Author | Thread |
01/30/2006 04:06:27 PM |
Great composition and image. Congratulations! |
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01/29/2006 09:28:34 PM |
Congratulations dude! It was long overdue, but I'm sure worth the wait! :-) Beautiful image - very well done. |
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01/28/2006 11:38:29 PM |
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01/28/2006 11:29:43 PM |
This is such an awesome job Rikki! I don't know what it means to shoot in RAW, but I hope you were clothed. :D. |
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01/28/2006 03:10:22 PM |
Just curious if you intentionally shot at ISO 1600 with such a fast exposure time? |
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01/27/2006 09:57:13 PM |
It's a beautiful shot! Thanks for sharing it with me. |
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01/27/2006 09:48:10 PM |
Well done man and congrats on the ribbon. I still can't believe it took you so long considering the fine work you submit. :) |
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01/27/2006 01:48:24 PM |
Congrats Rikki, very lovely shot. All it needs is a redhead walking down the road ;-) |
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01/27/2006 11:46:53 AM |
This is so beautiful..I love the way the tree frames the shot and the tones. Congrats |
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01/27/2006 02:11:31 AM |
i enjoy the warm tones..congrats |
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01/26/2006 07:02:11 AM |
I'm landed for you dood! well deserved and long overdue! |
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01/26/2006 05:40:47 AM |
well done RIKKI nice touch...and YES you guessed right on my pic, entered for a laugh really I do that its bombing...
Great shot here well deserves yellow... |
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01/26/2006 03:14:56 AM |
Congrats on your "bump" to yellow. Great job! |
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01/25/2006 11:45:53 PM |
oooh go rikki! such a simple road made to look dramatic! pp skills |
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01/25/2006 11:45:01 PM |
Congrats on a great emotional image. Frost would be proud ;) |
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01/25/2006 10:16:27 PM |
Rikki man! You've done it, your first ribbon! :)
Spectacular photo there, love them warm colours a lot.
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01/25/2006 09:24:16 PM |
Well done. Bay area represent! :) |
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01/25/2006 09:13:58 PM |
Congrats on your 3rd place. This is great. If I would have voted I would have picked this as my favorite by far. Great job... |
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01/25/2006 08:12:04 PM |
CONGRATS rikki.. so very well deserved for the ribbon.... :)))))) |
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01/25/2006 08:07:21 PM |
Wackadoo Rikki....well deserved. Now I want to see your name up there more often...hehehehe!! |
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01/25/2006 06:10:48 PM |
So I log on this eavening and what do I see....Rikki has a Ribbon!!!!
Congrats dude... |
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01/25/2006 05:46:45 PM |
CONGRATULATIONS Rikki..!!! Great picture |
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01/25/2006 05:39:59 PM |
Heyah! Great big congrats on a ribbon and the solid 6.8!!! Way to go Rikki! |
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01/25/2006 05:37:48 PM |
My friend! Finally you got it in the same day I got it! I'm so happy for you!!! WTG! Congratulations. |
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01/25/2006 05:30:22 PM |
Congratulations on your first ribbon! Well done and well deserving seeing how much work you put into your challenge photos. : ) Guess we can expect a red and blue anytime soon. |
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01/25/2006 05:25:38 PM |
Congratulations with our bump up Rikki! |
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01/25/2006 03:55:27 PM |
Congrats on your Yellow Rikki!!! |
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01/25/2006 03:23:31 PM |
Wonderful shot of the road and oak. Congratulations on your first ribbon. Van |
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01/25/2006 03:13:32 PM |
congrats rikki! sa wakas!!! the start of many, i'm sure! |
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01/25/2006 03:04:39 PM |
Congratulations!!!!!! Really hope this isn't the las one eh!!! now go for the blue one!!! I'm happy fot you |
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01/25/2006 02:51:12 PM |
Hoooorahhhh! Way to go! Congrats on your ribbon. |
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01/25/2006 02:29:34 PM |
Grats Rikki and a nice shot! |
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01/25/2006 02:14:13 PM |
Well how about go sleep, you wake up, you go to work, you check the front page....and you've become a star! Great. Congrats! |
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01/25/2006 02:11:06 PM |
Rikki!! Rikki!! Rikki!!!!!
Congrats man!! :) :) |
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01/25/2006 02:08:59 PM |
Yeah Rikki! Its a ribbon! :D Great job man! |
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01/25/2006 02:06:16 PM |
Great job Rikki! You deserve it! |
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01/25/2006 02:03:07 PM |
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01/25/2006 02:02:35 PM |
See...I told you it was coming soon. :) Didn't expect it quite this soon though. Woohoo, Rikki got a ribbon!!! I am so excited for you. |
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01/25/2006 01:34:48 PM |
Congratulations on your ribbon! |
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01/25/2006 01:25:31 PM |
Wow, Rikki got a ribbon! Way to go! |
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01/25/2006 01:14:55 PM |
And now a ribbon. Way to go! |
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01/25/2006 01:04:57 PM |
Congrats on your first ribbon, and also a score over your wish list required 6.75. well done it is a lovely photograph
debbie :0) |
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01/25/2006 12:37:29 PM |
You did it, Rikki! You've been putting so much effort into this site that I knew you'd be getting a ribbon soon. Congrats, man! |
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01/25/2006 12:35:59 PM |
Hey Rikki, looks like you've moved up to third place! Congrats on your first ribbon! |
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01/25/2006 12:23:42 PM |
Nice Job Rikki on getting the Yellow! |
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01/25/2006 12:22:40 PM |
way to go man! your hard work is paying off. hope to see you in the winners circle some day.
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01/25/2006 12:21:38 PM |
A strong hurrah for Rikki. Some great efforts and this one hits paydirt. Happy for you. Congratulations on your YELLOW! |
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01/25/2006 12:20:12 PM |
Rikki has a ribbon!!!
Better go find a new couchmate :P |
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01/25/2006 12:15:03 PM |
Congratulations on your belated ribbon... |
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01/25/2006 09:43:46 AM |
Wow Rikki you are getting so darn close. It's coming soon. :) Beautiful shot and congrats. on 4th place and a personal best score. |
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01/25/2006 02:53:45 AM |
Congratulations Rikki for this interestingly graphical shot. You're getting there kabayan:)
Manny |
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01/25/2006 02:47:46 AM |
Another 4th place !
Now all you are lacking is some luck. Great work ! |
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01/25/2006 02:45:51 AM |
Congratulations, Rikki! Very interesting image. |
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01/25/2006 02:14:47 AM |
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01/25/2006 01:54:41 AM |
Very nice. Congrats on the top 5. |
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01/25/2006 01:08:04 AM |
hey Rikki, great work here. Never would have guessed it was yours! Congratulations on your personal best, and a lovely landscape that makes an excellent addition to your portfolio. |
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01/25/2006 01:00:39 AM |
Classic country road scene. Congratulations on 4th -er, 3rd - place. (I didn't vote enough in Roads for my votes to count, and didn't get to this one).
Message edited by author 2006-01-26 00:52:32. |
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01/25/2006 12:59:30 AM |
Nice 4th place Rikki! This is a fine image!
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01/25/2006 12:51:50 AM |
Congrats Rikki! Very well done! |
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01/25/2006 12:29:39 AM |
Congrats on the HM Rikki! Whawhooooo! Great pic! |
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01/25/2006 12:28:29 AM |
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01/25/2006 12:27:41 AM |
do the personal-best dance
its like the spidey dance but it is bouncier - just so you know.
haha you broke the bell curve. |
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01/25/2006 12:17:11 AM |
Great shot Rikki congrats! |
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01/25/2006 12:16:31 AM |
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01/25/2006 12:16:07 AM |
Congratulations Rikki! This is a great shot, and a great score! |
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01/25/2006 12:10:51 AM |
Congrats Rikki. I figured it might be somewhere in CA as I hail from the same area. Great framing with this picture. |
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01/25/2006 12:09:10 AM |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
01/24/2006 11:56:56 PM |
If this is in reference to Robert Frost, I believe the line is "The Road Less Travelled" :) |
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01/24/2006 11:05:18 PM |
Nice Robert Frost tribute. I like the other "road" next to it. Gives it comparison :) Might be tad too yellow though :( |
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01/24/2006 06:29:58 PM |
Nice picture, but ah, a very cliched title. |
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01/23/2006 09:20:14 PM |
Nice colors. The branches are kinda spooky. Good photo. |
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01/23/2006 09:13:12 PM |
I love this country image, so peaceful, lovely composition, and all round very good..... |
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01/23/2006 02:48:53 PM |
Beatiful colours that make me think in real nature, although it reminds me children tales. Beatiful shot. |
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01/23/2006 04:15:08 AM |
I like it. I like the warm tones. I like the tree. I like the composition. This is the road I would take. |
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01/22/2006 10:55:10 PM |
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01/22/2006 09:53:52 PM |
I really like this tree - very effective composition. |
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01/22/2006 08:37:52 AM |
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01/21/2006 05:57:30 AM |
Shame you chose the same title as several other entries - but i guess this is an image contest not a title contest ;-0
Like the autumn colours, golds and browns. Like the sweep of the road. Needs something else to allow the eye to rest at the end of the road. A cow, horse, bike, car - just a full stop / period. |
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01/20/2006 11:02:20 PM |
Nice scraggletree. Tones a might greeny maybe. |
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01/20/2006 10:09:53 PM |
I think you have a ribbon worthy image. 9 for me, subject to bumping. |
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01/19/2006 11:28:59 PM |
Very pretty!!! This is definitely one of the best road pictures in this challenge. Good luck! |
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01/19/2006 09:43:45 PM |
I like the color on this one! |
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01/19/2006 07:47:01 PM |
Cluche title but not so cliche image! Wonderful capture. Almost rustic look to it. |
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01/19/2006 07:01:27 PM |
this is by far my favorite. the composition, the colors. i feel like i'm there! |
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01/19/2006 05:49:18 PM |
I love it, is it tilted or am I? |
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01/19/2006 04:30:04 PM |
Good picture. I like the size and shape of the tree. |
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01/19/2006 04:13:47 PM |
Nice photo. Love the saturation of colors. |
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01/19/2006 03:14:05 PM |
Certainly seems that way...nicely done. |
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01/19/2006 02:35:24 PM |
Wow- "two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." RF. Another Frost fan I see, you definitely captured the essense of the poem, and I really think the brown color cast works well here. How did you achieve this? Levels? Curves? Sat? |
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01/19/2006 01:11:52 PM |
Seems yellow/greenish. I like the composition. |
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01/19/2006 09:35:30 AM |
now that's a great looking tree! |
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01/18/2006 10:42:11 PM |
Black and White....Would look great |
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01/18/2006 10:17:37 PM |
I like this image. There's mystery in it. |
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01/18/2006 08:12:38 PM |
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01/18/2006 07:38:29 PM |
wow this photo is absolutley fabulous! it really makes me want to jump into the picture and start taking a stroll! awesome job! |
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01/18/2006 03:16:34 PM |
Ah, wonderful. The tree contrasts well against the sky, and the leaves are all of nice shade of color. (Although your title is a bit of a cliche though, haha). 8. |
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01/18/2006 11:26:44 AM |
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