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Deep in Utah Country
Deep in Utah Country

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2005 (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Location: Arches National Park, UT
Date: Jul 14, 2005
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/1000 sec.
Galleries: Landscape, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Jan 15, 2006

6:13 PM
focal length 14.0mm

Taken with the Canon 10-22mm--
While I was at Delicate Arch, there was another guy there who came up to me and started talking cameras. Then he let me borrow his 10-22 for a few minutes. God I love that lens... now I just need to get my own.

I don't know why I left the camera on ISO 400.

two Channel Mixer layers (both monochrome; bottom - 100/0/0, top 140/-20/-20, blended both to highlight the arch)
selected the background behind the arch and darkened it w/ 27% opacity layer of pure black (Overlay mode)
- cloned out my buddy Zeke running through the frame
- some dodge & burn
- neatimage to sky only
- duplicate sky layer (Multiply mode, 75% opacity)

my own thoughts-
I am ambivalent about the inclusion of people in this photograph. I cloned them all out in one version, but didn't feel that was honest (possible DQ issues aside). As they are, they add a sense of scale to this photo; it's hard to understand the size of Delicate Arch unless you've actually seen it, because photographs of it rarely have anything in the frame that demonstrate its immensity. In that regard, their presence is good, and it makes this picture of the Arch a little bit more distinct.

I am sure there will be people that don't like the figures in the foreground. If it weren't my picture, I might be one of them. I just don't know.

Is this my best picture of 2005? I have no idea. I am unfit to judge my own work in this way. I would say it is one of my better photos, and perhaps one of the most DPC-friendly; but I am utterly unprepared to render a final judgment that says that one image, out of the many thousands I have created this year, stands above the rest.

I probably wouldn't have chosen this photo to submit if Brent Ward hadn't recently posted his Delicate Arch photo in the forums; his photo reminded me of my own (I had half forgotten I had taken this photo), though I don't pretend my pictures are as good as his. Thank you, Mr. Ward, for providing me with inspiration.

Place: 27 out of 833
Avg (all users): 6.8035
Avg (commenters): 8.4524
Avg (participants): 6.7622
Avg (non-participants): 6.9880
Views since voting: 3325
Views during voting: 686
Votes: 453
Comments: 55
Favorites: 19 (view)

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07/09/2010 12:53:02 AM
I'm definitely of the opinion the people make the shot in this. Really a lovely shot - excellent conversion.
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02/05/2010 01:32:01 PM
I gave a 10 way back in '06. I'm still of the opinion that the people make the shot!
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02/06/2006 07:57:19 PM
great gray tones, sharpness and composition
- I think the people do a lot for the picture, they add more feeling to it and a sense for the greatness of the nature - so I think you did right to not clone them away

Message edited by author 2006-02-06 20:00:18.
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02/01/2006 02:11:14 AM
Excellent shot! The thing is massive and the people help convey that. ;o)
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02/01/2006 12:34:47 AM
Shame on me for trying to guess the photag, well done Damon, sorry for the bad guess on my part!
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02/01/2006 12:29:25 AM
So glad you left the people in, it would be quite plain without them.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/31/2006 07:02:02 PM
Wow Great work
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01/31/2006 04:07:35 PM
I wish the people were not in it.
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01/31/2006 10:07:28 AM
Well Brent, well done. Can't wait to meet you on the UGTG. Perfect tonal range and a pleasure to the eye. 10.
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01/31/2006 02:11:10 AM
I've seen many photos of this but this is great. I love that there are people in the shot for scale. Beautiful. - bumping up to 10
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01/31/2006 12:56:54 AM
Anselesk. incredible lines, contrast, composition!
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01/30/2006 03:28:27 PM
Very nice composition. I love that you've included the people sitting on the rocks. It really adds to the shot. Great conversion to B&W, too.
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01/30/2006 11:36:46 AM
Beautiful tonality and excellent composition. Would have been one of the best of the challenge had the people not been in frame. Great work.
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01/30/2006 11:34:54 AM
great clouds. nice dodge and burn. why didn't you yell at those people to move? lol. 9 from me. There is a little bit of fringing around the top of delicate. long hike isn't it?
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01/29/2006 04:28:30 PM
dead on b&w, excellent texture, excellent dof, great light, great comp, good movement, just wish the tourists were not there but not displeasing, overall have a print available
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01/29/2006 02:52:11 AM
These people just sitting there look really odd to me. I'm sure this is a really popular place but this looks like something from close encounters of the 3rd kind!
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01/28/2006 12:22:59 PM
An arches picture with some personality. Good job. 8
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01/27/2006 06:58:44 PM
Excellent shot! I'm not a fan of the border but since the photo here is so good I'll give it a 10 anyway!
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01/27/2006 06:46:08 PM
Love the composition, sharpness and large dof. Also a great b&w. It would be empty without the people, both the arch and the people make the photo what it is imo. 9
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01/27/2006 06:37:20 PM
Wonderful photo. Would love to see a large print of this.
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01/27/2006 12:01:25 AM
Great contrast
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01/26/2006 10:08:41 PM
Great perspective! I usually don't like people in landscape shots, but in this case they make you realize just how vast this area is. Beautiful job!
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01/26/2006 06:34:44 PM
Excellent black and white. I'm glad you decided to include the people to give perspective to the size of the landscape.. 10
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01/26/2006 07:09:27 AM
This would have to be one of the most remarkable, intense, magical B/W landscape I have ever seen.....I love the light on the arch.....I love the clouds, I love the textures, and I love this image.
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01/25/2006 08:30:57 PM
I usually can't stand people in Landscape shots, personal preference. However, I think with a highly (over?)photographed subject, this served to add some interest to the composition. Usually the photo's of the arch look very desolate, and you never get the chance to see people enjoying the view along with you. This new view of an old workhorse subject, and the great quality to the light made me give this a 10 and a fav.
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01/24/2006 03:19:36 PM
Amazing scenery, I'd like to see it without people.
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01/22/2006 03:16:53 PM
Beautiful tones and nice subject.
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01/22/2006 11:08:58 AM
3rd 10 good luck!
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01/21/2006 06:44:44 PM
This is a refreshing shot, love the tones. The people add a nice element in as well. I really like how it shows the entire scene, and the contast of the arch to the backgroung. Primo. Wonderful :)
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01/21/2006 05:01:36 PM
great composition, those people really make this image work, they give a sence of size and distance, top score..
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01/21/2006 03:32:04 AM
This is a beauty of a photo, the people i feel are a bit distracting.
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01/21/2006 12:53:38 AM
I love the sense of perspective here, and the deep tones. Nice!
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01/20/2006 11:03:56 PM
i went there when i was like 8.....absolutely gorgeous shot....10
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01/20/2006 10:59:47 PM
Nice blend of landscape with a human touch ... terrific!
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01/20/2006 11:45:20 AM
Nice sky
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01/20/2006 05:30:53 AM
Nice to see Delicate Arch in B&W instead of typical color. Like the people in the foreground for scale and story of image, GREAT detail-10-
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01/20/2006 01:55:40 AM
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01/19/2006 09:35:40 PM
Wow this is an amazing image, I love the black and white. Good luck!10
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01/19/2006 04:27:31 PM
I bet outside the challenge rules you clone those people out! What a stunning capture - well done!
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01/19/2006 02:59:54 PM
This is a nice B&W conversion.. tones are strong throughout. Nice compostion, clarity, focus.. everything comes together. One nitpick, I don't like the vignetting.. personal thing, but it really stands out and I don't think it should.
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01/19/2006 06:42:06 AM
beutyful! top 20 ;)
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01/18/2006 11:07:03 PM
10 from me...good luck!
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01/18/2006 04:09:13 AM
I would have liked to see this shot without the people. It's still very nice though! 9
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01/17/2006 07:40:40 PM
Nice, love that it´s B/W and the tones are awesome, very contrasty and crisp. Does the location justice and makes me wanna go there.
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01/17/2006 02:21:52 PM
Great black and white photo. The people in the shot really add a sense of perspective.
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01/17/2006 01:56:35 PM
are those mormons?
great pic, 8.
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01/17/2006 10:12:49 AM
Great photo, nice tones...
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01/17/2006 07:20:56 AM
awesome! 10
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01/17/2006 01:53:31 AM
Great b/w with rich tonal range.
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01/16/2006 04:29:19 PM
Great shot Brent. I don't like people in my landscapes though, so you only get a 9. ;)
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01/16/2006 04:27:52 PM
This is beautiful! Very Ansel Adams-esque!!
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01/16/2006 10:55:41 AM
Nice yellow filter. Just a guess.
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01/16/2006 10:42:47 AM
Impressive image, don't know about the slightly overexposed areas, impressive still..
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01/16/2006 04:48:37 AM
It's simple. 10 out of 10. Absolutely awesome. Shame about the living creatures though :P
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01/16/2006 02:35:56 AM
The composition on this is great. Normally the tourists in the foreground would be annoying when shooting Delicate Arch, but here you've shown me a great example in which they actually add to the photo: I think not only of the beauty of the arch and the expanse of the horizon beyond it, but I also am left to wonder what the peopleare thinking, too. The people also add a great sense of scale to the image.

The composition is superb, and you've got a great sky to top that off. What a lovely rendition of the arch. Going in my favs.
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