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Got Cheese?
Got Cheese?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Say Cheese! (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 8700
Location: Mobile, AL
Date: Dec 9, 2005
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/6 sec
Galleries: Humorous, Self Portrait
Date Uploaded: Dec 9, 2005

DPCers, Feel free to post at will.

- DPC Underground Classic

Inspired and is a parody of the "Got Milk?" ad campaign. Shot using natural diffused light from North facing window with no reflectors. Slight warming from room lights.

Also, it was a direct response to my Industrial Nude, "Industrial Bronze", and a question as to why I couldn't use a fat, middle aged hairy guy as a model and make art.

Yes, that is melted cheese stuck in my mustache and yes it DID hurt getting it out.

Post Processing:
Curves to black
Saturation Yellows +15
Saturation Reds -40
Selective Color Reds - Black -25

Place: 78 out of 107
Avg (all users): 4.1986
Avg (commenters): 5.1364
Avg (participants): 3.9474
Avg (non-participants): 4.2609
Views since voting: 15066
Views during voting: 835
Votes: 287
Comments: 109
Favorites: 15 (view)

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04/13/2011 04:43:37 PM
Originally posted by crowis:

God this shot is still awesome. I don' care how many 1's it got. When I was thinking about coming back to DPC after a long break, this was one of the images I remembered. THAT IS ART.

LOL.... nice to know it's still being remembered after all this time. I posted it on Facebook a while back, ofcourse it got deleted.... LOL
04/13/2011 11:44:56 AM
God this shot is still awesome. I don' care how many 1's it got. When I was thinking about coming back to DPC after a long break, this was one of the images I remembered. THAT IS ART.
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12/28/2010 11:56:38 PM
Originally posted by Jac:

Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

Originally posted by icdcash:

That is not funny!!!

Ypu're right... it's not. It's freakin' hilarious, even after 2 years :-D


Make that 4 years. ;\

Make that 5. This is an epic photo
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06/29/2010 09:31:50 PM
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12/15/2009 09:43:43 PM
Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

Originally posted by icdcash:

That is not funny!!!

Ypu're right... it's not. It's freakin' hilarious, even after 2 years :-D


Make that 4 years. ;\
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02/16/2008 02:20:41 AM
Originally posted by icdcash:

That is not funny!!!

Ypu're right... it's not. It's freakin' hilarious, even after 2 years :-D
01/31/2008 12:41:48 PM
LMAO... I definitely do not expose my butt cheeks in front of squeeze cheese!
01/31/2008 12:09:23 PM
Rule 2.3.4 : You may NOT expose your buttocks in the same frame as any dairy product, including artificial cheese slices and especially Squeeze Cheese.

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01/17/2008 07:16:52 AM
"You've definitely got balls, pun intended. :-d"
Comment From:
Member fotomann_forever
Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT

Are you serious? Kettle...Black :)

I Love this portrait, You are the reason for some of my recent Portraits.
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10/13/2007 10:17:52 AM
Just thought I should add a comment.. 99-->100!!!!comments ^__^
Wasn't around to see whatever happened this week.. hope everything's better..

Message edited by author 2007-10-13 10:20:02.
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08/22/2007 12:53:05 AM
Kronus lives for cheese
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06/04/2007 01:44:24 PM
Mooooo! This is indeed a brilliant shot! A little yellow curd humor to loosen up all the tight asses around here! (and technically a very well lit photo, a bit of wall shadowing but the wrapping seals the deal LD)
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04/22/2007 05:48:15 PM
That is not funny!!!
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04/22/2007 01:05:31 PM
Originally posted by Liehsc:

Sorry this picture sucks, it says cheap gay porn.

Sorry, the gay porn isn't up to the standards you'd like to see.
04/22/2007 01:50:46 AM
Sorry this picture sucks, it says cheap gay porn.
03/24/2007 08:42:08 PM
joey was here, 2007
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03/10/2007 11:10:03 AM
Now this is porn. ;)
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03/10/2007 11:01:23 AM
F'ing hilarious!
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03/10/2007 07:33:52 AM
I'd just like to say as someone who managed to offend and rile up almost as many voters as you in a challenge that you ARE the master!

Kudos for guts, ingenuity, and a truly outstanding sense of humor!
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02/02/2007 03:51:21 AM
Just looking through the comments (I don't recall if I ever had before) - Did that guy say there is no cheese in this pic??? ROFL!
On one hand, I am hoping this pic will be supplanted by the next, great contraversial one, but on the other hand, this may live on forever.
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01/24/2007 06:10:48 AM
How many prints of this have you sold? Is the figure in the hundreds yet? ;>þ
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12/19/2006 11:17:31 PM
JAJAJAJA!!! I just looked at this now... I am literally droping tears of laughting!!!... really... It`s like the most funny picture ever, and the comments just make a whole experience of it!
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09/16/2006 07:01:15 PM
... and now you've got me laughing all over again.
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08/27/2006 06:45:28 PM
Hahaa. This isss great. i love cheeese. Almost like i want to order a print of it.
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06/01/2006 04:07:01 PM
Originally posted by 1olddawg:

Really not sure what a young man with no shirt, pants yanked down, sitting on a floral couch, with a pink wall as background has to do with promoting sliced cheese. Obviously theres a form of humor here i'm missing.

this is the funniest comment of all! ROFL!
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03/07/2006 09:59:00 AM
Where from?
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03/07/2006 06:23:44 AM
Wow that is such a funny concept. The pose and expression are wonderful and the pink wall is just the ocong on the cake. If there was a ribbon for the most funny comments left you'd have it for sure !
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03/07/2006 12:20:17 AM
LOL i love it!
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02/19/2006 10:45:09 AM
lmao, good luck fotoman! haha, I actually gave this a 7 when voting, and finaly a print! hope sales go good for yah!
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02/19/2006 12:53:07 AM
what a wonderfully funny gift you gave when you posted this shot.. you must be a very interesting human - I agree with the others who said this shot made them laugh out loud. - you are good for the soul
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02/18/2006 10:25:07 PM
Only a 4.199 and yet this photo is the single most recognizable DPC photo in existence. Truly a DPC underground masterpiece.
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02/18/2006 09:59:28 PM
ROFLMAO!!! Hope you sell many prints!
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02/18/2006 09:15:35 PM
I should own up and say I was one of the people who gave a high score for this - 8, in fact. Now I'm just wondering if that's a real tattoo or a fake one?
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02/15/2006 02:45:40 AM

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02/04/2006 01:37:01 AM
I'm ashamed, so very ashamed for voting low this photo (no, it wasn't 1 neither 2, neither 3). I hope adding this to my favourites will fix the damage.
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01/02/2006 06:51:49 PM
I was cutting the cheese during the shot
01/02/2006 11:05:14 AM
No matter how this ended up scoring, you pulled off an amazing 71 comments! That has to be up there in the higher records! This photo made me laugh then wonder why I laughed! I think folks should lighten up and realize this entry was VERY creative and VERY brave!

God help us if you admit to "cutting the cheese" while making this shot! LOL!
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12/23/2005 11:22:18 PM
I'm still cracking up reading ALL the comments. This is just a laugh riot. People who can't laugh at this need to lighten up. I didn't know if you were modeling cheese or cutting the cheese! Oh damn, my eyes are tearing up now.
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12/22/2005 01:43:20 PM
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12/21/2005 11:20:30 PM
I think this pic was underrated....way under rated! I think its a great job! Nice photo, because not only are you using cheese, you are being "cheesy"
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12/21/2005 06:28:44 PM
vxpra, don't worry about it... lol... seems to be quite disturbing to many ...lmao...
12/21/2005 05:32:25 PM
This is just so wrong on so many levels. However, I keep finding myself coming back to it- again and again and again. I think this has pointed out a serious flaw in my character- or perhaps just a masochistic streak. Can someone help? I had intended on speaking to the technical merits of this photo, but can't seem to rid myself of the shame that I feel just from viewing it.
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12/21/2005 01:25:17 PM
Originally posted by psychephylax:

Say Cheese!: The old photographer's cliché is now a challenge topic. Use cheese as the subject of your photo to make your audience smile.

I hate to be playing English teacher here or come off as a DNMC critic, especially that English is NOT my native language but dissecting the description makes it pretty clear:
USE CHEESE as the SUBJECT of your photo to make YOUR AUDIENCE SMILE.

Based on the capitalized letters I had the following expectations in this challenge:
1. There would be cheese (even if implied) in the photo (Cheddar, Swiss, Gouda...etc). This cheese would be the SUBJECT of the photo. (Subject - Synonyms: matter, topic, theme. These nouns denote the principal idea or point of a speech, a piece of writing, or an artistic work.)

2. This is open to discussion but by Audience I would assume either the voters, or, someone in the photo looking at cheese

3. the photo would be somewhat funny as to make me smile.

After reviewing your photo, I feel it does not meet the challenge either because there is no cheese in the photo or because it's not funny. Yours is particularly tasteless.

Well, i found it to be funny, and as far as i can see that's cheese in the shot right? Keep up the good work, sometimes a bit of humour beats a bland well executed shot any day!
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12/21/2005 01:19:28 PM
This photo is highly disturbing to me. Even in the thumbnail it makes me cringe.....Im not sure wether to laugh, cry or blush. Good Grief!
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12/21/2005 12:09:06 PM
Oh so you're the one! I remember browsing, not voting for the challenge. I saw this, and I don't mean to be rude or anything, I thought it was rather hilarious! Very daring, I admire that in a person. The cheese-tache tops it all off, so my hat comes off to you for that. Hold on, you got a low 4 for this? Man, voters here are seriously crazy. I would thought this would break a 5. It's a really cute picture. I would have thrown you a definite 6. Such a slutty pose, yet so innocent looking. I meant that as a joke by the way.
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12/21/2005 12:05:04 PM
LMAO! Not only the picture, the comments also, too funny. Man I just can't stop laughing at this picture. 60 ones and it still got 13 10's talk about a point spread. This thing deserved a 10 for the pure "cheesyness" factor... LMAO still...
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12/21/2005 11:03:03 AM
For what it's worth, I rated this one much higher (7) than "Industrial Bronze" (5). And, no, I'm not gay.
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12/21/2005 07:48:16 AM
The challenge was make you audience smile and I sure did, I thought it would make the top 10.
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12/21/2005 06:13:52 AM
LMAOO, you got balls! I would have given you a 10 for balls and the laugh if I had voted in this challenge...Now I'm not going to eat cheese for a long while! ROFL.
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12/21/2005 02:36:21 AM

Message edited by author 2005-12-22 04:18:35.
12/21/2005 02:27:12 AM
I am not at all disappointed in the low score this photo recieved for several reasons. The most important is that it recieved kudos from photogs I respect.

I knew from the start that this photo would either top or flop. I suspected many international voters would not recognize my parody and I knew that it would be found offensive to many.

But, I shall not hide, I am happy because I showed you all my butt! HA!
12/21/2005 12:44:04 AM
This was so much funnier than it got credit for. I don't think it's great technically, but if I'd voted you'd have gotten points for humor.
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12/21/2005 12:38:06 AM
OH MY GOD fotomann! WHAT were you thinking? LOL......

60 one's??? WHAT IS THAT all about? WOW! You certainly shocked me! LOL...

Ok, I will PM you with my address for my ribbon? :) At least I will get one from you. :( I got 5th, but I really thought I would ribbon this time. I am just slightly disappointed though. At least I got some kind of a star? Now I know what those are for.


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12/21/2005 12:19:53 AM
I don't think I've seen 60 ones in a long time...
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/20/2005 10:00:44 PM
7! You're a brave man!
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12/20/2005 02:44:54 PM
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12/20/2005 04:23:54 AM
Too funny! Deffinetly made me smile.
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12/19/2005 08:37:43 PM
The dairy farmers wil now be shooting to kill....good luck!
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12/19/2005 08:16:53 PM
no words. except, maybe you could have used a simpler backdrop and made everything but the cheese black and white...
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12/19/2005 07:56:20 PM
Sorry, I'm not voting this challenge, but this picture is PRICELESS! I absolutely love it. The model's expression is one of satiric perfection. I'd give it a 10, but I don't want to vote on 20% of the rest to make it count. (I didn't like the challenge before it even started). Still, had to comment and leave you big kudos. I'll be excited to see who had the guts to pull this off...

Do you really have pink walls? or is there quite a cast to the picture?
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12/19/2005 11:47:52 AM
disturbing on so many levels
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12/19/2005 01:40:50 AM
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12/18/2005 10:54:41 PM
I can't figure out what my least favorite part of the photo is?
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12/18/2005 03:32:14 AM
That's so wrong.
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12/17/2005 09:27:30 PM
You're a brave dude!
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12/17/2005 09:04:52 PM
this shot is just un-appealing
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12/16/2005 09:39:22 PM
skin to win! nice pic.
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12/16/2005 09:32:05 PM
Say Cheese!: The old photographer's cliché is now a challenge topic. Use cheese as the subject of your photo to make your audience smile.

I hate to be playing English teacher here or come off as a DNMC critic, especially that English is NOT my native language but dissecting the description makes it pretty clear:
USE CHEESE as the SUBJECT of your photo to make YOUR AUDIENCE SMILE.

Based on the capitalized letters I had the following expectations in this challenge:
1. There would be cheese (even if implied) in the photo (Cheddar, Swiss, Gouda...etc). This cheese would be the SUBJECT of the photo. (Subject - Synonyms: matter, topic, theme. These nouns denote the principal idea or point of a speech, a piece of writing, or an artistic work.)

2. This is open to discussion but by Audience I would assume either the voters, or, someone in the photo looking at cheese

3. the photo would be somewhat funny as to make me smile.

After reviewing your photo, I feel it does not meet the challenge either because there is no cheese in the photo or because it's not funny. Yours is particularly tasteless.
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12/16/2005 09:23:02 PM
This definately made me laugh
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12/16/2005 06:26:55 PM
Lovely pink background!!! :)
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12/16/2005 03:53:02 PM
ROFL I can't even think of what to say about this one. I'll have to come back later when I have more time. LOL
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12/16/2005 12:34:00 PM
Creepy... :)
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12/16/2005 10:35:55 AM
OH MY GOSH! This is extremely funny. I certainly hope it was meant to be. Reminds me of a Seinfeld episode.
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12/16/2005 09:20:18 AM
Really not sure what a young man with no shirt, pants yanked down, sitting on a floral couch, with a pink wall as background has to do with promoting sliced cheese. Obviously theres a form of humor here i'm missing.
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12/15/2005 10:58:58 PM
ROFL - Oh lordy, I need sunglasses!
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12/15/2005 08:11:08 PM
Oh, that's just wrong!! :-)
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12/15/2005 03:54:23 PM
You got balls. 1 I would have given you a 5 if you were smiling.
12/15/2005 12:14:34 PM
OMG thanks alot this shot sent coffee thru my nose :-) Hilarious
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12/15/2005 10:37:03 AM
i may never eat cheese again.
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12/15/2005 03:00:14 AM
I don't even know what to say. The background is distracting?? I wish the cheese were unwrapped. Good lighting. The pants look dirty to the right of the photo, minor distraction. Oh, and interesting interpretation of cheese.
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12/15/2005 02:01:55 AM
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12/15/2005 12:29:41 AM
10!!!!!!!!!! :D
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12/15/2005 12:00:48 AM
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12/14/2005 10:24:37 PM
I'm not smiling; I'm scared.
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12/14/2005 09:09:22 PM
Oh dear! hehehe....still, atleast it fits the challenge in a few ways! There's cheese...and it's definately cheesy! The wall in your background is quite dirty which is a shame.
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12/14/2005 08:37:26 PM
i know i wont be sleeping at night.......
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12/14/2005 07:15:18 PM
Have you considered undergoing psychiatric evaluation?
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12/14/2005 06:53:28 PM
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12/14/2005 06:48:05 PM
wonderfully disturbing
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12/14/2005 06:39:28 PM
Yep, this is cheesy!! LOL
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12/14/2005 06:12:00 PM
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12/14/2005 05:44:24 PM
now I can't sleep...
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12/14/2005 05:24:49 PM
I'll vote 10 if you promise to burn this and erase it from my memory. :)
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12/14/2005 05:23:30 PM
Dude, your'e my hero.......
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12/14/2005 03:46:57 PM
Come on man...
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12/14/2005 03:04:30 PM
Well, I'm without words......

Nice focus.
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12/14/2005 02:57:17 PM
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12/14/2005 01:54:36 PM
Oh man I would have been just fine if I hadn't seen this today
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12/14/2005 01:03:09 PM
I do believe I'll be having bad dreams tonight...
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12/14/2005 11:38:21 AM
This is great- right on topic!! Very cute and brave *S*
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12/14/2005 11:32:30 AM
Made me smile. Funniest nude shot on site. Doesn't need the cheese moustache to be effective.
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12/14/2005 09:26:32 AM
Another gratuitous nude. Tsk, tsk. Love the tat. I gave you a 9 :)

Message edited by author 2006-01-03 09:36:05.
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12/14/2005 08:58:02 AM
my god - put it away ;-)
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12/14/2005 08:50:01 AM
Disturbing image...
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12/14/2005 06:56:33 AM
For me photo without interest. the composition is not very good and the colors of the unit are candies
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12/14/2005 05:30:32 AM
ooh... thats a bit disturbing :) The lighting is a bit flat and I would have used a different background, its too busy. Top marks for the bravery tho! 7.
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12/14/2005 03:14:26 AM
Oh my! Yes, that has made me smile ....
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12/14/2005 12:19:01 AM
What an interesting concept....cheese can be so sexy, hehehe
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