Author | Thread |
08/27/2009 01:38:14 AM |
I am glad to hear that this lass is doing well. I wish her all the the best. She looks beautiful in her paint. |
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03/10/2009 10:19:05 PM |
I just wanted to let you know that I added this to the thread of pictures that most inspired us. LInk
This really inspired me because it's beautiful, it really moved me, and it's a great capture of a touching story. I used to say that I didn't want to do pictures with people in them, but this has changed my mind. I really want to learn how to capture true beauty in people, just as you have in this photo. |
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03/10/2009 04:37:55 PM |
Uhh -umm, seems I suffered a instant eye allergy while reading this story, Glad you shared it.. |
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03/10/2009 04:24:33 PM |
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09/18/2007 12:09:31 PM |
would love to get an update on her condition....
otherwise....this is a great photograph |
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06/10/2007 04:53:16 PM |
browsed through the recently commented photos and re-read your story.. thank you... |
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06/10/2007 02:44:38 PM |
What a great shot! Of course the story really caps it off. I can imagine looking at the other girls getting their hair done and wishing...
I remembered the picture but hadn't read the story until today. |
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01/30/2007 10:59:13 AM |
Wow... this almost brought me to tears... I have a very close friend who lost her son to cancer, so this one touches me. I wish I could find the face painter and give her a hug.
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09/08/2006 02:19:41 PM |
wonderful shot...the color in this photo is just perfect. i also enjoyed reading teh story behind the shot. nice job! |
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08/13/2006 01:10:23 AM |
what a beautiful photo, and such a beautiful child. :)
I hope she full recovers, such a sad thing seeing older people with cancer, let alone a child. |
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04/30/2006 11:22:58 PM |
amazing, beautiful story and wonderful shot, thanks for sharing her story |
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04/30/2006 08:30:17 PM |
The colors in this picture are stunning! And the story with it is very touching. Great shot. |
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04/29/2006 01:22:51 PM |
colors are great and the expression on her face is superb. good catch ;) |
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04/29/2006 01:57:29 AM |
I thought this was a great shot. Very nice colors and the stare just gets to you. Tells a story without words and a very lucky (skilled?) capture. Well done. |
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04/28/2006 08:23:04 PM |
tears in my eyes... congrats on such a great photograph! it just hits me. added to faves
Message edited by author 2006-04-28 20:26:30. |
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04/28/2006 10:54:51 AM |
She's a beautiful girl, and this is an excellent shot of a priceless moment. I don't "pity" these children, but my heart goes out to them. The only unfortunate thing in your shot is that the background is similar to the skintone. A little more "contrast" there would have made it a very punchy shot. I understand that was out of your control, but it's just a wish, you know? :) |
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04/25/2006 10:11:25 AM |
Originally posted by LouiseB: Extremely powerful image ..... Beautifully done. |
I fully agree. Beautiful and utterly poignant. |
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04/25/2006 12:38:34 AM |
Never has a picture made me cry as much as this one. I love it. If there ever was a picture that could tell a story this one is it. |
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04/24/2006 02:33:52 AM |
What a beautiful story behind this picture. I was at festival and know the hair booth you’re talking about. It really touches my heart to visualize this scene and the air brush artist being sensitive enough to make her feel special. Congratulations on a well deserved top 10. Incredible portrait. |
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04/20/2006 07:39:28 AM |
This pic is amaizing, not only for the quality, but the story behind.
She looks like a fighter, and the look in her eye is so much older that it should be and it's so contradicting with the Cirque du Soleil painting she has.
Congrads and good luck to her and her family.
Think there's any way of getting this picture to here and her family? |
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04/19/2006 06:29:19 PM |
I'm sure her and her mom would have LOVED a copy of this. |
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04/19/2006 05:21:15 PM |
Ohmy!! What an amazing photo on so many levels! The photo itself is perfect in every way: lighting, focus, depth of field, color richness (Wow!!!!). But you almost get an instant involuntary lump in your throat when you see that pretty little face and smile obviously suffering the ravages of chemo or something!
A one in a million shot!
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04/19/2006 04:29:50 PM |
Great finish Eric, congratulations and a great shot
Message edited by author 2006-04-19 16:30:19. |
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04/19/2006 02:01:50 PM |
This picture brings out many emotions, you've captured this with a great shot. Congrats. |
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04/19/2006 08:02:18 AM |
Why on earth wouldn't you be pleased - it is clearly your best scoring photo - and a really well composed image! Congratulations.
By way of (hopefully) constructive criticism, you have over used neat image, which, to an extent, detracts from the emotion potentially created by an image of this nature. |
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04/19/2006 04:41:17 AM |
Awesome, love this image. |
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04/19/2006 04:32:35 AM |
Thanks for the votes and the many comments!
Message edited by author 2006-04-19 11:16:51. |
04/19/2006 03:56:20 AM |
Congrats ... great finish wonderful shot. |
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04/19/2006 12:45:32 AM |
Congrats on your finish with this powerful and beautiful photograph. I'm not afraid to say that I'm choking back the tears while typing this.
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04/19/2006 12:15:22 AM |
Awesome Eric!! Congrats on a top 10 finish!! Blew my Dogwood festival photo out of the water. :-) And rightly so. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
04/18/2006 11:18:36 PM |
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04/18/2006 05:15:23 PM |
This is the best entry I have seen in the challenge. Wonderful capture. |
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04/17/2006 11:46:14 AM |
Great story, great colors, great picture. The intesity in the eyes says so much. |
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04/16/2006 03:47:03 PM |
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04/15/2006 07:12:12 PM |
very unique to take this candid shots. |
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04/15/2006 11:05:40 AM |
Beautiful. I love the colors. and the look in her eyes is knowing to much for her age. (10) |
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04/14/2006 09:59:47 PM |
Gees, is this a latex on his head? Hardly a candid in my sense of the word, but is, indeed, a bit eerie. |
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04/14/2006 06:25:43 PM |
Good color portrait. The title matches the look in the eyes well.
I wonder, the bald head yet a feminine face; chemo therapy? |
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04/14/2006 09:12:46 AM |
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04/14/2006 12:32:47 AM |
Has a lot of emotion to it. Seems a little soft though I would have loved to seen it a bit sharper. It's beautiful though. Heartbreaking but beautiful |
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04/13/2006 11:39:42 PM |
Bright colors and sad expression make for an interesting juxtaposition. |
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04/13/2006 06:22:42 PM | rich and sad at the same time. Nice job. One of my top picks...8 |
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04/13/2006 10:28:51 AM |
I hope she get well soon... trully candid picture |
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04/12/2006 06:35:10 PM |
a special child - with the eyes of an old soul - very well photographed - |
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04/12/2006 06:07:02 PM |
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04/12/2006 05:59:17 PM |
stunning. So Young, So Beautiful! I wish her the best whoever she may be! I hope she has a copy of this image to show her children and her grandchildren who i pray she one day meets! 10 |
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04/12/2006 10:49:05 AM |
I don't usually like comments or give them, but since candids are near and dear to my heart, I have decided to comment on every photo in this challenge.
Cute child. Children are so easily captured, however, for candids. I like the paint and all, but I dont' see much emotion being exuded from this photo. The photo is more about the artwork to me with the painting. It takes away the emotion. It's a 5 vote from me. |
04/12/2006 08:42:54 AM |
Bless her!! What a nice capture. Love the clarity and her expression. I might have less of a tight crop and more negative space, but given the situation, maybe that isn't possible. |
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04/12/2006 07:39:00 AM |
Extremely powerful image ..... Beautifully done. |
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04/12/2006 07:04:19 AM |
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04/12/2006 01:33:02 AM |
Lovely shot, colors and composition are awesome. My only nit pick (and I'm not letting this effect the score as it is MHO) is a little too much neat image. I can tell by the look in this young girl's eyes that she is a warrior and will overcome her illness. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. |
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04/12/2006 01:20:51 AM |
Wow! Going on my Favs already and I think this will do very well. |
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