Hello from the Critique Club
This is an interesting image, telling a story. I am not quite sure what story (is the guy on the left about to hit the man with the loudhailer, or are they walking together chanting etc?), but I am sure there is one!
You appear to have used text book technique on DoF to get the shallow DoF - wide aperture and zoom. The lighting levels have required you to use high ISO and slow shutter, giving a motion blur as well as shallow DoF. I am not sure that the combination of blurring techniques works well here: one commenter (and I am sure he reflects the thoughts of others) thought that this was PS'ed, and on first look that was my impression. Because there is more than one blur technique at work, the blurring looks uneven. With the knowledge of the settings, I can now see why, but voters (who are missing these details) would not. Even knowing why, I find the uneven blurring uncomfortable on the eye, and it is the image, not the technique, that is being judged.
I sense a slight lack of focus on the subject's face: the focus appears to be on his hand. This may be a consequence of some motion blur or of the shallow DoF, but does not draw me in. Also, his face is in shadow (makes me realise how important the face is in any image), which, although impractical to avoid, makes for a less interesting focal point.
Given that this is a night scene, you have some colour issues to resolve from the raw data, and I think that this has only partially been achieved. The reds and skin tones look a little muted.
Overall, an interesting image, but the interest does not overcome the two or three distractions for me.
Good luck in the next challenge!