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Fighting Gravity
Fighting Gravity

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2005 (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED
Location: Krakow
Date: Jul 17, 2005
Aperture: 4.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Action
Date Uploaded: Jan 15, 2006

street performing break dancers in Krakow

Place: 154 out of 833
Avg (all users): 6.2614
Avg (commenters): 7.5806
Avg (participants): 6.2182
Avg (non-participants): 6.4615
Views since voting: 1400
Views during voting: 648
Votes: 440
Comments: 34
Favorites: 3 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/29/2006 02:45:02 PM
Excellent angle to shoot that subject in.
01/29/2006 03:57:15 AM
This is quite simply a stunning shot. I can't wait to see details! Kudos
01/28/2006 10:16:27 AM
I like how you angled this shot for your subject. 8
01/27/2006 09:09:30 PM
Great composition. Gives a great sense of occasion and momentum.
01/26/2006 08:23:34 AM
How you have taken this, re the angle, really makes the subject matter stand out strongly...
01/26/2006 07:48:19 AM
great action
01/25/2006 03:09:49 AM
Very cool. Technically very good. Great dof. Great exposure. Good interest factor. I often see people use the 'skewed' angle just for the sake of being artistic or something. In this case, I feel it actually works for this image. It seems to accentuate the wild activity and adds interest to the shot, and helps makes this image stand out among many well done action shots. Awesome photo, well done!
01/24/2006 05:57:10 PM
nice and sharp and love the angle that you have put this on as it works a treat, good luck
01/23/2006 12:30:23 PM
Wow excellent capture. I have been working with some dancers and completely appreciate your work.
01/22/2006 04:30:13 PM
While this is an interesting perspective, my first reaction was to tilt my head to see the photo correctly - perhaps you angled this too much?
01/22/2006 01:24:45 PM
Fantastic capture. The timing is excellent I love the tilt! a perfect image.9
01/22/2006 10:35:43 AM
the tilt really adds to the activity here - nicely done
01/21/2006 03:32:47 PM
Very dynamic shot here ... your choice to rotate the fram was very well executed .
01/21/2006 02:05:58 PM
great action shot...8
01/21/2006 12:22:13 AM
This is an excellent action shot. I'm particularly fond of the dynamic created by the camera tilt. I do this quite frequently myself for the same reasons you have here... excellent work :) - 10
01/20/2006 07:37:26 PM
good shot. i like the angle that it was taken in. it makes the guy's effort look that much more super human. good title too. A good title is key. 8
01/20/2006 11:31:49 AM
Well done.
01/20/2006 07:11:28 AM
awesome candid, great pov 8
01/20/2006 01:36:40 AM
excellent shot..interesting, pin-sharp subject and the curious onlookers hold one's attention too..8
01/19/2006 08:48:26 PM
I got beat up one time for rotating my picture, and maybe they were right, even though I thought it worked. And I think it works here. Well done.
01/19/2006 04:14:28 PM
Is it Krakow? No doubt, the guy's a Polak!
01/19/2006 02:17:42 AM
Rarely do I think a tipped aspect works well but here it does. It emphasizes his agility and makes us all more aware of the strength it takes for him to do this.
01/18/2006 11:58:09 PM
breakdancers rock!!!

10 from me...good luck! love the angle
01/18/2006 12:22:38 PM
This is so clean and sharp and cool angle. What lens was this with?. 9.
01/17/2006 10:59:09 PM
Deeper bokeh/shallower depth of field would add more punch here. Nice model.
01/17/2006 08:03:02 PM
Great capture, love the angled view...would have blurred out the background to bring more enphasis on the performer.
01/17/2006 10:18:12 AM
I really like the angle you chose for this image. I made me pause & look for longer, so I had time for this comment!
01/16/2006 05:47:17 PM
I really like the angle you used, adds a lot of energy to the shot.
01/16/2006 03:32:09 PM
Nice action & focus. I like the tilt, it really adds to the stress.
01/16/2006 03:01:23 PM
Looks like that hurts. Nice Capture. 7
01/16/2006 02:14:08 PM
After the accident, Joey could never walk the same.

Nice crisp lines. Good focuse on the body and face. It really shows his stuggle to complete his move
01/16/2006 01:09:53 PM
This is such a striking photo. The angle adds so much. The focus on the subject is perfect! Everything about it is just plain interesting!
01/16/2006 03:19:44 AM
Breakdancing sure has changed over the years.
01/16/2006 02:59:20 AM
Great take, shame there wasn't a bit less depth of field to remove the onlookers a little bit, going to give this 7/10.

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