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Fashion Victim
Fashion Victim

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Trends (Classic Editing)
Camera: Kodak DX3900
Location: My living room
Date: Jul 21, 2003
Aperture: auto
ISO: auto
Shutter: auto
Galleries: Portraiture, Nude
Date Uploaded: Jul 21, 2003

I'm expecting many "dose not fit challenge" comments, and with them a low score. Since this is not a literal portrait of a "trend" but more of a statement of how I feel.

However the signs on the model are of "fad diets", "Trendy designers", "The latest exercise craze", and the mutilating surgery available if all else fails to turn you into the commercial all American "hot chick".

So therefore


The fashion industry, and the media sell women and young girls these trends by manipulating their insecurity. I think it's such a shame that women and girls allow the media to abuse our self esteem. In a perfect world beauty would be judged by deeds more than how you look in tight jeans.

I spent many years dieting and feeling guilty over my body. Doing unhealthy and insane things in the name of beauty. Only to ware other peoples perceptions of what beauty is, and feel inadequate because I did not come up to the standard.

The pic itself was taken with a standard flash. I wanted the stark harshness of the light to make the woman in the picture look more striped naked. Overexposed if you will.
I desaturated the image almost 65% I wanted it to have some color but have an unworldly tired faded look. I wanted the flesh to look dead.

I'm also expecting a few immature cruel comments which I will post in the forum after this competition is over...as revenge! MWAHHAHAHAHA!!!

I don't know who may see this or read this but I'd like to conclude with what I feel is a fundamental truth:
We were made beautiful by God/des's standards. No other standards really count....not even our own


Place: 53 out of 169
Avg (all users): 5.3977
Avg (commenters): 7.8846
Avg (participants): 5.2574
Avg (non-participants): 5.4873
Views since voting: 8064
Votes: 259
Comments: 50
Favorites: 12 (view)

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10/22/2005 07:44:23 PM
I have a 15 year old daughter and I tell her that 'Healthy' ..achieved by eatting right, exercise and inner peace will always be beautiful..not fitting any standards of the media or fashion world.
After all, if we are in prime physical condition then we feel beautiful and project this..and thus we are!
An honest and creative image.
10/22/2005 06:40:52 PM
Originally posted by casualgal:

Nude doesn't make this better....poor taste in my opinion.

poor taste?? Ok but dont see any reason why it should be considerd poor taste
10/22/2005 06:31:49 PM
Brightest Blessings .. and may you have many warm and magical moments this day :) *edit* this is in my fav's ;)

Message edited by author 2005-10-22 18:32:13.
09/25/2005 12:41:38 AM
This is such a powerful and Im sure lots of people can relate to it! I really find this piece very admirable. Awesome job!
12/23/2003 02:52:13 PM
Fantastic concept.
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11/13/2003 05:39:26 PM
thank you for this.
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11/12/2003 10:58:07 PM
This damn pic is still in my thoughts... What a great work - wonderful idea and gutsy model... fantastic again... can't say enough.
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11/11/2003 05:33:57 PM
You had character! The world need´s people like you. Like Sting say´s: "Be your self no matter what they say."
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11/10/2003 03:46:36 PM
I think it is fantastic, very interesting and thought provoking. Thanks for sharing.
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09/17/2003 04:44:22 PM
can i just say that i love you? i very much like this piece. favoriting. <3
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08/14/2003 10:41:51 AM
A work very well done, both in a photographic and a literary sense.
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08/10/2003 10:04:04 AM
Hi Jo.
Interesting fighting pic.
I would have given it seven.
I think the limit of the pic is in the violence of your comment, the same violence who let you lose a bit of control while composing it, ending up missing the remaining three points required to get a ten.
Next time channel your anger and try to change part of it in a positive feeling.
08/02/2003 02:19:18 AM
surprised this one didn't do better. it was one of my top picks. glad i came back to visit. read ur details. :o)
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07/30/2003 03:35:22 PM
this image and detail of opinion is awesome ... i took agree and am in a similar situation .. great job! if i voted i'd give it a nine ... i'd like to see more colors though ... maybe on the papers ...
the body shop cosmetic stores www.thebodyshop.com use to have a poster and slogan with an over sized (more realistic babrbie doll) on a chassie and the logo was "there are only 8 people in the world that are supermodels" or something like that ... showing that being curvier isnt a bad thing :)
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07/30/2003 08:51:07 AM
powerful image! and i read your details, too...
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07/30/2003 08:07:22 AM
just to add a comment: the sad truth is that if the model had been more 'what society considers of great beauty', this picture would probably have scored better. i think that adds to your overall message.
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07/30/2003 04:45:52 AM
I read your details. Just wanted to let you know. And I am also surprised this didn't score better.
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07/30/2003 02:29:30 AM
I can't believe this one scored as low as it did. I think it's great & well thought out.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/29/2003 11:27:17 PM
Nude doesn't make this better....poor taste in my opinion.
07/29/2003 09:08:36 PM
i had to give you a 10 just for the humor and originality if nothing elese
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07/28/2003 10:16:50 PM
AMAZING creativity! 9!
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07/27/2003 05:52:59 PM
Is that Dawn French? Her eyes look just like her! Ha! Ha!
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07/27/2003 04:22:07 PM
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07/26/2003 08:09:02 PM
Too true. If only people accepted themselves for who they are instead of letting fashion dictate their life and how they feel about themselves.
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07/26/2003 07:42:42 PM
Very creative idea - speaks well to the challenge!
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07/26/2003 02:03:39 PM
I was a little weary of this photo at first from the thumbnail, but seeing the actual picture, I really like it. I like your creative approach to this challenge. Good job!
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07/26/2003 01:09:37 PM
i saw the thumbnail, had to click. wow! i like this. very well done. and i like her expression. 9
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07/25/2003 04:34:17 PM
An image that really made me stop and look. I am not sure I like the image for itself - I don't know that it works well outside of the challenge - but certainly an interesting concept.
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07/25/2003 01:04:58 PM
ver funny and creative
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07/25/2003 09:20:16 AM
scary. but true
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07/25/2003 08:07:07 AM
This is very original, funny and well done. Congratulations on a fantastic photo - 9.
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07/24/2003 09:54:55 PM
I like this one! Great model! Like the different fonts. IMHO, I would have used more colors (in the fonts) to make this image pop out even more or having fashion magazine covers taped to her. =-p . Not especially fond of seeing the backdrop, it somewhat distracts. The position of the arms makes me feel like she is surrendering to the "trends" or throwing her arms up in protest, I'm not sure which. Perhaps seeing her hands or having a different look in her eye would reveal a bit more of her statement. Would also like to have seen what it said on her right shoulder. =-) Still, a great job and one of my favs in the challenge.
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07/24/2003 12:06:17 PM
you've made me laugh...yes! it's really the reality...nice interpretaion & I like your creativity...
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07/24/2003 10:52:24 AM
Very good idea !!!
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07/23/2003 10:32:39 PM
what a statement
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07/23/2003 10:08:29 PM
Very creative. Great job!
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07/23/2003 08:07:18 PM
Aren't we all victims of fashion =)
nice presentation
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07/23/2003 06:53:43 PM
Excellent idea for trends, and very appropriate placement of the words! You can tell you put a lot of thought into this.
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07/23/2003 06:27:07 PM
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07/23/2003 12:46:37 PM
OMG that is me too..so funny and original idea
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07/23/2003 11:08:00 AM
thanks for the laugh and i love it, only you should have put the piercing over your belly button. got a 10 from me for saying it all.
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07/23/2003 09:50:16 AM
Very funny and a good point made. [7]
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07/23/2003 09:00:28 AM
I don't think I can find the words to describe how excellent I think this photo is. Really says "Trends" to me like no other photo in the challenge
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07/23/2003 08:05:08 AM
Excellent idea, and well executed. =10
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07/23/2003 04:16:52 AM
Great Idea....
Would have liked to see the shot more proberly lit, but still you get a 8 for the idea;)
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07/23/2003 04:14:25 AM
Heh, nice idea. this reminds me of that shot of the baby with all the corporate logos all over it's body. well done!
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07/23/2003 03:54:11 AM
I like this pic - well thought-out, very artistic. My only slight gripe (and one I guess several others as pedantic as myself will point out) is that you spelt 'tae-bo' wrong. But regardless, good work.
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07/23/2003 02:52:19 AM
definitely she would need something from that
07/23/2003 12:48:43 AM
I love the message involved witht his image! Would have been beneficial to move the woman farther away from the black background and then lit only her. I think this would have increased the effectiveness of the photo.
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07/23/2003 12:20:54 AM
LOL great photo. If nothing else it is a wonderful break from the run of the mile photos.
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