- convert from RAW (increase exposure, decrease color temperature from 3800 flourescent to ~3650, minor sharpening)
- convert to sRGB, resize for dpc, curves for minor tonal adjustment, add border, adjust hue/saturation and color, save.
- I'm normally against shooting RAW for many reasons including clogging up your workflow, but things were happening quickly, lighting was changing and so on...the parking lot lights were sodium vapor I guess which is a pain, these lights were flourescent, the lights on the side of the trolley were tungsten I believe as were the headlights I would imagine -- the headlights are the burnt out long streak down the center of the image...but anyway, it ended up working out good, exposing for flourescent (for this shot anyway).
I think i like the overhead...the image seems well-balanced and draws you in, and I guess it acts as a border or boundary to keep your eye inside, either that or it distracts your eye...but I guess it's not *that* distracting, as it doesn't interfere with the rest of the image...oh well, we'll see how it does, I would imagine fairly bad probably around 4.9 or so when it's all said and done. Anything less will be an outrage on what I feel is a challenge-meeting, nicely exposed, compositionally-average, photo heh. :D
Place: 96 out of 223 Avg (all users): 5.4627 Avg (commenters): 7.4000 Avg (participants): 4.9775 Avg (non-participants): 5.7039 Views since voting: 670 Views during voting: 337 Votes: 268 Comments: 6 Favorites: 0
This one says transportation to me, first and foremost. Then architecture. Then maybe industrial. Nice composition though, and the colours are rich and punchy, although I would much prefer that the ghosted lights of the train (or whatever it is), streaked right through the photo, end to end. 7 out of 10.