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03/03/2007 08:23:26 PM |
Found this pic today......Fantastic!!!!!
Am not a DP Nazi, as a matter of fact, exactly the opposite, and would have enjoyed very much giving this an 8 or better! |
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12/26/2005 11:14:56 PM |
Greetings from the Critique Club
Hello. Congratulations on your ribbon. You have received many comments on your image and many of your commentors can give you better technical advice than I can, so I will not attempt to do so here.
Oddly enough (and as I mentioned in a thread somewhere relating to this image) birds do fly at night, especially large birds during the migratory seasons. The heat of the sun would dehydrate the birds quickly and they could not travel the long miles they do if they attempted to migrate during the daylight.
Anyhow, this is a competent and compelling image and you were nicely rewarded for it.
I wish you continued success in your DPC Challenges.
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12/26/2005 03:55:51 PM |
Its a wonderfull shot, but if everything as below is true (wasn't taken during challenge) then it needs to be disqualified.
Regardless of whether you think it `looks` like it was taken at that time... it wasn't - and thats the simple fact.
Keep up the fantastic photo's though :-) |
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12/26/2005 01:40:42 PM |
Originally posted by saiphfire: The description did not say "Take a shot that LOOKS as if it was taken between 4 and 5 am." |
So if the opposite had happened.... someone awoke at 4 am and took a picture indoors that had no illusion of any time of day, but then told you that it was most definitely taken at 4 am and thus fits the challenege...then that would have been ok?
All I have to say is... it's 4am somewhere.
Great photo! |
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12/26/2005 08:15:01 AM |
Originally posted by chaimelle: I guess the results will stand, but I am very disappointed to learn that the shot was not taken between 4 and 5 AM. Kind of seems like cheating to me. |
This may alienate some fellow DPC-ers but so be it.
All those who complain so loudly about the "time" aspect of your photograph overlook an immensely important fact: Nowhere in the description of the challenge is a time zone specified. So 4am or 5am in one place is some other time somewhere else. It's all relative and really doesn't matter one bit. You made a BEAUTIFUL image by creating a great illusion - pretty much what photography (other than the strictest scientific or forensic kind) is all about, wouldn't you say??
Buen trabajo, Patrinus! |
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12/23/2005 04:04:06 PM |
Hola paisano, muy buena foto, no creo que el ave hubiera pasado por accidente ahi, yo tengo una foto donde si lo hace y sale fenomenal
Cruz GLZ, MTY |
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12/22/2005 06:44:16 PM |
Awesome picture. Despite the fact that it wasn't taken between 4-5 blah blah blah, it was very deserving of the ribbon. One of my favorite shots ever on this site.
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12/21/2005 09:48:11 PM |
this is just a beautiful image! sorry to see all the fuss over your entry because you posted that it is actually an illusion of early morning. hope it does not deter your love of this image it's wonderful! |
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12/21/2005 09:25:23 PM |
Originally posted by KiwiPix: No way does a picture takem outside of those hours qualify for anything (other than a 1!) |
Do you give 1's to every photo that you don't believe meets the challenge? |
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12/21/2005 07:38:57 PM |
I guess the results will stand, but I am very disappointed to learn that the shot was not taken between 4 and 5 AM. Kind of seems like cheating to me. |
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12/21/2005 04:32:44 PM |
Congrats on your ribbon with this very well composed silhouette. |
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12/21/2005 02:05:40 PM |
Whether or not a shot meets a challenge is a big part of my grading. Personally, regardless of the technical legality of the shot, I feel misled. The description did not say "Take a shot that LOOKS as if it was taken between 4 and 5 am." This challenge was honor code, people.
I gave this shot a high score, but had I known when it was actually taken I would have given it a low one. I'm guessing enough people would have that it would not have ribboned. |
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12/21/2005 01:45:45 PM |
Originally posted by Beagleboy: Enjoy it while it lasts. I really don't think the ribbon for this one will stand. Challenge very clearly states that the image had to be taken between 4 and 5 am. That said, it is a beautiful shot. It just doesn't follow challenge guidelines one bit and cheats everyone who their got ass out of bed to take a shot between 4 and 5 am. It will fail inspection on EXIF alone. |
Not meeting the challenge is no grounds for DQ. Since the 4am-5am statement was in the challenge description, and not under any "Extra Rules", the photo will be allowed to stand if no actual rules are broken. |
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12/21/2005 12:47:05 PM |
This is a great shot no doubt, just disappointed in you blowing off the spirit of the challenge.....Take pride in the shot, hope you can take pride in the ribbon.....(sorry, just my opinion) |
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12/21/2005 08:55:13 AM |
Enjoy it while it lasts. I really don't think the ribbon for this one will stand. Challenge very clearly states that the image had to be taken between 4 and 5 am. That said, it is a beautiful shot. It just doesn't follow challenge guidelines one bit and cheats everyone who their got ass out of bed to take a shot between 4 and 5 am. It will fail inspection on EXIF alone.
Message edited by author 2005-12-21 09:08:36. |
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12/21/2005 08:07:58 AM |
congrats to you. i hope all the controversy and hand-wringing over this challenge doesn't prevent others from sharing in the magic that captured the voters attention. it caught mine, and i'm happy for you. |
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12/21/2005 03:47:38 AM |
Fantastic shot ! Congratulations on your ribbon. Job well done ! |
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12/21/2005 03:13:10 AM |
Well done! I agree with your point of view. Definitely meets the spirit of the rules as far as i'm concerned.
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12/21/2005 02:59:10 AM |
A note from the author:
This topic has been previously discussed but I want to make things clear from my point of view:
Photography is all about the illusion and the story that a photo can tell. If a photo tells the right story then it fits the challenge. Else we have seen lots of great photos hammered for DNMC. I know there are a lot of nazis around looking for 'integrity' and exact fullfilness of the topics... but I see 350+ voters who did choose this one as a good ribbon for the challenge. So I say no matter what we can argue about in this forum, 350+ people chose this shot (and other so-called 'cheaters') in good places.
We could call scalvert a cheater for using glue instead of milk in this photo but it really is something we could all learn from. Thinking out of the box, creating the reality that the eye wants to see, rather than showing the actual reality... after all, are we not in an art's site?. Beauty has to be captured wherever it is found, we cannot let our creative process be restricted but comply to the challenge descriptions (thats why this is based on challenges).
One thing I have learned on DPC is to look at reality through a different eye... more like the photograper eye or even more, like the viewer's eye, in this shot I just wanted to recreate the avid search of '4-5 am reality' that we all were looking for, it looks that I succeded and feel happy about it.
I humbly say that I am not a good photographer and I have nothing to teach to any of you, I apologize to all of you who feel cheated by my post and I also apologize to those who felt their shot would have more 'rightfuly' placed 3rd. I placed the truth in my photo description so that everyone would be able to know what this shot was actually about.
If it's any consolation I did get up at 4am to pos-process this shot ;) j/k
Thank you all for your high votes, Im happy for my 3rd ribbon this year!! :) way to gooo! ;) |
12/21/2005 02:44:56 AM |
CONGRATS.... great shot... |
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12/21/2005 02:13:59 AM |
Originally posted by KiwiPix: If, as you tell us, this image was not taken between 4 and 5 am then it is cheating!. I don't know how you can accept the ribbon and feel good about yourself.
The Challenge was "Set your alarm, and take a picture between 4:00 and 5:00 AM."... No way does a picture takem outside of those hours qualify for anything (other than a 1!)
Someone who did get up in the middle of the night has been denied recognition of their efforts. This stinks! |
Dude, chill a little... It's a photography site. What you see is what you get. If people saw this shot and saw 4-5am then that's the reality of the shot... BTW It's only an electronic ribbon that dissapears when you turn off your computer... Be careful or you'll blow an important vein...
patrinus. I'm not sure about how you achieved this result, but assuming it's legal, congrats on the yellow! |
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12/21/2005 01:53:59 AM |
If, as you tell us, this image was not taken between 4 and 5 am then it is cheating!. I don't know how you can accept the ribbon and feel good about yourself.
The Challenge was "Set your alarm, and take a picture between 4:00 and 5:00 AM."... No way does a picture takem outside of those hours qualify for anything (other than a 1!)
Someone who did get up in the middle of the night has been denied recognition of their efforts. This stinks!
Message edited by author 2005-12-21 01:57:44. |
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12/21/2005 01:44:55 AM |
Just lovely. Congrats on your ribbon. |
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12/21/2005 01:39:41 AM |
It's nicely done, and congratulations. I confess to disappointment that a shot that was obviously done in full daylight took a ribbon, but I'm aware of the tumultuous debate on the "spirit" of this challenge, and I don't begrudge the voters their collective opinion nor you your ribbon :-) |
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12/21/2005 01:09:41 AM |
such an awesome shot! You got lucky getting the bird and the sun to line up correctly and having the right focus and everything! This must have taken a long time. 10 all the way |
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12/21/2005 12:56:05 AM |
This is like magic in the air! An outstanding effort and fitting the challenge so well. Congratulations on your Yellow. |
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12/21/2005 12:37:03 AM |
Very cool, I love this shot, nice work. |
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12/21/2005 12:16:28 AM |
I knew this would far my favorite...gave it a 10. Great work. |
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12/21/2005 12:16:01 AM |
Another great entry Patrinus.
Comgrats on third place. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
12/20/2005 08:57:21 AM |
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12/19/2005 07:44:43 PM |
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12/19/2005 01:29:15 PM |
This is breath taking. Amazing! That is all I can say. |
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12/19/2005 08:34:26 AM |
Looks like this belongs on the cover of a vampire novel! Very effective. My personal opinion is that the left side of the picture isn't contributing anything and that the picture works well as a vertical. 8 |
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12/19/2005 08:02:48 AM |
Pretty cool but the overexposed moon isn´t very good looking. I know this is an almost impossible image to make within the basic editing rules but I would have liked this shot much better with the silhouette of the bird, the sky slightly brighter but still moody and the moon correctly exposed. Still very nice, I gave it a 6. |
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12/17/2005 08:11:40 PM |
Incredible shot. One of the best.... 10 |
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12/17/2005 05:30:27 PM |
What a stunning image. Isn't timing everything. The sky and the bird captured in perfect combination. |
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12/17/2005 05:28:14 PM |
This picture is my favorite thus far and I've already seen thirty or so. This raptor is in rare form as the subject. Amazing. 10 |
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12/17/2005 08:34:35 AM |
This is a very strong photo, good job. |
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12/17/2005 04:30:31 AM |
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12/17/2005 02:15:35 AM |
Stunning image, the stop action is amazing. |
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12/17/2005 02:00:03 AM |
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12/17/2005 12:42:25 AM |
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12/17/2005 12:08:15 AM |
Stunning....I love it. This should be on the home page for sure... |
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12/16/2005 02:56:19 PM |
Now tell me how did you arrange a bird at this hour? Crikey great shot. |
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12/16/2005 10:52:33 AM |
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12/16/2005 09:06:41 AM |
simply incredible. i am quite sure you are sitting on pins & needles on this, wishing the voting would end RIGHT NOW! i am also quite sure that you really enjoyed being out, because isn't the type of shot you plan. awesome work, making the most of the moment. hope you are well-rewarded for your effort. |
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12/16/2005 01:43:40 AM |
Wow, absolutely beautiful, this should get a ribbon! Congrats! 10 |
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12/15/2005 11:05:44 PM |
Very lovely!! Excellent capture considering the light!! |
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12/15/2005 07:42:09 PM |
Wow, great sharpness on the bird for a night shot - nicely done! |
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12/15/2005 04:33:36 PM |
Awesome! how did you manage this? |
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12/15/2005 03:48:10 PM |
Shucks, if that's a real bird that's a fantastic shot. it's too bad it wasn't more in front of the moon, but that's pretty badasssss d00d. i give you a seven |
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12/15/2005 12:53:41 PM |
Great sho and good timing. Hope you win a ribbon |
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12/15/2005 11:53:58 AM |
Very nice! I like the silhouette on air. Nice cloudy sky in darkness. |
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12/15/2005 09:52:46 AM |
Great colors in the sky..great capture of the bird |
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12/15/2005 12:11:30 AM |
Fantastic! I'm looking forward to reading about it. |
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12/14/2005 11:45:03 PM |
This is a really nice picture. A little bit of luck was on your side when you
took this? You get a big fat 10 from me! |
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12/14/2005 11:14:49 PM |
Beautiful picture. Good catch! |
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12/14/2005 07:51:13 PM |
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12/14/2005 07:28:12 PM |
Beautiful shot, what a great chance! |
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12/14/2005 06:01:10 PM |
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12/14/2005 09:22:52 AM |
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12/14/2005 09:06:18 AM |
Nice of that bird to pose for you at just the right time. LOL |
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12/14/2005 08:18:21 AM |
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12/14/2005 07:19:26 AM |
is that a hawk? great shot! |
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12/14/2005 06:11:35 AM |
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12/14/2005 03:16:14 AM |
Wow, what a shot, how did you manage to get this shot, the title says it all, well done.......I love it. |
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12/14/2005 01:01:39 AM |
i really enjoy the mood in this image. All that i would cange would be the branch (?) doged a little lighter to match the sky arounded it (iif it was advanced that is) |
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12/14/2005 12:58:44 AM |
holycrap. That's an amazing capture. |
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