Author | Thread |
07/25/2006 10:13:54 AM |
that is just absoulutly wonderful love all the colors great job |
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06/24/2006 04:08:28 PM |
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06/17/2006 11:42:52 PM |
I have been viewing this photo for some time now trying to think of something more powerful and unique to say besides,Awesome or about Absolute Major Imagination Overload ! Congrats ! |
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06/17/2006 01:02:48 PM |
Wow, this is a great job on PPing a shot and making it so much better then the original, thanks for sharing (in detail) your process.
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05/16/2006 09:04:41 AM |
Absolutely stunning picture. (I am going to use your information and try to learn :o) |
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03/31/2006 09:37:05 PM |
This is definitely a mind blowing edit! The saturations are perfect ;) Congrats! |
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03/16/2006 01:24:30 PM |
I can't get over this image. Its mindblowing! Congratulations! |
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03/09/2006 01:43:11 AM |
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03/08/2006 11:15:27 PM |
This is absolutely stunning! |
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02/07/2006 07:17:53 PM |
Excellent photo. COngrats and well deserved Blue. |
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02/07/2006 01:57:06 AM |
Excellent - no wonder it was a winner. Beautiful. |
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02/06/2006 11:53:11 PM |
Originally posted by Pug-H: This looks really awful on a Japanese elementary school's computer monitor. ;-) |
David. Stop taking time from a child's computer hour and go get your own :P |
02/06/2006 11:50:48 PM |
This looks really awful on a Japanese elementary school's computer monitor. ;-)
Message edited by author 2006-02-06 23:51:05. |
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02/05/2006 08:14:11 PM |
My first time on this site and what do I see but my hometown! Lived there all my life and I love the way you took a already beautiful scene and made it spectacular. Great work! |
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02/04/2006 07:02:15 PM |
Yahh, thats what we all like to see on this site! love your idea, and think you pulled it off verry nicely! |
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02/04/2006 05:35:34 PM |
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02/03/2006 10:57:51 PM |
i absolutley love the photo!!! I'm in sunnyvale, ca so not far from half moon bay, and i don't think i'll ever look at it the same!!! Awesome. |
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02/02/2006 08:29:50 PM |
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02/02/2006 08:20:44 PM |
Love the surrealistic feel of the image. A well deserved blue! |
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02/02/2006 02:44:05 PM |
very nice shot, why is this in the black and white gallery?
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02/02/2006 11:26:10 AM |
Rikki, many congratulations! Those are some unreal colours in this image, really wild - love it! |
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02/02/2006 09:26:22 AM |
Beautiful!!!!!!!!! well done |
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02/01/2006 09:54:22 PM |
Wow, this looks like paradise as seen on another world. |
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02/01/2006 07:36:06 PM |
Rikki's on a roll! Beautiful stuff. Can you show us the original? |
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02/01/2006 05:59:18 PM |
Congrats Rikki, well done. |
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02/01/2006 03:40:06 PM |
wow i didnt get to see this but i would have given it a 10 |
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02/01/2006 03:16:29 PM |
you need to teach me how to do those "last minute entry,again" i hate you no i am only kidding congrats-i gave it a ten-i don't know who the heck would give this a one(a troll)-beautiful picture! |
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02/01/2006 02:50:21 PM |
Terrific homage, I see 2006 is gonna be a colorful/beribboned year for you! |
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02/01/2006 01:01:52 PM |
Great job Rikki! Congratulations on your blue, one of my favorites in the challenge :-) |
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02/01/2006 12:49:05 PM |
Surreal and really nice PP, congratulations! |
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02/01/2006 11:32:10 AM |
Good grief - what a shot! I have been to Half Moon Bay a few times but this is a vision that supercedes all others: stunning composition and process work.
Congratulations on the well-deserved blue ribbon. |
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02/01/2006 09:54:46 AM |
yes rikki! congrats kabayan. sobra ganda ng blue mo. |
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02/01/2006 09:28:43 AM |
Congratulations on your blue Rikki!!!! This turned out awesome!!! :)
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02/01/2006 09:12:30 AM |
WTG Rikki!!! Whoa dude! Slow down, some of us are trying to catch up! ;-) Beautiful shot & certainly ribbon-worthy. Great job & congratulations! That blue ribbon finally arrived! |
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02/01/2006 09:12:10 AM |
This is amazing stuff, Rikki. I love it! |
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02/01/2006 08:55:59 AM |
Wow - congrats Rikki! I see the Blue has arrived. It's a magnificent photo. |
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02/01/2006 08:40:03 AM |
Fantastic photo, congratulations on your ribbon! |
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02/01/2006 07:53:34 AM |
HOLY SMOKES DUDE! I didn't have time to even look at the entries in this challenge, so seeing how awesome this photo is has quite taken me by surprise! It's simply beautiful! Congrats, Rikki!!! WOW!!!! |
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02/01/2006 07:33:46 AM |
Congratulations. Truly a stunning image. |
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02/01/2006 07:23:10 AM |
Congratulations on your wonderful ribbon. It is an awesome image. For a last minute entry, this was amazing. I hope you plan on placing it in dp prints. I think it will sell a lot of images. |
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02/01/2006 07:21:18 AM |
Congrats Rikki on your Blue! Love your entry - sure nice to see this one on the front page. |
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02/01/2006 07:07:11 AM |
Congratulations! Awesome picture! |
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02/01/2006 06:59:21 AM |
Wooo-hooo... a Blue for You!!!! GREAT JOB RIKKI!!!! |
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02/01/2006 05:54:24 AM |
Rikki congrats on your second ribbon and your first blue!!! You go boy. |
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02/01/2006 05:09:43 AM |
Wowsers!!! Geez, Rikki, I guess ya liked the feel of that ribbon, huh?
I didn't vote this challenge, but man, I would have given this absolutely stunning image a top vote! This is just awesome, straight to favs. Well done, oh, and congrats man :-) |
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02/01/2006 04:18:10 AM |
well done dood!!! congrats on the blue! |
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02/01/2006 03:57:37 AM |
super super image!!!...congrats on the blue!! |
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02/01/2006 02:47:45 AM |
absolutely breathtaking. Caponigro would be proud :) |
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02/01/2006 02:36:46 AM |
Fantastic job Rikki. Job well done. |
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02/01/2006 02:36:20 AM |
Wow Rikki! What a totally awesome shot you have here. One of my top pick and in challenge with many outstanding shots. Congratulations! |
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02/01/2006 02:01:02 AM |
This means you are officially on a roll!!! keep it up! |
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02/01/2006 01:54:32 AM |
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02/01/2006 01:40:01 AM |
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02/01/2006 01:18:27 AM |
Oh WOW Rikki mate you nailed a BLUE rthis time, this image is F-king AWSOME brilliant well deserved now i have a brown nose. |
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02/01/2006 01:17:35 AM |
Rikki baby is on a roll. Great work kabayan. A star is born.
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02/01/2006 01:16:23 AM |
Cograts! I gave you a 10. This is going straight to my favorites! The colors are lovely. |
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02/01/2006 01:00:44 AM |
Great idea on this one and congratulations on the ribbon! |
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02/01/2006 12:58:50 AM |
Big Rikki! Represent, represent!!! |
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02/01/2006 12:55:37 AM |
Awesome effort, Rikki. I guess pm-ing for all those high votes paid off (jk). I didn't vote or view this Challneg ... so will have a look when I have time. But, way to go! |
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02/01/2006 12:52:38 AM |
Congratulations, Rikki, on a splendid image. Wow, Blue! |
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02/01/2006 12:47:28 AM |
I think there might be an issue here. Rikki goes to Japan and returns a ribbon winning machine! Time to check the basment for pods!
congratulations who ever you really are. |
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02/01/2006 12:47:13 AM |
Rikki, Rikki, Rikki ... Gratitous use of color will get you everywhere... Awesome shot, my man. Congrats :-) |
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02/01/2006 12:44:58 AM |
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02/01/2006 12:39:16 AM |
nice job rikki. mucho congrats... o... |
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02/01/2006 12:38:39 AM |
Look at you!!! Dude, you're rolling now!!!!!! |
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02/01/2006 12:36:11 AM |
Hey Rikki: Congratulations on this mesmerizing image that elevates the senses of the viewer to untold heights. What a great accomplishment.
Congratulations on your BLUE! |
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02/01/2006 12:32:59 AM |
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02/01/2006 12:32:55 AM |
Holy cow Rikki! Another one already and a blue! Great work on this and big congrats on your win! |
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02/01/2006 12:29:37 AM |
I knew this one would win =) CONGRATS!!! Let me know if you're going to sell prints... I Love It! |
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02/01/2006 12:29:30 AM |
You dog, you! Caponigro, eh? Nice work, Rikki! |
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02/01/2006 12:28:25 AM |
congrats. Thought this might ribbon and you just missed having two on the front page at once! outstanding! |
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02/01/2006 12:27:50 AM |
See rikki going to japan wasn't so bad after all. I see lot of good luck, two ribbons as you returned. Alas i could go to japan (if only i were not living it japan).
Great photo BTW.
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02/01/2006 12:27:13 AM |
woohoo..again. Good on ya Rikki. |
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02/01/2006 12:25:07 AM |
Incredible color! Congratulations, Rikki! |
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02/01/2006 12:25:01 AM |
Whawhooo! You did it! You da man Rikki! |
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02/01/2006 12:24:16 AM |
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02/01/2006 12:24:15 AM |
Last minute entry, yeah right. Excellent job. Congrats. You're the ribbon machine now! |
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02/01/2006 12:24:04 AM |
Very nice job Rikki. Congrats on a great entry and the blue :)
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02/01/2006 12:23:46 AM |
GO RIKKI! You've been replaced by fotoman on the couch now! :P |
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02/01/2006 12:23:34 AM |
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02/01/2006 12:22:22 AM |
Wow Rikki...This is a truly stunning scene...great job! You almost had more 10's than any other vote...crazy. I love the colors here. |
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02/01/2006 12:22:17 AM |
Wow, it's like an epiphany. Look out, Rikki has the magic formula to win!
Seriously, really beautiful shot, congratulations! |
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02/01/2006 12:21:47 AM |
hahahah i am so dumb!
Here i am in my skin
go chook!!!! |
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02/01/2006 12:20:20 AM |
Serious 'grats, Rikki! This is such a lovely shot and very well duplicating Caponigro's style. Well deserved ribbon! :) |
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02/01/2006 12:19:14 AM |
Yayyyyyy Rikki!!!!
Congrats man! A beautiful, deserving win! |
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02/01/2006 12:18:53 AM |
no surprise to see this here :)
great score, man, you rock the town. |
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02/01/2006 12:18:26 AM |
way to go rikki! this image in phenominal |
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02/01/2006 12:18:08 AM |
you go man! Blue for Rikki... |
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02/01/2006 12:17:53 AM |
I looked and looked and looked for this and i couldnt find it all challenge hahahah
You owe me a flight to cali dude!!
Umm youre going to think this a very strange msg hahah I forgot i wasn`t on my pc and therefore not logged in with my username - This is mesmeraj! OOPS!!
Message edited by author 2006-02-01 00:19:06. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
01/31/2006 11:52:42 PM |
Wow! Just absolutely stunning! |
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01/31/2006 11:06:30 PM |
Beautiful color & detail. Bumping up. |
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01/31/2006 09:26:52 PM |
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01/31/2006 11:20:00 AM |
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01/30/2006 09:08:08 PM |
very nice colors.
they almost clash too much, but I think they work.
At least that is my opinion.
good luck. |
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01/30/2006 08:57:50 PM |
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01/30/2006 04:11:36 PM |
Wonderful colors and gradients, marble-like patterns on the shore, hard and soft textures. Just lovely. |
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01/30/2006 04:08:31 PM |
Wow! Just stunning display of Mother Nature ;) |
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01/30/2006 07:02:31 AM |
Stunning colours, I love the contrast of the yellow/orange and the blue. |
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01/29/2006 04:05:55 PM |
Ouhh, that looks unrealistic, but in any events, bravo. 8 |
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01/29/2006 07:24:43 AM |
Supreme, "WOW","WOW","WOW",factor in this bright colorful landscape.....I have decided that you deserve a "TEN".... |
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01/29/2006 06:51:06 AM |
Stunning view. The sky is just too weird for me.. hope there will be an edit with the original (?) blue sky. The bottom half is 10, upper 6.. so 8 it is. |
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01/28/2006 07:26:38 PM |
this is an incredible photo. all I can say is wow, what did you use? something like a tobacco filter? I wonder how you pulled this off, the colors combat each other amazingly 10 |
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01/27/2006 11:14:26 PM |
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01/27/2006 06:44:58 PM |
breathtaking! the colors are wonderful. |
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01/27/2006 06:34:08 PM |
Soooooooo serene! Love it. |
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01/27/2006 05:08:56 PM |
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01/27/2006 04:11:56 PM |
wow! such radiant colors! |
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01/27/2006 12:38:36 PM |
Wow! Just a loss for words. |
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01/27/2006 12:27:03 PM |
i suggest a lot less saturation of colors. is this a photograph or a work of digital art?? hmmm. too fake for me. |
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01/27/2006 02:40:23 AM |
Very BEAUTIFUL!! Im giving this a 10. |
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01/26/2006 11:56:42 PM |
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01/26/2006 11:01:08 PM |
I'm not that familiar with this photographer, but it is a stunning, striking photo!!! The colors are so rich! The scene so powerful! |
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01/26/2006 07:05:22 PM |
ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! I love the combiniation of colors! A definite 10 =) |
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01/26/2006 04:03:29 PM |
This takes the cake in my opinion. Fantastic! |
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01/26/2006 02:58:11 PM |
Very surreal. Almost like the movie "What Dreams May Come" |
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01/26/2006 02:38:02 PM |
A joy to see this work, thank you. |
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01/26/2006 02:25:15 PM |
Stunning photograph, brilliant colors and tones. Amazing job of breaking the "don't center the horizon" rule. One of the rare occasions where a centered horizon looks incredible. Looks like another photographer I'm going to have to learn something about. Great job! |
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01/26/2006 01:56:23 PM |
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01/26/2006 12:11:06 PM |
Nice work on the colours. Maybe a little heavy on the yellow in the middle. |
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01/26/2006 09:39:37 AM |
Nice work, definitely Captures John's style, and it is a beautiful photo to boot. |
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01/26/2006 03:06:02 AM |
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01/25/2006 11:40:15 PM |
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01/25/2006 09:27:07 PM |
Unusual treatment to bring out this latent beauty. Bumping up. |
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01/25/2006 08:33:57 PM |
I found my ribbon! This is just mind blowing. I am just at awe looking at this image. Congrats in advance. In my faves. Please post a photo for printing later (and into wishlist). |
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01/25/2006 06:32:04 PM |
Edited: :) great picture, arresting color and composition. I like the touch of green plant/ice plant in the foreground. |
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01/25/2006 05:59:55 PM |
suddenly I think I found Rikki's picture.
jesus christ, the young padawan cuts the jedi master in half
edited to add - damn 10-22 :P |
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01/25/2006 05:59:37 PM |
Great! thou it{s very bright (which I consider amazing) it has some of the surrealism of him... 10! |
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01/25/2006 04:55:59 PM |
Wow!This image is one of the best in this challenge. The colors are wonderful! I love the scenery that this image conveys! If this doesn't ribbon or place high, I will be utterly disappointed. Well done! |
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01/25/2006 04:16:55 PM |
if this doesn't place top 10, i'll be surprised. |
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01/25/2006 02:14:27 PM |
This is beautifully intense. The blue in the sky's a little distracting to me, but I love the water capture. Great shot. |
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01/25/2006 11:29:06 AM |
could this finally be a ribbon? |
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01/25/2006 11:13:19 AM |
Amazing collection of colors and a great composition. 10 |
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01/25/2006 10:05:42 AM |
Beautiful, almost surreal sky. Great color, excellent composition. |
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01/25/2006 09:55:45 AM |
Absolutely beautiful. I need to look up his work. This is gorgeous with the oversaturated colors. |
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01/25/2006 07:42:31 AM |
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01/25/2006 02:42:18 AM |
This seems to me to be a nice tribute photo to the photographer but representative of only a small part of his work. I like the drama, and I like the contrasty nature of the photo. Otherwise, it's a bit overprocessed for my taste. Don't let my POV trouble you. It's a great photo and I hope it does well inthe voting. |
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01/25/2006 01:51:22 AM |
Quite Awsome, great processing.. 8 |
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01/25/2006 12:59:24 AM |
It looks like it could be on a post card. 8 |
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01/25/2006 12:45:05 AM |
Very nice shot. As I look at the gallery of Elemental pictures from JPC I note that his pictures are a lot more simple, very basic, not much going on in the picture. Your pic has a LOT going on - however, no points off for that (just an observation, seeing as we are supposed to be "inspired" by the photographers work). Nice choice of photog and nice execution! |
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