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Portfolio Images
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 This image was disqualified from the Collections challenge.
success is one keychain away..
success is one keychain away..

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Collections (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Olympus Stylus 300 Digital
Location: fotoshop
Date: Nov 28, 2005
Galleries: Emotive
Date Uploaded: Nov 29, 2005

there is no way back..!

once you had found what you were searching for , there is no way back ...
keep going forward , never look back , whats done is done.


ps. simile to everybody..!

god loves you
Disqualification Details
No text may be added to your submission. This includes copyright statements. Please review the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 683
Comments: 4
Favorites: 0

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12/09/2005 02:12:16 PM
*Critique Club*

Location 'fotoshop' says it all. I don't know what's real on this image and what's not. I'm finding it very difficult to critique this image, but I will do my best.
The text, which is obviously a violation of the challenge rules, takes up a large part of the photo and makes what seems like a beautiful scene cluttered. Especially with the fotolog link and your name which breaks the anonnyminity of the challenge.
The words don't make much sense. It says 'there is no way back' with an arrow pointing inward the photo. However, there is the other side of the road back.
The upper half of your photo is blown out and too bright in my opinion as well. The blown out area doesn't add to the photo in any way. It erases detail in the sky and trees, that I feel would be an important part of the photo.
Focus also seems too soft. The focus on the road is ok, but it's just not enough to make the rest of the photo interesting. I think I would like to see the grass or the trees or something else in focus.
Overall it's just not an appealing image. Sorry.
12/07/2005 03:46:12 AM
Bummer Dude!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/30/2005 01:35:46 AM
I don't like the words all over the photo.
11/30/2005 12:47:19 AM
This will be dq'd. No reason to even vote. Has nothing to do with the challenge and has writing on it. Bubbye. :)

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