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Industrial Bronze
Industrial Bronze

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Industrial (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 8700
Location: Mobile, AL
Date: Nov 26, 2005
Aperture: f2.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/31 sec
Galleries: Portraiture, Nude
Date Uploaded: Nov 26, 2005

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Had this idea immediately after seeing the Industrial Challenge. Was hard finding a model, but I think I got a really good one for the job.

Shot in a dark shop with only a set of halogen work lamps and a reflector. White Balance was off, but I like the warm colors that came out after desaturation.

The model was oiled with massage oil and sprayed with water and allowed to get dirty. The water helped a lot with keeping sparks from burning her bare skin.

Btw, she had a blast with the grinder.

Post-prodcution : Autolevels, Saturation -40, Brightness -20, Autolevels again, resize, sharpen

Related thread Here

Place: 61 out of 223
Avg (all users): 5.6452
Avg (commenters): 6.5833
Avg (participants): 5.3077
Avg (non-participants): 5.8085
Views since voting: 27771
Views during voting: 865
Votes: 279
Comments: 86
Favorites: 37 (view)

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10/21/2012 01:39:31 PM
This might be my favorite photo on DPC.
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03/14/2011 11:37:46 AM
i still think this is your best shot.
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01/11/2007 10:20:55 PM
That is SUCH a WOW shot in all respects!
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06/16/2006 01:58:18 PM
I'm installing some deck rails next week, is she available? Beautiful shot, nicely done.
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06/07/2006 01:39:25 AM
How did this shot get a 5.6????? That is ridiculous. It is a wonderful and playful version of industrial, wit a nice composition, lighting, sharpness! DPC baffels me? Great shot!
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04/29/2006 02:45:05 AM
This image is now being added to "my favorites" as lately it has been seen in some of the threads, and once again I feel to so deserved a "RIBBON" in the challenge.....

I have also added fotomann_forever as a favorite photographer as well.....
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03/11/2006 01:48:27 PM
I can't get enough of this photo. I think its total ribbon worthy on every level. Just so Imaginative and well executed.
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02/04/2006 01:33:52 AM
I like the expression of her face. A great photo from many points of view.
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12/17/2005 10:20:10 AM
Vastly underated, for risk of scorching and nipple burn alone.
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12/11/2005 12:10:22 PM
Hello from the Critique Club!

I have already left an extensive comment very similar in style to my critiques. If you desire to have another opinion, please PM me and I will arrange it.
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12/10/2005 04:51:02 PM
Very nice indeed. Should have finished higher IMHO.
I'm a bit worried about having a model use a grinder without safety goggles. What if she loses an eye ? Insurance ?
Just wondering if you gave it any thought.
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12/10/2005 04:24:57 PM
I can see a smile..she was trying hard but having fun. Maybe that's what a forced expression is. Hope the brake shoes were asbestos free:)
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12/09/2005 09:48:07 PM
this really needs to be hanging up in someone's garage..nice work..
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12/07/2005 10:12:32 PM
i think this is outstanding! very evocative of pin-up calendars from years back. i agree with some of the others, though...if she was wearing goggles, it would be perfect. don't let the negative comments get you down. there ARE people on this site who recognize artistic interpretations. :)
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12/07/2005 08:32:40 PM
This is an amazing looking photo. Great Job.

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12/07/2005 08:15:41 PM
I wouldn't worry about the negative comments if I were you. Some people just have serious problems dealing with nudity in any form, and their prejudice prevents them from seeing anything containing nudity as art.

Obviously, a lot of people like the image, including me. Heck, it's already got more favorites than many ribbon winners have. Be proud of your work, and ignore the bozos.
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12/07/2005 06:36:06 PM
The more I look at this photo the more I think its amazing. The color of the light coming from the sparks onto her body seem natural to me and convincingly appropriate for what she is working with.

The 'forced' expression looks perfect to me. She is grinding something with force, not to mention how dangerous this sort of work is, I think the strained expression fits within this scenario.

The oil on her body is perfect because it illuminates the lighting on her voluptuous body. This photo is very controversial it appears, and that makes it all the more appealing to me.

I love your models shape (curvy and not all boney) and kudos to her bravery to pose for this shot. I think it should have ribboned personally.

Do some more like it!

Message edited by author 2005-12-07 18:36:58.
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12/07/2005 05:41:34 PM
To expand on my earlier comment and support my vote on this:

Composition - her pose looks very forced/fake. Like she is being yelled at to stand still or something. The skin, to me, is very unappealing in this setting. If there were beads of sweat to show activity, maybe, but as it is she just looks like she needs a shower. Her expression is strange and adds to the 'forced' look of her pose. Above the head there are two flares or errant sparks or possibly something in the background that make it look like her head is skewered (perhaps adding to the strange expression). I find the beams and structure elements in the background to be very distracting - below her arm, above the grinder to the left. The lighting across her chest/face is very bright and in conflict with the rest of the image.

Although she has a grinder in her hand, I don't get industrial from it. She could be in her garage working on a sculpture which is not industrial. Too ambiguous in my opinion. A grinder is not indicative of industry, just a power tool. Having her nude is totally unnecessary. A pair of dirty overalls with no shirt would have been just as good and stronger in my opinion. Saftey goggles would have added an element that would lend to industrial, but not necessary.

The focus seems slightly off or it is the color/processing. The line of her back has a distinct red line that is separate from the shadow. Whatever it is she is grinding on is not sharp either and the bright spots on them draw away from her face (might be a plus but I don't think you intended it that way).

The overall color...her skin looks yellow, not tanned or white (I have calibrated monitors and have viewed this image on three - I see the same on all). The browns and rust, if developed more, would offset that some. The background would have been better if all black and the faded objects in it were not visible at all or else completely visible to support an industrial setting.

EDIT: Typos only

Message edited by author 2005-12-07 18:26:52.
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12/07/2005 05:08:10 PM
Just in case anyone is interested ... I'm selling prints HERE
12/07/2005 02:35:43 PM
This is fantastic. Artistic and ballsy. Unfortuantely, there are many people on this site that lack an appreciation for either.
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12/07/2005 02:01:40 PM
Have to give you some major props for this shot dude... Although I didn't vote in this challenge (missed it unfortunately), it would have garnered a 9 from me. This is an amazing photo on a lot of levels. Kudos to you for thinking of it and executing it so well. Beautiful job.
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12/07/2005 12:35:01 PM
I cant belive this got 23 1´s.....

I like this pic:)
some dirt on the gloves and maybe on her body would have I think added to the mood of it.

Message edited by author 2005-12-07 12:35:51.
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12/07/2005 12:17:18 PM
Just so you know, my husband and I discussed your entry in depth. He gave it a 9 and I did not vote but would also have rated it high. Our discussions touched on a few points: She really should be wearing goggles and clothes (safety only), reminds us of "rosy the riveter," excellent POV, a little over neat imaged, well done for a basic challenge. There will always be those who assume that any nudity is gratuitous or pornographic. Wouldn't worry about it - you did good. :) Ah - ignore the neatimage comment. Must be the massage oil. :)
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12/07/2005 10:14:58 AM
I am at a loss to why so many votes were so low for this artistic image. Were they afraid that it could win, so voted low, as it is such an artistic photo. Maybe protection glasses could have lessoned the lower votes, but I love the image the way it is. Be proud of your talent, as it is still worthy of being in the industrial challenge and should have got a medal, and thats why I voted it as one of my favorites. SHAME ON THOSE WHO VOTED IT so low, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME.
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12/07/2005 08:34:59 AM
Ignore the 1s,2s,10s,and9s. The majority votes were 5-7. Any time you jump out of the box with your thinking, it will either be considered mediocre or the next new rage. Perhaps if this challenge was called "Nudity in the Workplace" you would have scored much higher. Don't become disgruntled with voters here, go out and find a photo gallery that understands your creative style and make your fortune.
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12/07/2005 07:40:40 AM
I saw your post in the forum and I understand completely your reasons for being upset. This is simply beautiful and seriously I think you would have done a lot better had it been a members challenge rather than an open one.

All the 1's probably came from those who just don't get art and dislike nudes. Don't let this stop you though. keep up the beautiful work.
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12/07/2005 06:34:17 AM
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12/07/2005 06:01:59 AM
Wow, I thought this was going to be one of the finalists.

Your score was destroyed by all the 1's. Why?!?!

I'm sorry to see such a great photo ranked so low.

Good luck next challenge!

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12/07/2005 05:27:35 AM
Didn't vote this challenge, but would have given it a 9.
Two things keep it from a 10 in my book...

1) Would have liked to see more detail in the hair.
2) The commenters are right, the expression in her face is awful.

Pity that more don't get it. I would ask if it was "worth it" for Van Gogh to cut off his ear, but they'd probably say no to that too... with a consenting adult who is aware of the risks what's the problem? And put clothes on her and you've got Rosie the Riviter. The nude adds 1000% impact to me.

A GREAT shot, something for you to be very proud of. Worthy of my favorites list, anyway. :)
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12/07/2005 05:25:15 AM
I think this picture should have scored alot higher !!

I didnt vote but it would have got a 8-9 from me !
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12/07/2005 04:17:50 AM
Who can explain it..... they're a funky lot the voters, It's a great shot as you know deserves better than it got but then again so do all mine too...lol... seriously, you were robbed mate. don't loose heart, pick up dust off and crack on with the next, like wot i does do.
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12/07/2005 03:25:14 AM
Hell yeah it looks painful... Ever have burning sparks landing on your heaving breasts???
PS: Awesome shot!
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12/07/2005 03:23:40 AM
Wow. Is it a perfect image? No. Is it a wonderfully creative interpretation of the industrial challenge? Hell yes.

About the only thing I really dont like about it is the slightly pained expression on her face... it looks a bit, well, painful.

Other than that, I could nit pick some more, but it would still be a fine image :)
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12/07/2005 02:59:07 AM
Hey Leroy,
Here's what I have to offer:

This is a superb image in terms of artistic vision. The overall image works well in the lighting and subject, smooth skin and the amount of "mystery" in what is not shown. The sparks are perfectly captured, balance out the shot and create a strong focal point for the viewer as well as the model's point of focus.
My only dig on this is something I am not sure can be or coud be prevented - the slightly smaller/disproportionate size of her head (or what is viewable anyway of her head) and her body. The low camera angle being the obvious cause of it.

Great vision and creativity on this overall.
It's NOT always about the scores you know. I would have been proud to have done a shot as nice as this, knowing I would get many low votes, as it is not one that appeals to all.

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12/07/2005 02:41:00 AM
Anyway, thanks for all the comments and praise. You guys are all awesome.

Message edited by author 2005-12-07 02:52:04.
12/07/2005 02:18:03 AM
Very well done.
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12/07/2005 01:20:20 AM
Originally posted by corrie:

where is her safety gear,it only takes one spark to loose an eye.is the photo worth it

For the uninformed: It usually takes a chunk of hot metal to put out an eye. Sparks just hurt. I do think the addition of safty glasses would have added to the image.
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12/07/2005 01:03:28 AM
I struggled with this one because I at first didn't like the waxy look on the model but in the end I gave it a 10. It was only one of three 10's. My scores are just average but I certainly can see a well done photograph. I can't believe this received 23 1's.
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12/07/2005 12:49:58 AM
This is both classic and fresh. yumm, this is good. just fantastic.
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12/07/2005 12:47:46 AM
Normally I am in favor of gratuitous nudity- wait, I mean normally I am NOT in favor of gratuitous nudity and I am not very willing to stretch very far to "see" someone's vision of art. To me it either is or is not artistic - to me. Having said all that, I missed this one in the voting, but I would've given it an 8 or 9. I don't see the nudity as gratuitous and I do see it as very artistic and if I thought about the "point" you were making, it would not be hard to get the contrast you pointed out.

In summary, I think it was an awesome and unique shot! Very creative, artistic and great for the challenge. Has the wow factor and the out-of-the-box element everyone is always yammering about.

Voters, eh, whaddya gonna do. Take pride in the shot, it is a masterpiece. And remember, that's coming from a guy named "Art" ;-)

Message edited by author 2005-12-07 00:48:55.
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12/07/2005 12:40:29 AM
Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!! 55 votes of 3 or under!?!?!?! I just don't get it....

Leroy, I don't know if this will help but this shot IN NO WAY should be sitting 61st. I thought for sure that it would place much higher than it did. Shame that others didn't find the beauty in this shot. Great idea and execution. Props to your model and you for, dare I say it? Thinking outside the box!
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12/07/2005 12:39:43 AM
I didn't vote this challenge. I would have given this a 10. Well done. My first thought, for this challenge, was to do something similar. Just couldn't find a model. Again, well done.
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12/07/2005 12:26:35 AM
This is a shame. should have ribboned in my opinion.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/06/2005 09:36:06 PM
That's HOT !!!
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12/06/2005 05:37:20 PM
A very courageous entry with a great amount of appeal. Tones and comp are excellent and returning for a bump up... :)
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12/06/2005 03:15:02 PM
although its a lovely image i dont think nudity was nesicary in this shot, but thats just my oppinion
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12/06/2005 01:14:43 PM
Tut tut, no safety glasses! 8
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12/06/2005 08:11:18 AM
i love the clash between beautiful and delicate with rough and industrial..good job
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12/06/2005 02:03:25 AM
I think the softness of the woman against the hardness of the grinder is wonderful! great job!
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12/05/2005 05:28:40 PM
This shot suprised me as I was looking through the entries. I like the contrast of the soft skin of the model and the harshness/danger of the grinding wheel.
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12/05/2005 02:32:44 AM
where is her safety gear,it only takes one spark to loose an eye.is the photo worth it
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12/04/2005 08:10:08 PM
I'm sure there are many voters who will vote this one reasonably high. sorry but I just don't care for this art form or photographic style. Good luck.
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12/04/2005 08:08:50 AM
Where is the need for the naked girl? -And why does she look like a waxwork?
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12/03/2005 10:15:29 PM
I think the picture would have worked better with her dressed. This is not an artistic nude. More like porn. Sorry that you can not see my point of view... as i love nude art .. always have ... :)
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12/02/2005 03:32:42 PM
Where are the Safety Goggles?! LOL!
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12/02/2005 02:15:01 PM
gratuitous nudity...poor safety habits.
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12/02/2005 12:00:16 PM
Where was the health and safety officer when this was taken, behind the lens?
Grinding in the buff, it's not big and it's not clever.
Don't do this at home kids!
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12/02/2005 11:50:49 AM
dont think the intended subject contrast hits the mark.
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12/02/2005 10:20:20 AM
Wow, fantastic picture. Love the sparks flying and her body with the sweat, fantastic. I don't usually care for nude pictures but this is the best I've seen yet. Nice interpretation, well done.
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12/02/2005 07:19:14 AM
what a game girl.
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12/02/2005 03:21:04 AM
wow.... this is great color and contrasting.. Looks like a golden glow from her body (why naked?? :P). I give 9
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12/02/2005 03:09:19 AM
This is a goood challenge! I just saw my favourite kind of worker!
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12/01/2005 06:39:32 PM
i dont think ehr nudity adds to the pciture at all i think it takes away from it. mind you, shes a pretty girl but still.
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12/01/2005 05:04:25 PM
One of those images that can adorn a calendar and make it a collector's item. Nice work.
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12/01/2005 05:31:36 AM
Now what an interesting photo that is.
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12/01/2005 04:09:28 AM
wow, this beats them all and i have to vote high as it is a super shot, and it would be one in a trillion to ever see this in the real industry world.
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11/30/2005 11:31:48 PM
Very creative take on the challenge. Excellent compostion and lighting. I hope you reward your model well for posing like that with those sparks.
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11/30/2005 09:32:55 PM
A fine image of art, & Industry....10
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11/30/2005 08:36:17 PM
different, thats for sure...
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11/30/2005 08:07:40 PM
You know, I like this photo, but not for this challenge. The requirements were industrial, not nude. You would never see a nude person working in an industrial setting.
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11/30/2005 05:38:42 PM
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11/30/2005 04:48:53 PM
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11/30/2005 01:52:38 PM
She should be wearing eye protection. Her skin has too much shine. (Maybe she isn't real?)
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11/30/2005 12:43:19 PM
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11/30/2005 11:47:46 AM
I imagine thats a bit like frying bacon naked. Gosh this was a risky shot. But you pulled it off with good execution. Would liked to have seen her hair pulled back or her having a mask on. Still pretty good. 10.
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11/30/2005 11:10:12 AM
Ah, the sheer audacity gets a 9...Hi Fotomann
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11/30/2005 11:05:13 AM
What, no eye protection!?!
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11/30/2005 10:55:41 AM
I like how the model is sweaty and greased up.
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11/30/2005 10:40:03 AM
Excellent contrast in textures
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11/30/2005 07:42:19 AM
Beautiful view of the Industrial world!
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11/30/2005 07:06:49 AM
AND THE WINNER IS........... YOU! 10 from me, 11 if I could.
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11/30/2005 06:30:10 AM
A mask would have been a good touch
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11/30/2005 02:38:13 AM
This is utterly amazing!
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11/30/2005 02:24:49 AM
Lovely take on the industrial theme. You got the sparks perfectly. Really lovely curves on the model. 10 (and added to my favourites)
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11/30/2005 02:12:46 AM
Okay, that's got to hurt! Props to your beautiful model for enduring some pain for the sake of the shot. Fantastic idea but the only thing that's not working for me is that it seems a bit over done with the neat image. Still a 9 from me.
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11/30/2005 12:57:31 AM
Wow, very hot shot!!!! Very creative, nice lighting, nice angle!!!
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