I'm not at all sure what the point of photography is, in realtion to this image. I would have thought it might be almost as easy to start with a blank frame, and simply create this in photoshop. Even the rather dodgy winning photographs in this challenge have strong elements of photography in them, whereas this has almost none of that.
Of course, that may be your point: a reaction to the idea of the source material being irrelevent to the challenge. I don't know.
from a photographic standpoint, I find almost nothing here to critique. What am I supposed to say? Your depth of field is too shallow? I think not.
It holds interest, however, i think, for what it does to the relation of the DPC world presentation (that shade of grey), and the sense of three-dimensionality: but opther shots have done it more profoundly - look out the old 'challenge' shot, which probably appears on the lowest scoring photos page. Given the nature of this challenge, and the exceptional rules, there's almost no framework for forming an opinion on this shot. |