*Howdy from the Critique Club*
First of all I would like to tell you, I myself really like this image and I will try to give you what I (think) might have made it look a little better, which you may or may not like. Also try to keep your image close to the 150k, so you don't loose any image detail.
I really do believe you have something to work with, though the voters may not like, but for me I don't care what they think sometimes if you enjoy your image. You can not please everyone. To me this has a lot a story, what the camera in its day did and the pictures show its life.
For me I think some more contrast could have been added. The camera is on a power point, but with a small crop, you could have had 2 on power point and the second being the lower right picture. Also black and white works good with this, because there are really no great colors. Also since you could use advanced editing in basic this time.
So what I did was crop, channel mixer-red, curves for contrast simple-s curve painted in the mask with a soft paint brush, color black to bring back camera body
another curves adjustment to dark the paper edge some more, then in its mask I paint the first 3 picture above the camera. Then duplicated background and blurred the whole image radius 2 pixels, then applied a mask and paint with a soft brush the color black, the first picture and the front of the camera around the lens area this brought back the sharpness of these two places. Then I thought what about a vignette, since all the pictures in your photo has them. So in my duplicated background layer I selected marquee tool pulled out a oval leaving just the corners, inversed, filled with the color black, blurred this to remove sharp oval edges radius 27.5 pixels and in the layers pallet dropped the opacity down to 36% and you can see these changes here. Please let me know if you don't want my version of your image or images online, and I'll take it down.
Now I think the photo tells the same story of the older camera.
You have a wonderful day and if you have any question please feel free to PM anytime.
Mark Thomas Kelsay
Message edited by author 2006-05-03 01:44:32. |