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Beauty For A Day
Beauty For A Day

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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Transparency (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot Pro 90 IS
Location: Garden
Date: Jun 29, 2002
Aperture: 8.0
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/20 - 1/3 stop
Galleries: Still Life
Date Uploaded: Jun 30, 2002

daylilies that happened to bloom in time for the challenge in my garden. they only bloom for a day (hence the name). combined with a water-filled vase balanced precariously on two CD shelves and a couple of games plus a sheet of white cardboard. i know it's yet another flower shot but i enjoy taking them...

Place: 7 out of 148
Avg (all users): 6.6626
Avg (commenters): 8.1818
Avg (participants): 6.4906
Avg (non-participants): 6.7956
Views since voting: 4640
Votes: 243
Comments: 27
Favorites: 17 (view)

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11/08/2006 10:38:14 AM
This a good run on fine art. I love the way the flower looks like an etched painting.
07/08/2002 05:13:00 PM
Apologies for not commenting earlier
You have a lot of talent. Technically clean and superb image. Really great photo - Tremendous work!!!!
07/08/2002 10:39:00 AM
thank you all for your nice comments. i've now posted my outtakes. (//www.langpage.com/dpchallenge). i'd be interested in what you think of my other version of these flowers that i was considering submitting. i've also posted a picture of my 'setup' just for kicks. what did surprise me with this one is that no one commented on the dark shade in the vase and hardly anyone commented on the reflections. you are all too kind :)
07/08/2002 12:33:00 AM
This is a great photo.. I was hoping it would place :) Good work!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/07/2002 10:03:00 PM
good photo. nice colors. i especially like the soft lighting.
07/07/2002 09:44:00 AM
Excellent shot, the color and effect of the tube of water are shown flawlessly here.
07/06/2002 03:50:00 PM
I like the way you formed this into three vertical photos.
07/06/2002 11:21:00 AM
I can't say much about this photo other than it's my favorite entry this week. There are a lot of good entries this week but this one catches my eye the best and makes me look the longest. The subtle reflections in the glass add a nice element IMHO. The pure white background does a nice job of setting the flower into the foreground of the image... great shot! = 10 - jmsetzler
07/05/2002 07:48:00 PM
beautiful image
07/05/2002 03:40:00 PM
Nice refraction. In my top 5 .
07/03/2002 10:58:00 PM
Very nice..
07/03/2002 10:57:00 PM
Very nicely done interpertation of the challange. I can't think of anything negative to say (sorry). Paul.
07/03/2002 10:12:00 PM
Spectacular! Incredible color, delicate forms and very clean and well executed transparent element One of my 10 best this week ...hokie
07/03/2002 02:09:00 PM
Nice use of curved glass. Small nit: the reflections in the center of the glass.
Photo 9 Transparency 9 total 9 swash
07/02/2002 02:33:00 PM
creative, great colours, really liked this.
07/02/2002 01:09:00 PM
Beautiful composition. Love the simple white background.
07/02/2002 09:38:00 AM
Pretty flowers, but the reflections are a little distracting.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
07/02/2002 01:43:00 AM
I like the colors
07/01/2002 06:41:00 PM
Very nice shot, well done. I love this.... Kee
07/01/2002 06:35:00 PM
07/01/2002 04:40:00 PM
great job...it's gorgeous! 10
07/01/2002 01:38:00 PM
overly balenced but nice colors
07/01/2002 11:53:00 AM
nice... : )
07/01/2002 02:19:00 AM
cool colors - love the white background!
07/01/2002 02:05:00 AM
I really like this alot. It has a really classy artsy look to it. Nice job on this one ! = 9
07/01/2002 01:37:00 AM
beautiful--i bet this wins! love the stark contrasts and framing. good job...10. --amitchell
07/01/2002 01:34:00 AM
Very cool, 7

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