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Stairway to Heaven
Stairway to Heaven

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: 7 Heavenly Virtues (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 IS USM
Location: Arizona, USA.
Date: Feb 9, 2006
Aperture: f/20
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60s
Date Uploaded: Feb 12, 2006


Place: 45 out of 124
Avg (all users): 5.4426
Avg (commenters): 5.5714
Avg (participants): 5.2083
Avg (non-participants): 5.5000
Views since voting: 973
Views during voting: 301
Votes: 244
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0

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02/25/2006 03:53:52 AM

As an architectural study this is neatly done and, on the whole, well-composed. Respect for texture and form is evident throughout. Distortion is minimized, not an easy task at such close quarters. I'd wish to see a bit more on the left, but closer examination shows that it's actually there; you've just obliterated it with your border.

Which brings up the topic of the border; IMO it's a distinct negative for this image, actually competing witht he architectural elements for attention. Plus the fact that it gets lost on the borrom right and the entire right side, lending an uncommon asymmetrical effect to the whole.

I'd wish the sky could be better contained, a gradient burn from the top, but this was a basic-editing challenge so I realize that wasn't possible. It's a good, clean, soft sky with just enough detail to make it interesting, so that's not a major issue.

As a retired architectural photographer, I find myself noticing one particular, tiny nit that bugs me disproportionally: Near the upper right, the metal flashing on the roof, the corner of that projects up just a tad above the masonry wall, and this is annoying. Mofing in one step or lowering the camera 6 inches would have allowed a smoother transition. However, these things are damned hard to see on a 20D viewfunder, and can only be spotted by zooming in on playback and scanning the image carefully. Again, it's not a major deal, but it's the sort of thing a client notices :-)

As far as relevance to the topic, I'm lukewarm on it; I assume you mean the imnage of the church, and the cross, to symbolize "faith", and I suppose they do, but I lean towards the distinction that the heavenly virtues and the deadly sins are uniquely human concepts, and thus are best-portrayed in a human context; one of the fiathful kneeling in prayer speaks more to me of "faith" than the image of a cross, in other words.

But the challenge is over and done with, and I think you did an excellent job on the image.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/21/2006 07:41:11 PM
I like the variety of lines and textures in this shot. The angle you chose shows off a lot of them, yet still shows off the cross prominently. Nicely done.
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02/21/2006 11:24:35 AM
Very nice colour and compostion.
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02/20/2006 09:48:53 PM
well done !
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02/20/2006 06:28:13 PM
I like the angle this was taken from.
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02/18/2006 02:40:50 AM
Nice lines and colours. There are strong entry and exit points to the photo.
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02/17/2006 09:31:55 PM
Nice architecture shot.
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02/17/2006 09:02:17 PM
I like the structure. Good composition and decent lighting. Nice.
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02/17/2006 11:59:47 AM
does it match with the theme?3 hey where is the stairway i cant see the stairs just show me the stairs and double border(fine black line) makes the picture bulky it would luk better if u didnt add the fine black lined border.
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02/17/2006 10:33:52 AM
i don't like it.. dosen't look like a chuch at all but for the cross..
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02/16/2006 12:00:15 PM
I like how the architectural lines seem to meet at unexpected angles.
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02/15/2006 05:29:12 PM
Nice composition
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02/15/2006 02:30:03 PM
I love the lines and shapes, great image.
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02/15/2006 07:01:21 AM
frame is distracting.
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02/15/2006 02:18:46 AM
Yes but what is the virtue?
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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