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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Wildlife II (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix A330 Zoom
Location: Goodna Australia
Date: Jan 21, 2006
Aperture: f4.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/60
Date Uploaded: Jan 21, 2006


Place: 258 out of 261
Avg (all users): 2.6524
Avg (commenters): 2.2424
Avg (participants): 2.6214
Avg (non-participants): 2.6667
Views since voting: 912
Views during voting: 411
Votes: 328
Comments: 34
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/31/2006 10:31:39 PM
Sharper focus would help.
01/31/2006 05:29:30 AM
very blurry
01/31/2006 12:19:55 AM
I scored this image low because, while it has the potential to be a good shot, nothing is in focus. It almost looks like a grasshopper on top of a bigger grasshopper, on top of a rock or tree. I am not sure what the curving line is exactly, though it seems to be a blade of grass. This could have been a really neat shot if the grasshopper(s) were in focus. Especially if it is two grasshoppers. :) One other suggestion: One of the edges of your picture should be the largest size allowed by the contest: 640 pixels. Good luck with future challenges!
01/30/2006 06:28:03 PM
Not much to say.
I'm pretty sure every camera has a macro setting. This being a grasshopper, they're pretty simple to sneak up on and get a pic of.
01/30/2006 01:11:02 PM
Nice photo, but I don't think it fits the category of "non-domesticated mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians"
01/30/2006 12:08:07 PM
fuzzily pixelated grain
01/29/2006 11:52:46 PM
All i can say is focus, I am sure you are getting that a lot. Perhaps it is due to the extreme zoom which it seems like you used. Composition is ok, and it seems like the color captured might have been nice, but it is hard to be sure because the picture is so pixelated.
01/29/2006 10:35:47 PM
Ummm...I'm not sure what you were going for here, but it really fails. If not for the title, I'd have to spend a bit of time just guessing what your subject is. It's really difficult to finely "critique" this picture, but I'm sure you'll agree that, just at first glance, it's not exactly "marvellous." The focus is very off, the whole thing is very "shaken," the subject's being on green just causes it to get lost...it's a poor picture. I'm sorry if this is harsh, but I hope it just comepels you to try harder next time. Good luck in the future.
01/29/2006 07:32:09 PM
Sorry, but this is not the best shot I've seen today.
01/29/2006 02:31:31 PM
Looks like it was taken on a camera phone.
01/29/2006 08:53:45 AM
sorry, i don't know whether it is resolution or compression or noise or all of it, but the grasshopper is almost unrecognisable. while colors seem nicely bright, the overall impression is spoiled by the lack of focus and the noise.

(added some interpunction)

Message edited by author 2006-02-01 16:48:39.
01/29/2006 05:11:48 AM
Nice composition and colours; a little pixellated though.
01/29/2006 02:37:02 AM
aww its not in focus .. :(
01/28/2006 02:24:35 PM
This picture does meet the criteria for the challenge: "non-domesticated mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians". It seems to be very out of focus and possibly over-saturated in the post-processing.
01/28/2006 09:13:32 AM
This photo looks out of focus or had too much editing and thus my low score.

Idea was good though.
01/28/2006 08:47:54 AM
Color contrast is very nice here but it's very grainy.
01/27/2006 01:12:24 PM
A little too grainy/noisy for my taste. I like the contrasting colors.
01/26/2006 08:22:27 PM
Out of focus.
01/26/2006 04:40:44 PM
Too grainy
01/26/2006 05:14:40 AM
Ok - first the positive. Good colour - lovely vibrant green. But, the focus here is far too soft. If you hadn't told me this was a grasshopper, honestly I wouldn't have guessed. The definition between the bug and the leaf is just not distinct enough.
01/26/2006 02:35:07 AM
I can understand why you have not maximised the size of this shot. But the problem is with the current blowing up of this shot it has gone incredibly blurry ..
01/25/2006 09:52:00 PM
this looks out of focus
01/25/2006 09:16:50 PM
Way OOF, colors don't seem natural.
01/25/2006 08:16:33 PM
Oh my.... did you take this with a phonecamera? It is hard on the eyes :-(
01/25/2006 07:41:24 PM
This is really out of focus, also, I'm just afraid that this will be voted down because of the size, you should use the 640 pixels that we are allowed to use in challenges.
01/25/2006 03:50:25 PM
Grasshopper? Hard to tell with the picture so out of focus (or did you add noise?).
01/25/2006 02:39:45 PM
Entire image is out of focus.
01/25/2006 11:52:42 AM
This is an insect, and completely out of focus. My score reflects that you have made poor composition, focus, and a DNMC entry.
01/25/2006 11:24:56 AM
Horrible pixelation...looks like it was taken with a camera phone. Hard to even see the grasshopper. Hard to judge something when the camera artifacts outweigh the surfaces of the shot.
01/25/2006 10:04:07 AM
Too blurry to tell what it is.
01/25/2006 09:39:10 AM
the colors are good but it definately could be clearer.
01/25/2006 08:02:37 AM
would have liked if it was a bit more in focus
01/25/2006 05:19:50 AM
I thought it was an animals and not insects challenge...lacks focus, composition is nice and so is the colour
01/25/2006 02:12:08 AM
Too blurry.

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