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The Corrosive Touch of Time
1st PlaceThe Corrosive Touch of Time

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Broken II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 17-40mm f/4.0L USM
Location: Fort Stevens, Oregon
Date: Feb 6, 2006
Aperture: f/20
ISO: 100
Shutter: 2s
Galleries: Water, Seascapes
Date Uploaded: Feb 6, 2006

Drove out to the shipwreck of the Peter Iredale near Astoria, OR. The ship was grounded in 1906. This is all that is left 100 years later.

Shot near sunrise with a 2-stop ND filter and 2-stop polarizer. I have a number of outtakes to share after the challenge.

Post production involves pretty well all adjustment layers allowed. It was also converted from RAW.

WOW!!! It's my first blue given DURING the week the challenge is over. ;) What a great location. Here are some outtakes for you to enjoy...

Some people have commented on the haloing. It was not intentional. It is not as apparent at 1900x1200, but I saw it at 1024x768 at it was quite a bit too much. The print is redone with advanced editing and does not have the halo effect.

Place: 1 out of 285
Avg (all users): 7.2837
Avg (commenters): 8.2973
Avg (participants): 7.0962
Avg (non-participants): 7.3933
Views since voting: 19200
Views during voting: 477
Votes: 282
Comments: 94
Favorites: 35 (view)

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02/20/2006 11:07:47 PM
Congratulations on your ribbon with this beautiful, moody image.
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02/20/2006 12:56:57 PM
Outstanding. Just outstanding.
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02/20/2006 08:13:44 AM
Congratulations on your blue ribbon!
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02/19/2006 07:53:19 PM
Beaiful shot use to take vacations there as a kid but there was lots more of the wreck back then.
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02/19/2006 05:42:18 PM
really a wonderful work. compliments
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02/19/2006 11:39:44 AM
Congratulations. Once again my favorite wins and it is you! Great work.
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02/17/2006 08:56:42 PM
Very well deserved Blue. I love the effect the surf (or is that morning fog?) has around the building. It gives it a very surreal feeling.
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02/17/2006 07:48:25 PM
Cool, man! Great pic!
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02/17/2006 06:37:40 PM
Thanks for posting the name of the ship. There is something so sad about an unnamed ship wreck.

You really deserve the blue ribbon on this. Great job.
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02/17/2006 05:48:43 PM
Hey Jason, congrats on the Blue! And hello from Lima, Peru! I´m even checking DPC while on vacation. Awesome picture, perfect for the challenge! I can´t wait to see it on a really monitor (this 14 inch one with 640x480 resolution is a trip).
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02/16/2006 03:01:36 AM
Congrats on your first blue, it was always coming.
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02/16/2006 01:28:44 AM
::: Critique Club :::
Since I've been asked here, to put my money where my mouth is I'll use my CC template if nobody minds.

First Impression - the most important one:
As soon as you look at this photo, it strikes you as having a difference to all the others. It's a combination of the subconcious reaction to the composition and the unusual shape and texture of the subject and it's also the light values. I suppose it's the ethereal feel and that it somehows tugs just a little at your emotions.

There are composition "Rules" which of course are not rules at all but are a set of reseached and known illustration structures that have been proven to appeal to viewers. This applies to paintings as well as photographs. As 'creative' as we all want to be, these rules appear to have worked for a couple of hundred years and I think we ignore them at our peril.

The main 'rules' are all applied to this image in one form or another.
- Rule of Thirds (A): Elements should fall on a thirds line at least and at best on a thirds intersection. In this image, where the ship emerges from the water is on the horizontal thirds line and the bulk of the ship, particularly the vertical stringer of the highest point of the ship, sits right on the right-hand vertical thirds line.
- Viewing Flow (B):Again research has proven that the eye enters an image at the bottom-left corner and transitions to the top-right corner. As you can see with this image there is space and room for the eye to enter and follow the wreck's structure to the top-right thirds intersection. This can be and is combined with the Leading Lines Rule.
- Leading Lines(B): Leading lines are elements or structures of an image that lead the eye to the Point of Interest (POI). Not only does this image have a Leading Line from the nearly submerged bits of the wreck to the height of the structure but the leading line is from bottom-left to top-right and they lead to the POI that is perfectly on a thirds intersection.
- Stop Point (C): Another element that can help a composition is in conjuction with Viewing Flow. If you have an element that stops the eye leaving the image out of the top-right corner, then you've added another satisfaction point for the viewer and another reason for them to feel comfortable with and like the image. This is often achieved with a tree framing top and right or a building etc. In this case the size and imposing nature of the wreck superstructure effectively stops the eye from moving on.

The viewer/voter doesn't analyse any of this. The response to the image is totally subjective, that's why these rules work on the subjective, not the rational plane. Here's the graphic of the application of all of these in this pic.

So you can poopoo this whole concept if you feel uncomfortable being constrained by 'rules', certainly may people in DPC do. Certainly any such rules are "... for the adherence of fools and the guidance of wise men ..".
Do these rules by themselves make a great image? I doubt it very much. Can a great image be created without being mindful of these rules. I doubt it very much. Of course there are always exceptions, many amazing images do not conform to the rules but most do.

We can't underestimate the value of the emotive impact of the subject. That's why models are all 20 something and size 8 or 10. The subject here is beautifully evocative. We initially don't know what it is so we have to examine the picture to work it out. Once we work it out I image the reaction of most of us is "... how cool, I wish I had something like that to shoot...". No doubt we'd all like to be there to explore it too - we're hooked. This personal involvement with the subject has to count for heaps in voting. We all look at images that just don't involve us at all, the actual difference in subject is subtle but is powerful in our voting. On the subconcious level, there is also a contrast here between the hard iron and the soft water.

Technical (Colour, focus, and light):
Technically, the over-sharpening halo is bad bad bad but there's enough good stuff about it that it hasn't really mattered to the voters. Now we've got that out of the way, onto the good stuff. Look at the difference between the very ordinary outtakes (that would score around 5.5+ range) and the winning image. They're like chalk and cheese, so what makes that difference?
- The soft water: is an inspired element. So many of the voters mentioned it that it clearly mattered a great deal. The long 2 second exposure may have simply been because the light was failing and DrAchoo needed to keep shooting as he wasn't happy with it yet. The result of the soft water and the subject matter just introduced that ethereal ghostly haunted look that makes this stand out.
- The Light: Look at the outtakes, they were all taken earlier. Their light was low and interesting and showed up more of the structure of the wreck. Then look at the final and realise that in this case it's better not seeing all the rust and detail. Why? I've no idea really, it just seems to fit the mood of whats created.
- The Sky: Isn't it great. As we all know, it's not possible to plan for skies like this, it just happen. We simply have to have 'the eye' and be aware of the possibilities. From the camera settings, when this was taken it was almost dark so it falls to the photographers experience and faith to keep shooting.

To grow its vote?:
I doubt it lost any points for the over-sharpening but that's just about all you could find 'wrong' with it.

I'm glad the question was raised because like all critiques, it has made me examine the principles in depth again and remind myself that control and discipline has to be ther on every shot.


Message edited by author 2006-02-16 01:38:50.
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02/15/2006 08:51:53 PM
What a great shot, fabulous photo and well deseving blue.

Well done !!!

*edit*I will also say the B @ W and the splashs are fabulous. You cant get any better then first, but they also splendid photos. Must have been a tough decision.

Message edited by author 2006-02-15 22:28:03.
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02/15/2006 08:21:36 PM
Congrats! This shot is beautiful. I'm a friend of Rikki's, I've heard a lot about you.
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02/15/2006 08:06:54 PM
Great Shot! I really enjoyed looking through your out takes! it's a great idea to post them, to offer us all a different prespective on what your seeing! Thanks so much, and verry deserving! Nice shot, and good luck in the future!
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02/15/2006 05:57:41 PM
That is a great picture. I am so glad that you won. I went to college in Oregon and now live in Florida and as soon as saw that picture reminded of great the Oregon coast is. For me you captured a lot of memories of great times in one shot. I also like your BW outtakes. Very cool!!
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02/15/2006 05:13:45 PM
Congrats on your ribbon and well deserved - I loved this photo.
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02/15/2006 03:59:42 PM
Congrats on Blue #2!
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02/15/2006 03:40:14 PM
A nice shot, but it would have been better without the over-sharpening. Congratulations on the ribbon!
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02/15/2006 02:25:40 PM
Congrats on a well deserved Blue. Haloing is normally viewed as a defect or flaw, but here it seems to add a certain something to the shot and is not at all objectionable. Well done.
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02/15/2006 01:21:16 PM
Very nice! I like the exposure and the effect the water creates. Grats!
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02/15/2006 12:04:44 PM
Awesome Job! I love the take with the birds!! Floyd.
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02/15/2006 10:53:58 AM
Congrats on your portrayal of the ocean's corrosive nature. You're on a roll now!
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02/15/2006 10:39:16 AM
Great shot Jason, congratulations on the ribbon!
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02/15/2006 08:00:38 AM
Yeah, one of my favourites, never got around to bumoing it from an 8 but seems you didn't really need it :) Great job!!!
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02/15/2006 07:46:19 AM
I thought this one would be the winner! Congratulations! This is beautiful!
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02/15/2006 07:00:44 AM
another blue
for you

Congrats Doc! Good job!
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02/15/2006 06:36:57 AM
wow, this really is wonderful..congrats on your ribbon...
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02/15/2006 06:34:19 AM
Nice finish Doc! Congrats!
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02/15/2006 06:04:04 AM
Absolutely brilliant photo!! great job and congrats!!
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02/15/2006 04:23:22 AM
Beautiful composition and excellent capture - but you already know that! Congratulations!
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02/15/2006 03:36:28 AM
Another blue for the Oregon coast! The ship grounding was not for naught. Well done.
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02/15/2006 03:36:08 AM
I voted this a 10 because it deserved it - congrats on the blue for a sublime image and thanks for the detailed out-takes and explanation!
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02/15/2006 03:09:11 AM
well done doc!
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02/15/2006 02:46:28 AM
Congratulations on your win - beautiful image.
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02/15/2006 01:45:23 AM
Beautiful! Love it - the best shot I've ever seen of the Peter Iredale.
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02/15/2006 01:19:53 AM
Congrats on a fine image. I'm guessing the haloing was intentional?
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02/15/2006 12:45:43 AM
Congrats Doc! Well we knew this was the one :)
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02/15/2006 12:42:48 AM
Fight Back Doc
Take that darn Rikki to task ;)
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02/15/2006 12:41:02 AM
Congratulations on your very well earned BLUE with this nostalgic and gritty capture.
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02/15/2006 12:37:46 AM
Congrats! This ain't gonna hurt yer average!
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02/15/2006 12:34:26 AM
WONDERFUL SHOT!!! great job on your blue
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02/15/2006 12:30:16 AM
Congrats Doc! Woohoo BLUE baby! You go big guy!
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02/15/2006 12:16:54 AM
Congratulations... nice shot of the Peter Iredale, Oregon's most famous and enduring shipwreck! Reminds me of home.
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02/15/2006 12:16:25 AM
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02/15/2006 12:14:23 AM
Way to go Doc!!! Grats and then some! :D
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02/15/2006 12:14:07 AM
Congrats on the blue... beautifully done and well deserved! :)
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02/15/2006 12:09:21 AM
Congrats!!!! About time!!!
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02/15/2006 12:08:56 AM
I figured this was yours. Perfect timing on the capture - glad the weather cooperated! Congrats!
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02/15/2006 12:08:54 AM
I am proud of myself for giving you a 9! Knew this would win...well done
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02/15/2006 12:08:43 AM
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02/15/2006 12:08:25 AM
WTG Doc!
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02/15/2006 12:07:43 AM
VERY NICE.!! congratulations!
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02/15/2006 12:07:25 AM
Congrats on a well deserved ribbon Doc. One of my favorities entries in this challenge.... Looking good.

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02/15/2006 12:07:07 AM
Nice Doc! Congrates on your first real time Blue!
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02/15/2006 12:06:54 AM
Hah. Well done on another blue. One of my highest rated shots.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/14/2006 11:27:44 PM
Haunting and beautiful.
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02/14/2006 10:55:21 PM
This is a great scene - lovely colors. 8
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02/14/2006 02:29:43 PM
very nice..... where is this at? looks like South Africa but could be alot of places.
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02/13/2006 04:47:03 PM
I've seen this place before... Still something to enjoy looking at.
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02/13/2006 12:43:38 AM
the motion in the clouds and water and the hard, rusted jaggedness of the objects illustrate the title well, best example in the challenge, I think...and while the clouds seem to leave the frame, the waves bring your eyes back in to the objects in the water which reach up into the open sky...good job!
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02/13/2006 12:37:04 AM
Fantastic photo! Beautiful. 10
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02/12/2006 10:02:02 PM
Great shot! I love the water.
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02/12/2006 09:33:51 PM
Good composition and interesting subject.
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02/12/2006 09:07:29 PM
love the flow of the water, the detail of the broken ship, and the composition. There is a bit of haloing - might want to reprosses this with a bit less USM
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02/12/2006 08:35:47 PM
This is a super shot, really love it as it has a ghost feel to it..... "WOW" factor for sure.....
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02/12/2006 04:20:45 PM
Fantastic, Great composition IMO. Love the look of the water. On my screen it's a bit too bright, I think a darker tone would have helped transfer the feeling of degeneration and aging better. Bump anyways.
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02/12/2006 08:15:24 AM
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02/12/2006 02:02:56 AM
wow, this is spectacular!!! wonderful shot that should do well for you
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02/11/2006 07:13:22 PM
Great subject. Nice, eerie feel. Good title.
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02/11/2006 03:07:10 PM
Wow..Love this!! I have a feeling I know who this is ;) I am already a fan, but this one is really outstanding..surreal, cold and quiet.
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02/11/2006 10:02:51 AM
nice photo, i like the backdrop especially
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02/11/2006 05:10:18 AM
wonderful! Peter Iredale?? (sp?) lol. nice shot none the less...
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02/10/2006 06:07:46 PM
very nice
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02/10/2006 05:10:00 PM
great shot!!
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02/10/2006 04:02:56 PM
Nice contrasts between hard and soft, and good composition; lots of unfortunate debris (water drops?) on the lens or curtain, though
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02/10/2006 11:08:10 AM
Very effective.
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02/09/2006 07:29:44 PM
Very nice!
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02/09/2006 04:11:51 PM
sigh - wonderful and evocative - love this shot
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02/09/2006 02:30:35 PM
Nice picture....
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02/09/2006 01:16:59 PM
Very nice....back for another comment. Even though I can see 6 or 7 specks of dust this is still my favourite and highest rated photo of the challenge. Good luck! (you probably don't need it)
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02/09/2006 05:35:28 AM
i think this is a great shot -good luck.
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02/09/2006 04:45:42 AM
good picture but picture is tilted
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02/09/2006 03:38:11 AM
Stunning portrayal of a long lost gem. Love the water too ;)
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02/09/2006 12:52:13 AM
well handled Ilike the slow shutter effect on the water , this is my pick for a ribbon .10
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02/08/2006 06:19:31 PM
Very atmospheric
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02/08/2006 04:54:58 PM
Fabulous photo! One -- if not the -- best I've seen so far.
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02/08/2006 04:18:52 PM
Ghostly image...well done.
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02/08/2006 02:20:55 PM
nice composition
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02/08/2006 12:24:41 PM
Nice use of a long exposure to create quite an ethereal effect in the water. And well planned/ timed to catch the light so that there is detail and colour in the main subject and also in the clouds and sky. Great composition too.
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02/08/2006 12:08:35 PM
You've got some pretty severe haloing going on here... It's a really nice shot though
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02/08/2006 09:49:46 AM
good capture--looks surreal like a S. Dali image and i like the water motion. The lighting on the objects seems a lttle weak/flat due to clouds blocking sun? anyway very good capture -9
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02/08/2006 08:50:20 AM
Stunning image. I really like the movement of the water. The old structure is like a skeleton of sorts. Well done. 9
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02/08/2006 12:31:46 AM
Great photo. I like the color and the framing is perfect.
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