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Scaredy Cat
Scaredy Cat

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fear (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-P50
Location: Home
Date: Jul 7, 2002
Aperture: 1:4.0
ISO: unknown
Shutter: 1/50 sec
Date Uploaded: Jul 7, 2002


Place: 90 out of 110
Avg (all users): 4.0502
Avg (commenters): 4.5517
Avg (participants): 3.9785
Avg (non-participants): 4.0860
Views since voting: 1068
Votes: 279
Comments: 29
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/14/2002 07:58:00 PM
Nice idea. Slightly too home-photo, I think because its out of focus.
07/13/2002 02:56:00 PM
Awwww, poor kitty! You made him upset! I hope you settled him down after this shot. Poor guy!
07/12/2002 11:38:00 AM
slightly out of focus. I would of taken a few shots of the cat you may of gotten a better shot than this one.
07/11/2002 10:10:00 AM
Another awful picture of someones pet. This wouldnt pass my quality threshhold for staying out the trashcan, let alone submission to a competition.
1. No focus, particularly around the eyes. Try setting things up in a brighter room.
2. Bad framing, Subject should be central, or use the 'rule of thirds'.
3. Backgrounds are part of the picture to, there appears to be some laundry lurking back there.
07/10/2002 10:27:00 PM
This is a scary cat!
07/10/2002 08:16:00 PM
A pretty fearful lookin feline. I am a little concerned about the composition and focus so I will rate it a 6. Autool
07/10/2002 03:04:00 PM
Ears back, claws will follow. Was this shot taken with a flash? It gives the cat a strange green-eyed look.
07/10/2002 01:55:00 PM
good rendering, my cat when he is feed late
07/10/2002 01:10:00 PM
I like this. What did you do to make the cat mad?
07/10/2002 12:10:00 PM
A little out of focus, but the expression is great
07/10/2002 10:08:00 AM
meeting challange = 4. the black cat is a good idea - although a shot of his crossing someones path would have appealed more. Photo quality - 3 total = 7
07/10/2002 04:59:00 AM
Loks a litle more angry tha scared.
07/09/2002 11:47:00 PM
very cute! looks very scared!
07/09/2002 08:42:00 PM
poor guy. he's blurry but i really like his facial expression.
07/09/2002 06:02:00 PM
the focus seems a bit soft,.. was that intentional?
07/09/2002 01:58:00 PM
Too dark, the cat looks ill and not very sharp!
07/09/2002 10:28:00 AM
Green eye is pretty bad...should have stayed away from flash. He looks miffed...not scared.
07/09/2002 08:49:00 AM
Confusion over the title and image. This cat looks utterly angry, rather than scaredy. Perhaps you intend for the viewer to be frightened BY the cat? It lacks detail on my screen and the unmade bed as a background doesn't give the impression I think you were looking for.
07/09/2002 12:43:00 AM
a little more focus
07/08/2002 11:06:00 PM
The eyes are out of focus and just strange looking. I don't see fear...sorry.
07/08/2002 09:48:00 PM
Meow!!! Cool eyes, but much too soft on the focus.
07/08/2002 08:56:00 PM
Now this cat looks evil for sure :) a little sharper focus would be very nice :) = 6 - jmsetzler
07/08/2002 07:49:00 PM
(Mad cat!) Black is hard, few details to pick up on. Love the green pupils, much better than red eye. 6 Swash
07/08/2002 02:49:00 PM
Cute title. Photo is a bit out of focus though.
07/08/2002 02:13:00 PM
Just a bit out of focus--otherwise a good one.
07/08/2002 12:00:00 PM
cool! : ) shame about the focus...
07/08/2002 09:06:00 AM
Need more focus. Cats look better with ears.
07/08/2002 08:41:00 AM
Would have been a better shot if it was more focused.
07/08/2002 12:47:00 AM
not in focus. but looks funny. i was gonna use my cat for this challenge but i didn't want to scare him

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