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The Crow in The Cemetery
The Crow in The Cemetery

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study X (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Kodak DX4900
Location: Upstate, NY, USA
Date: Jan 30, 2006
Aperture: 6
ISO: 1/250s
Shutter: 100
Galleries: Emotive, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Jan 30, 2006

My girls and I took a drive through this cemetery and we saw this crow and started following him along in the truck. He was kind enough to hold this pose in the middle of this row of gravestones. I never even got out of the truck for this - how lazy am I?
I'm hoping it gives the viewer a little bit of an eerie or haunting feel. I'm looking forward to any and all comments on this one.

All auto settings on camera.

Editing in ACDSee: Rotate, crop, switch to B&W and fiddled with hue/saturation for slight blue tone look, auto levels, slight contrast, despeckle.
Editing in PSP7: re-size, sharpen, salt and pepper, edge preserver, removed a leaf in the foreground out, and border.

Post Challenge:
Thanks soo much for all the votes, the great comments and especially the favorites - I really appreciate it!!!

Place: 62 out of 622
Avg (all users): 6.4300
Avg (commenters): 7.9524
Avg (participants): 6.3467
Avg (non-participants): 6.6800
Views since voting: 4959
Views during voting: 267
Votes: 200
Comments: 29
Favorites: 12 (view)

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10/06/2006 02:39:13 AM
you sure know how to pick them. Ive been itching to go to a graveyard on the next foggy evening. But this is really great..very spooky. what a great placing !
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05/20/2006 06:28:11 AM
This is beautiful. The mood you captured in this photo is just awesome. Added to favorites.
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05/19/2006 11:26:47 PM
Superb atmosphere in this shot! I love the contrast and that special post processing. Almost like an illustration...for maybe a book. (;
Thanks for checking out my portfolio! Cheers....Martin
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04/03/2006 09:06:50 PM
great shot..would make a wonderful book cover..
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02/09/2006 07:00:31 PM
I can't believe I didn't comment on this during the challenge. It is composed so well. It reminds me of the not so famous painting by Claude Monet "The Magpie" with a single black bird in the snow. The rows of tombstones create a linear quality and the filter just adds to the sad lonesome mood. Not a bad placement, considering the number of entries.
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02/09/2006 06:53:44 PM
I love crows :)
I recently read a book and some experiments on their intelligence... its amazing how smart they are and hardly anyone gives them credit for it.

One crow for sorrow
Two crows for mirth
three crows a wedding
four crows a birth
five crows for silver and
six crows for gold
seven crows a secret, not to be told
eight crows for heaven
nine crows for hell
ten crows are the devil himself
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/07/2006 08:47:09 PM
I had to have a good look at this, as I liked the thumb-nail.....I love the composition, and the "mood" of this fine image.....
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02/07/2006 06:16:29 PM
very nice toning and and great subject matter.
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02/07/2006 05:48:59 PM
Beautiful shot. Love the blue tone, the lines of the graves and the crow right in the center. Very effective.
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02/07/2006 02:08:26 PM
What a nice, evocative image. Good choice of the blue. It creates a feeling of desolate solitude that one would expect to find in a cemetery. I'm seeing some artifacts, but that's the only thing I can find wrong with this shot. Great job.
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02/07/2006 04:48:54 AM
Lots of lovely allegorical possibilities here. I do like the processing with the blue/black tone. Great composition/opportunism, but even better you knew what you were seeing and exactly how to capture and present it. 8
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02/06/2006 03:48:21 PM
amazing shot
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02/06/2006 11:29:51 AM
Very well shot and processed. 10.
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02/06/2006 04:44:32 AM
I think a cool title for your picture would have been Nevermore. Like what the raven said in Edgar A. Poe's poem - The Raven.
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02/05/2006 12:06:34 PM
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02/04/2006 10:58:01 PM
I love the strong contrast to bring out the crow on the snow, the fog, and the toning you have done here. 10 and favorite.
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02/04/2006 04:37:55 PM
the blue filter in this B&W is a good choice. very nice!
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02/04/2006 12:37:43 PM
Excellent scene and good usage of duotone. However, I'd have cropped a bit off the top (and maybe the bottom too), and held back on whatever postprocessing caused the overall mottled look.
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02/04/2006 10:40:07 AM
Azwesome find. I really think your purple tone is fitting for the mood. I like the solitary black crow in the snow.
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02/03/2006 09:37:29 PM
the snow here really adds to the blanched, high contrast feel here - the foggy distance makes it just amazing ... I like the way the contrast makes me want no more contrast. yeah that's right!
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02/03/2006 03:54:11 PM
nicely composed, mysterious and captivating.
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02/03/2006 12:24:59 PM
Excellent! Love the lighting and perception.
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02/03/2006 10:01:58 AM
the fog really captures the mood
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02/03/2006 08:59:17 AM
wow, thats awesome!
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02/03/2006 01:22:07 AM
nice high contrast treatment. very ghostly.
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02/01/2006 02:56:18 PM
Has a very spooky mood. Good job.
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02/01/2006 01:51:27 PM
this is a great capture, you should have adjusted the horizon to make it level
and centered the crow more, he's a little to the left. otherwise great!
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02/01/2006 09:13:15 AM
"Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore'." Edgar Allen Poe This is cold, chilling, ominous, a reminder of our mortality, cause to pause and reflect. On top of all that, it is well composed and beautifully processed. The converging headstones could go on for... eternity. 10
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02/01/2006 07:38:15 AM
fog and crow make the shot. Quite nice indeed.
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