Author | Thread |
04/28/2006 10:26:43 AM |
First, thank you for your evaluation and comments! Second, sorry for the delayed response.
I see I have, unintentionally, upset people on here by saying âI entered the challenge to test DPCâ.
Most all that quoted me as saying that took it to be a negative thing to do. I also stated I wanted to see how helpful the others on this site would be to others(not exact words). One would think that would be a good thing since the founders of this site said that was a main reason for this site (again, not exact words). I am sorry for wanting to find out what this site is really, all about. Sorry for ruffling so many feathers, but Im not going to dwell on it. I have receive many PM thanking me for my efforts and caring for others. Im not on here to win a little digital ribbon. All I want to do is help others get better, period. Is that wrong? Thirty, plus years experience in most all aspects of photography, and I want to share them to help others. Am I sorry for wanting to help, NO!
Thank you for your critique on my challenge, and I agree with your assessment. But you also took
my comment â test DPCâ as a negative thing without regard to what I was looking for. It is clear to see I wanted to see how helpful to others this site is. You seem to care to want to help others and that is what I was looking for. You take a little extra effort to do so. So little can help so much!! Am I wrong for wanting to encourage others to do the same?
Sorry others feel wanting to learn and help is such a negative thing to do
Thank you!! |
04/24/2006 05:11:16 AM |
::: Critique Club :::
Hi, my name is Kari and from the critique club.
Interesting to do a critique on your image but it is difficult if you don't give us any information in your photographers comments. When we do a critique, we go past just the photographic result, that's what voters comments do. The critique looks at what you were trying to achieve, how you wanted it to look and what issues you had in getting the image captured and ready for voting.
It is fine to leave information in the comments post a challenge, but to get the feel of what the picture is set up to convey etc should be entered at the time of the entry .. so that this can be taken into account when critiquing .. this is perhaps my challenge to you for future entries.
First Impression - the most important one:
Meets the challenge ... but seems to be a little flat.
I think this works reasoanbly well. Seems to meet the rule of thirds ... I really do like the reflections .. the curviture in the hubs works well to double them out.
Meets the challenge .. with a reasonable amount of gusto.
Technical (Colour and light):
This is ok in this shot .. but I prefer the colurs in the other shot ... the cars also appear crisper in that shot.
To grow its vote?:
If another shot is better enter it. Wasting peoples time by saying you are "testing a site' gives the impression that you don't seem to care when the best shot is not entered.
If you look at those who win they recieve a lot of comments, but also so do those who come last .. and the DQs get the most. Take it as it comes. I believe by leading by example .. I don't always have time to comment but take my turn at critiquing ... this is a great way for people to learn ... why don't you join and utilise that opportunity too.
This is a good solid shot, I think we are to see more and better from you if DPC has passed your challenge ... if not good luck.
If you've got any questions about this critique, please feel free to contact me via the PM system.
Edited to add: Voting is annonomus .. no one knows whose pics they are voting on or what they are scoring ... so comparing your comments with another long term users is a ridiculas comparison. (just registered from your note below)
Message edited by author 2006-04-24 05:35:41. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/20/2006 09:03:24 AM |
black0star, Thank you for your comments! I felt you were respectful, fair, and observant! So far you are a rare person on here. Again, thank you!! |
04/20/2006 08:55:40 AM |
macrothing, thank you for your comments!! As I said earlier, this was put together knowing there was problems. Also, if Im not misstaken there is no editing other then, basicly cropping, correct? Like I said, I am still learning about DPC. Please look at my protfolio and see the original idea and see if that is more appealing to you. Remember, I am working with what I have. The hubcap is from a 71 Bug. Again, thanks tons for your comment!!
Believe me, I understand your comment, on comments. I know it will take much time to comment on all the votes required to allow my votes to count. I also have seen all the other threads with the same concerns I have, and encounted the same resistance as me. I see people are resistant to change on here. I also have found there are many arrogant people on here who are on here just for themselves, period. I make a simple recomendation to help others and get blasted with personal attacks against my work and how much better they are.
macrothing, I have respect for you because you seem fair, caring and honest. I hope like heck, there are more like you on here. |
04/19/2006 09:00:32 PM |
Haven't read the other comments (yet), but I gave this a 5. Thought the creativity was quite good and the use of the chrome reflection good as well. The main detractors in my opinion are: the 'rest' of the reflection takes the 'eye' away from the concept, the reflection is a little too 'haphazard' (but difficult to control) and the composition and cropping, if were more finely tuned, would also have made this better - again, my opinion. Also, whilst the concept of the 'VW'/bug is fairly good, the subject remains just that, and therefore may not hold some viewers' interest/attention. Perhaps a really sharp angle/perspective, more clarity/varied focus/focal point, may have also given this a little extra. Lastly (and I am not necessarily in the majority on this 'thinking'), but for the particular Challenge at hand (whatever it may be), the shot has to 'say' (sometimes 'scream') Chrome (or whatever) primarily, or otherwise 'make the shot' (hard to explain, but the shot would otherwise not be as strong without it, ie: the winning shot) in my opinion. This does not necessarily do that as strongly as incorporating some of the suggestions above may have. edit:removed 'TN'
Message edited by author 2006-04-20 17:25:37. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/19/2006 08:21:52 PM |
Hey! i noticed you like comments so i thought i would give you one. i remember this shot, i gave it a 5 because i liked the ideas and colours but i thought it could have been done better with a little more effort (placment of the cars) it looks like you agree with me. the other similar one in your porfolio in my fave of the two.
feel free to comment back =) |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/19/2006 07:30:50 PM |
Scott, thanks for the comments!! Also, want to thank you for serving in the military!! I am retired Air Force and my son is currently in Afghanistan flying the A-10.
Beleive me, my chin is high. I have no reason for it to be down. I am more interested in helping others. DPC only needs to change their standards on voting a little. I dont see why they want one to just vote and leave no comments. I understand many are on here for their own gradification just to see their own work on the web and try and win a make believe award. Im here to help. I have my gradtification everytime my photographs are in the print media for the stories they tell. Dont need expensive equipment to that. Digital photography is so easy compared to film. A person with a digital camera should be good. All they have to do is learn their equipment, composition, and bracketing and they should have a good product. Film, you have to have knowledge of all aspects of photography. I just cant buy the idea of someone being to lazy to give an opinion for their vote if one really cares about photography. Life is so easy for the digital photographer. It is like an athlete on steriods. Takes the true human effort away.
After reading the founders notes on why DPC came to be, it just seems to be leading away from that. I joined thinking they were serious. Am I wrong? |
04/19/2006 04:25:34 PM |
Originally posted by f-Stop1: First, I would like to thank all â10â who ambitiously left comments!!! Thank you very much!!!!
My concerns are the 242 that did not comment! Why?...Again, I ask, why? Why so few?... |
I really think that most feel it is too much effort, heck this is the first challenge I voted on in months. When there are lots of images to vote on most would rather just get all voted on and only comment on the ones they feel deserve their attention...(I'm betting that those are also the ones that are good enough that they don't need comments at all). There are a few rare people that feel like you do, that learning is the key to this site and comments rather than votes are usually more useful.
Keep your chin up and learn what you can from the little you get. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/19/2006 12:26:28 PM |
First, I would like to thank all â10â who ambitiously left comments!!! Thank you very much!!!!
My concerns are the 242 that did not comment! Why?
I was thinking maybe I only received â10â comments because I am less then a month old on DPC. Sounds logical, but I went to the Blue Ribbon winner, extremely deserving, âTransitâ. I looked at how many votes and comments he received. Well, this fine photographer has been on here since 2002, almost 4 years. He has other great photographs and one would think very well known on here. He received 260 votes and only, 31 comments!!! Again, I ask, why? Why so few?
I entered this âChallengeâ to test DPC. I wanted to see how dedicated the people are on here to photography. I wanted to see how helpful they would be to help others not so gifted. Donât get me wrong, there are tons of talented photographers on here!!! But the question still stands, why are they on here? Ones first thought is self gratification as in seeing their work on the web and comparing it to others and obtaining ideas for self improvement. Then you have others, which I have had experience with on here already, who think their few years experience in any photography and their expensive digital equipment, take a âsnap shotâ and think, their work great, and is very nasty when you make the slightest comments to help them. When given with knowledge and honesty, comments, one would think, help improve a photographer who is looking to improve their work so they can obtain the goals they would like to reach, like being as talented as the so many on DPC.
I would like to see DPC require comments with âChallengesâ. Not doing so is like giving a child a grade and not explaining why they deserved that grade. It can only help one to get better!!
Please note; My composition has many flaws, and I know that. I was shocked it finished as high as it did. I was looking for knowledgeable input, not ranking.
I am hoping DPC is interested in helping others learn. This is a small request that can have large benefits to all!! I have 30+ years in most all aspects of photography, and I am still learning! Iâm here to, more then anything, help!! Thank you to all!!
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
04/18/2006 09:19:32 AM |
I like your use of reflection to add to the story of the main chrome subject. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/18/2006 04:55:19 AM |
Very clever and imaginative. Perhaps the focus could be a bit clearer and it's a shame about the somewhat distracting building in the background. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/16/2006 12:36:27 PM |
Fits challenge=5
Wow factor/uniqueness=0
I like the idea of this but think the VW symbol could be much sharper, maybe some post processing USM would help. I also feel the house reflections are distracting and hurts your image a bit. The little bit of color you have really helps draw the eyes to the middle of the image but is subtle enough to let them look around and see the entire image. Good job. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/13/2006 05:13:33 PM |
Hehe! nice interesting shot! |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/12/2006 08:33:51 PM |
Nice composition. Clever idea! |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/12/2006 08:01:02 PM |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/12/2006 12:13:52 PM |
Creative. The various colors of the little beetles is cool. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/12/2006 12:11:28 PM |
Nice concept. I wish the setting for the shot was a little different as the building in the background is distracting. Cool collection of bugs! ;^) |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/12/2006 03:10:30 AM |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
04/12/2006 01:14:42 AM |
Very creative, I like the idea, good job (8) |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
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