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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Motion Panning (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di for Nikon
Location: Kotka city centre
Date: Feb 6, 2006
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/30
Galleries: Action, Transportation
Date Uploaded: Feb 6, 2006

By far the best motion panning shot I got. I guess Broken would be easier but I really want to enter Motion Panning.. can't wait to see what others have captured. If I get over 4 I'm happy. Had fun.

Shot in shutter priority mode.

Place: 107 out of 117
Avg (all users): 3.5533
Avg (commenters): 3.4000
Avg (participants): 2.8448
Avg (non-participants): 3.7000
Views since voting: 711
Views during voting: 445
Votes: 338
Comments: 23
Favorites: 0

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02/15/2006 03:35:39 AM
Good try, I am surprised at how badly this has rated, I had it placed much higher, as the motion on the wheels was evident. I think it was a good try.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/14/2006 08:24:44 PM
Can barely sense movement in this shot.
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02/14/2006 07:51:38 PM
Nah! You've gotta follow the subject with the camera while the shutter is open. I think you snapped this while cruising next to this dude. Sorry
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02/14/2006 05:57:01 AM
sorry, but your shutter was a bit to quick. except for the slight blur of the tire, this car would be sitting still. you may have achieved something that meets the challenge, but, all the same, it doesn't really grab me.
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02/13/2006 07:14:33 PM
Um... where exactly is the motion pan here?
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02/13/2006 10:47:25 AM
not much motion blur
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02/13/2006 10:43:47 AM
Not quite enough movement imo. I can see the wheel blurred just slightly but the background is still very sharp.
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02/11/2006 04:53:50 AM
Nice sharp photo of the car however the background could do with a lot more blur as it almost looks like the car is just parked up. I read somewhere that 1/15sec is a good setting to achieve panning techniques
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02/11/2006 12:27:54 AM
Not quite enough panning to get a good effect, the background is not blured.
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02/10/2006 07:19:21 PM
you can tell this isn't in motion! you can tell that the car is staying still for the picture! or at least it's going very very s l o w.
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02/10/2006 01:34:32 PM
Focus on the driver is good, but not enough panning effect in the background.
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02/09/2006 02:10:19 AM
If there's any motion blur in this photo it's so slight that I can't detect it, other than in the wheels of the car. Also, the highlights in the snow are blown. Maybe a tighter aperture and a slower shutter speed would have helped. If that's as small as your aperture will go, maybe try a neutral density filter?
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02/09/2006 12:50:14 AM
maybe just a little too fast shutterspeed
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02/08/2006 11:51:51 PM
Sorry, not enough blur in this one.
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02/08/2006 11:25:10 PM
Even when the wheel is blur from the motion, the car seems to be static
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02/08/2006 10:42:19 PM
A slower shutter speed would blur the background more, and increase the feeling of motion.
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02/08/2006 03:35:46 PM
Was he really cruisin'? Looks more like sitting still in a car. There is no appearance of movement.
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02/08/2006 02:53:32 PM
The wheels appear to convey the movement of the car but the relative sharpness of the background almost suggests that it wasn't moving very fast or that a fast shutter speed was used.

In terms of composition I would have preferred to see the whole of the front of the car.
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02/08/2006 02:16:02 PM
Nice sharpness. Shutter speed is probably too high for background blur to show that you met the motion panning challenge.
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02/08/2006 12:25:23 PM
To me this is not motion panning
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02/08/2006 08:39:36 AM
The car is perfectly crisp, however, the background really isn't "moving" very much with respect to the car. You can see some movement in the wheel, but not too much. I think this needed a longer shutter to make the motion more noticeable.
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02/08/2006 04:54:03 AM
The back ground looks to sharp, IMO. I would have used a slower shutter speed.
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02/08/2006 01:02:29 AM
way too subtle a motion blur, if any. looks like depth of field.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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