybe?
12/04/2005 08:40:20 AM
Very interesting collection you have there. Only comment is thgat the shadow in the middle is very distracting... Thanks for sharing this with us....
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12/04/2005 01:37:30 AM
Why the shadow on the one skull?
12/03/2005 11:09:37 PM
im not undertanding if the shadow in the middle is intentional or not. i do like this picture just not sure on that shadow.
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12/03/2005 05:17:20 AM
Nice shot, but that distracting shadow...
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12/03/2005 12:20:22 AM
Thats thats wierd and odd... Well just a little my dad collects cow scalls
12/02/2005 07:46:51 PM
if not for the distracting black spot, i would have given this a 10.
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12/02/2005 08:45:22 AM
I think this wuld be a great shot if it weren't for the one skull in the shadow.
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12/01/2005 11:37:26 PM
yikes, i hope those aren't in your house!
12/01/2005 02:34:41 PM
wow how did you take this shot?! where!? nice shot!!! good job,hope you do well!
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12/01/2005 12:56:59 PM
What is the dark splotch in the center? It really detracts from the image.
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12/01/2005 10:12:23 AM
very creepy and interesting, the shadow is a little distracting
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12/01/2005 09:53:48 AM
iieeellll :P:P great collection, but my attention goes to the dark shadow on 1 skull in the middle, to bad :S
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12/01/2005 07:20:07 AM
Wonderful and creepy! Pity about the shadow covering the one skull - it really distracts me.
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12/01/2005 01:17:06 AM
I think this could be a fantastic shot if two things were different:
The shadow in the middle were not there
The lighting were more even
The shot were straight on
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12/01/2005 12:47:44 AM
only if that one skull didn't have that shadow
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12/01/2005 12:19:22 AM
errie shot but a good one as well
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11/30/2005 08:39:00 PM
nice idea, but that shadow makes things distracting.

ligting nice, great lines, black good, whites need work, nice texture.
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11/30/2005 07:52:11 PM
are those real ones?
11/30/2005 07:40:45 PM
cool subject...nice pic even... but perhaps a more 'artistic' view of them would help?
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11/30/2005 07:29:16 PM
are they real??
11/30/2005 06:24:22 PM
I find that one that is in shadow distracting to the rest of the image.
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11/30/2005 06:21:00 PM
Creepy! The shadowed skull doesn't make much sense.
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11/30/2005 05:55:09 PM
Spooky collection dude :) 6
11/30/2005 04:18:54 PM
The one shadow is very distracting.
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11/30/2005 02:33:50 PM
Wow. I'd love to know where this was taken. GREAT pic.
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11/30/2005 01:42:39 PM
seems really sharp
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11/30/2005 12:47:01 PM
Okay, you've got my attention, where is this? I have a similar shot in my portfolio so I wouldn't mind some back story here. I like the b/w tones however there are a couple of things that are troublesome IMHO. Your light source is clearly overhead center frame. I'm left wondering where this dark shadow is coming from dead center in the shot? I'll assume that there is some kind of object interfering here?

I would like to see a change of perspective and perhaps eliminate the strange shadow that is causing the viewer too much distraction. You've got a great theme going on here that is WAY outside the mainstream box for DPC and for that, congrats. A little more tweaking and this shot would have some serious impact.

Good luck!
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11/30/2005 12:22:15 PM
OMG. What is the dark one in the middle? A ghost?
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11/30/2005 09:54:11 AM
Original, but I don't like the shadow or dark spot on that one skull in the middle. It's distracting in my opinion. Still like it.
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11/30/2005 08:58:31 AM
Good shot, even when I dont like the models......:-)
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11/30/2005 07:13:59 AM
Okay, is there a reason there''s a big dark shadow in the middle of the pic?


THis couldve been more impactful had you used a few candles and took a different angle I reckon...

Sure, if you didnt have that luxury...
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11/30/2005 05:59:26 AM
6 - Like the potential. Criticism; that shadow on the skull in the second row is too distracting and detracts too much from this image. A different crop, perhaps even a sharper angle (side on), and possibly more symmetry, would have made this a much better shot in my opinion. Not sure on the toning, works, but either needs some 'tweaking' or else maybe color, or another 'toning' would have been better, not sure.
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11/30/2005 03:55:05 AM
The shaddow in the middle ruins this picture for me... without it I would have given it an 8... now 5
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11/30/2005 03:13:46 AM
That is fascinating. Is that the shadow of your camera on the fourth row up? Maybe you could have positioned it so the shadow fell in a gap... still, wow. Interesting to look at.
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11/30/2005 02:42:56 AM
That one shadow in the middle is very distracting, but overall I kind of like it. In a somewhat morbid way.
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11/30/2005 02:37:31 AM
11/30/2005 02:22:36 AM
This is a very interesting shot. Morbid, but very neat! ;o) There is one skull with a dark shadow falling on it which I think is a little distracting to the photograph as a whole, other than that, I wouldn't change a thing!
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11/30/2005 01:23:18 AM
Ahhhhlrighty then. I pray this has something to do with your profession. ;-)
I think a sharper angle showing some of the skulls much closer would have made it more dramatic and that shadow on the one skull frankly creeps me out. Very unique!
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11/30/2005 01:11:35 AM
Creepy! :) Did you purposely move the skull with the dark shadow forward? :) Good luck.
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11/30/2005 12:50:40 AM
weird and awesome!!!!
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