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frozen moment
2nd Placefrozen moment

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study IX (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Location: Kleifarvatn - Iceland
Date: Nov 27, 2005
Aperture: 8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/20
Galleries: Landscape, Water
Date Uploaded: Nov 27, 2005

I saw these icicles from above and imagined that a low viewpoint might be good. There was no room for a tripod so I Placed the camera on a rock just above the water surface. I was really surprised that the image was level and no rotating was needed.

. Model Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL
. Date/time original 27.11.2005 11:25:33
. Shutter speed value 1/20 s
. Aperture value f/8
. ISO speed ratings 100
. Exposure bias value 0.00 EV
. Metering mode Pattern
. Flash Flash did not fire.
. Focal length 10 mm
. White balance Manual white balance

Post processing:
In RawShooter essentials 2005
Created two exposures one as a base image and one especially for the sky.

Base layer, I don't have the exact values but here is a rough reproduction:
. Color Temp: 4750
. Tint: -23
. Apperance: Outdoor normal
. Exposure compensation: 0,60
. Fill Light: 54

The sky layer:
. Color Temp: 4750
. Tint: -24
. Apperance: Outdoor strong
. Exposure compensation: -1,55
. Saturation: -42

In PhotoShop
. Levels
. Masked the sky
. Selective color on the sky to match the color of the water surface.
. Resize
. UnsharpMask
. Add Border

Place: 2 out of 519
Avg (all users): 7.4722
Avg (commenters): 8.4324
Avg (participants): 7.3460
Avg (non-participants): 7.8182
Views since voting: 17858
Views during voting: 568
Votes: 288
Comments: 81
Favorites: 50 (view)

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05/10/2006 03:17:23 PM
I keep coming back to this one - it's just wonderful and is possibly my favourite image on this site in the landscape category. Just wonderful.
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04/29/2006 11:24:11 PM
My Lord, this is great! Love how still the water is, and what great ice captures!!
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12/21/2005 08:54:38 AM
the depth that you've captured here is what i find missing in my shots. this is simply incredible.
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12/13/2005 11:40:14 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon Arngrimur.
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12/11/2005 12:08:38 PM
Arngrimur, congrats on the red ribbon, and thanks for sharing your post-processing details! I am going to have to try this technique.
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12/10/2005 01:28:21 PM
Interesting shot. Looks like something from out of this world. Congrats!
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12/10/2005 10:33:25 AM
Congratulations! Happy to see you up here.
(back from the hospital, heavily drugged, and this looks even better!)
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12/10/2005 05:38:39 AM
A nice frozen job!
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12/10/2005 01:49:41 AM
Wow...somebody is clearly on fire.

Another fantastic shot. I'm sure this is even more impressive in a larger size.
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12/09/2005 11:35:03 PM
Absolutely beautiful. Congratulations.
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12/09/2005 06:39:06 PM
This picture is absolutely fantastic, it is so much fun to photograph ice but the down side is that it is usually so cold;-) Well done - congratulations!
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12/09/2005 05:47:36 PM
til hamingju með þetta.
Myndin er alveg sjúklega flott
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12/09/2005 11:54:56 AM
Til hamingju með verðskuldaðan borða! Virkilega flottir tónar í myndinni!
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12/09/2005 07:17:56 AM
This is amazing - congratulations on the ribbon. What's even more amazing is what you did to get the shot. This is a fantastic perspective. Great work!!
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12/08/2005 11:20:12 PM
Super work! Congratulations!
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12/08/2005 10:11:24 PM
Awesome shot, but I would have liked to seen what you did in ps in your comments. To me it's more important than the EXIF bc half the stuff you put is in the photograph Info right to the left of it.
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12/08/2005 09:34:50 PM
Great job!
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12/08/2005 07:35:49 PM
Beautiful shot, I love the ice! Congratulations and well done!! :)
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12/08/2005 04:25:21 PM
Another great perspective!! Well done!
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12/08/2005 03:17:47 PM
stunning, well done!
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12/08/2005 01:26:18 PM
Another of my top picks! Congrats on your ribbon!
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12/08/2005 12:29:52 PM
Great shot, great angle. Congrats on your red ribbon Arngrímur, it is well deserved!
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12/08/2005 12:03:57 PM
Rare quality in this composition. Seeing this and capturing it.. wow! Congrats!
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12/08/2005 11:58:07 AM
Congratulations, Arngrimur, on your well deserved red in this very difficult challenge!
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12/08/2005 11:42:42 AM
nice shot. Congrats on your 2nd place ribbon
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12/08/2005 11:36:55 AM
Very nice...Congratulations..!!
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12/08/2005 11:30:12 AM
Well deserved ribbon again... Congratulations! :-)
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12/08/2005 11:21:16 AM
Excellent shot and well deserved winner...æðisleg mynd!
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12/08/2005 11:14:13 AM
Congratulations on your RED. Cold, sharp and what a mood setter.
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12/08/2005 11:12:17 AM
Excellent image. Congratulations.
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12/08/2005 10:54:36 AM
what a wonderful world
thanks for sharing
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12/08/2005 10:00:20 AM
Congratulations on second place! This was one of my favorites in this challenge-the angle of camera is perfect..good thing you found that rock to put it on..wonderful image.
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12/08/2005 09:50:02 AM
The scenes from Iceland are always breath taking. I would love to see it in person. Congratulations on your 2nd place.
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12/08/2005 09:24:25 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon Arngrimur. A fantastic photograph of the stunning scenery you have there in Iceland.
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12/08/2005 08:41:19 AM
Incredible image. So cold and desolate looking! Congratulations!!
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12/08/2005 07:59:19 AM
I gave this one a 10 to see it ribbon. And it did, as it should. Congratulations !
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12/08/2005 07:58:49 AM
Amazing! Congrats! :)
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12/08/2005 07:57:37 AM
Imagineer Virtual Fave[TM]

Fantastic, rich shot in all ways. Great POV, subject and time of day. You're very lucky to view such landscape.
: )
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12/08/2005 07:56:36 AM
beautiful shot

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12/08/2005 07:24:06 AM
Til hamingju með borðann glæsileg mynd
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12/08/2005 07:23:59 AM
I know this is starting to sound like a broken record but congrats on the ribbon, well deserved, absolutely love this image, just added it to my favorites.
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12/08/2005 07:17:22 AM
Frábær mynd, til hamingju með borðann..
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/07/2005 09:49:57 PM
Stunning mirror reflections for this image. 10
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12/07/2005 09:48:08 PM
Cool... er... cold! Unusual composition. I like it.
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12/07/2005 09:00:34 PM
My pick for first place.....
And a 10!
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12/07/2005 02:45:14 AM
Beautiful! What's not to love about this image. Final bump-up.
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12/06/2005 03:11:22 PM
Nice perspective showing some close detail and distance objects/horizon.
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12/06/2005 03:49:02 AM
Great motive and photo, one of the best in the challenge, very well done!
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12/05/2005 09:31:53 PM
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12/05/2005 03:23:30 PM
The end of the ice age. Great shot and composition. -8-
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12/05/2005 02:49:05 PM
What fantastic, biting clarity you have here...emphasised by the cold blues of the shot. POV very clever but wonder if true Zen-like perfection could have been achieved by ensuring island didn't overlap with icicles on the right....true separation would highlighted the three sections of the photo better. (Genuinely a minor niggle). If you are Icelandic (which seems likely) then I should say something like 'Til hamingju'...I have no idea what it means but it seems to be a common comment on Icelandic pics!
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12/05/2005 01:47:57 PM
I love the color in this photo.
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12/05/2005 11:20:45 AM
Very nice. Like the colors and the reflections.
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12/04/2005 07:11:29 PM
I like the shapes and color in this composition..lovely reflections also.
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12/04/2005 09:10:06 AM
Out of this world image done really well. Excellent work.
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12/04/2005 12:28:14 AM
awesome tones and sense of calm.. 8
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12/03/2005 05:41:07 PM
That looks like a giant mouth! Stunning photo.
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12/03/2005 02:42:15 PM
cool. 8
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12/03/2005 01:49:19 PM
Very nicely shot.
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12/03/2005 12:45:36 PM
stunning..elegant and still..
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12/03/2005 07:09:13 AM
8 - Excellent. An almost perfect reflection, barring perspective(s). Criticism; difficult, perhaps slightly enhancing the 'blue' of the ice more, the browns in the rocks and pinks in the sunset/rise, may have made this even better in my opinion. Not sure on the frame, works but, at this size, not sure. Of course this size does not do this justice - but you know that.
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12/03/2005 06:20:54 AM
Excellent image, the reflections and lighting give it a wow factor. Definitely a "10".
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12/03/2005 05:51:22 AM
Love the colors and the glassy water. Great location and great shot!
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12/02/2005 11:48:22 PM
Not easy to forget. bumping up.
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12/02/2005 11:38:26 PM
Your angle is great, I love the on the waterline feel
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12/02/2005 08:12:49 PM
Wonderful, magical photo. Fantastic point of view. Great DOF. Love it! 9
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12/02/2005 06:46:55 PM
Wow. Very nice shot, just perfect - 10
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12/02/2005 12:10:29 PM
Top class work, well done, love the shapes and the colours
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12/02/2005 11:24:08 AM
Beautiful blue tones, amazing DOF. 10 from me.
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12/02/2005 09:33:03 AM
A low angle shot showing us the perspective of getting close to cold, flat, clear waters. The ice on the rocks and the close proximety to the water makes my teeth chatter as I gaze upon this image. As added interest to the composition we see a rock straight ahead of us such that I get the impression of steering through these large rocks as we navigate through a extremely cold river.
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12/02/2005 02:05:24 AM
Neat, definately appears in the book on climate change. Sharp and cool. One of the Icelandic lot?
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12/02/2005 01:17:27 AM
Perfect title! I always look at the picture before the title (like most people I expect) and the first thing I thought of was how still and calm everything was, just frozen in time. You captured the mood the title perfectly, nice shot! Wonderful contrast and exposure.
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12/01/2005 07:40:30 PM
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12/01/2005 06:13:23 PM
Beautiful image.
10 From me.
The colour, composition and focus is just perfect.
Good luck

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12/01/2005 05:03:35 PM
Truly amazing (10)
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12/01/2005 12:41:49 PM
Composition: 8, Technical: 6, Appeal: 8, Challenge: 10, Overall Calculated Average Score: 8
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12/01/2005 11:53:37 AM
WOW... Were you UNDER the rocks to take this shot?!? ;-) Fantastic! Clarity, color tones, processing - all terrific. Great job. 9 (Slightly tilted horizon - otherwise would have been a hands-down 10.)
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12/01/2005 08:04:30 AM
this is great!!! the reflection is so cool
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12/01/2005 07:11:31 AM
frozen moment really is a triffic shot and love the cool calm turquise colors and the wonderful reflection..... Calm and peaceful composition and has my top votes as well
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12/01/2005 06:45:57 AM
I wish you had better colors in this one, in stet I have to reduce points :(
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12/01/2005 04:10:07 AM
I'm going to take a gamble and guess that this is ribbon material. 10 and favorite. I can never get ice to look right.
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