*Critique Club*
Well, The first thing I notice is that there is a bit of background here. The black area looks to be background to me. While it is not distracting, I do think that a challenge titled 'fill the frame' should not really have any background. This is only the way I personally interpreted the challenge, and since I didn't vote, that doesn't matter too much anyawy.
I think that your focus and clarity are really good. I can see a lot of detail here, from the tread on the tire right down to the screw thread on the vertical bars near the middle of the photo. Very nice detail, and great focus to accomplish such detail.
The lighting to me seems good as well. I wonder though how it would look with a bit of shadow on the tire to help the tread stand out just a little bit more? Otherwise, I see no bright spots or distracting shadows.
The framing and cropping are a major part of this challenge, and as I said before, while it doesn't really fit the 'fill the frame' in my opinion, I do like the framing/cropping very much. The closeness is nice and also helps to make the details stand out. I really like the tire to the left, but maybe it leaves the photo just a little unballanced? Kind of like the left side is a little heavy and the right side doesn't really contain a lot of info.
Overall a nice shot with lovely detail.
~Heather~ |