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Complimentary Colors
Complimentary Colors

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Complementary Colors III (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D70s
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8
Location: Home
Date: Apr 23, 2006
Aperture: f22
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Nature, Floral
Date Uploaded: Apr 25, 2006

Close Up of an Iris

Place: 32 out of 287
Avg (all users): 6.1221
Avg (commenters): 6.6552
Avg (participants): 5.9294
Avg (non-participants): 6.2147
Views since voting: 1132
Views during voting: 317
Votes: 262
Comments: 32
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/02/2006 09:52:39 PM
Kind of cool, put it on a calendar or a poster for the sierra club...hee hee!
I'm so mean...
05/02/2006 05:38:17 PM
One of the better iris photos in this challenge. Colors are very vibrant.
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05/02/2006 12:17:39 PM
Crisp and clean but I'd like to see more of a balance between the colours in question. Also the composition is a bit questionable - too much weight visually on low-left corner
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05/02/2006 08:47:01 AM
i grow hundreds of iris and photograph them often.you captured this beauty just right,i love the angle.10
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04/30/2006 11:39:44 PM
o'keefe isque
04/30/2006 11:22:51 PM
04/30/2006 10:43:16 PM
04/30/2006 09:16:03 PM
The border really detracts from this, I'm sorry.
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04/30/2006 06:59:57 PM
04/30/2006 05:38:24 PM
Good shot and colors
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04/30/2006 11:15:59 AM
Well exposed and excellent DOF.
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04/29/2006 08:52:12 PM
how refreshing is this! great job!
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04/29/2006 04:38:29 PM
I think a yellow border would have enhanced the theme of complimentary colors more. And I get a sense the black background is not totally black, or is it just my monitor? Maybe try a curves adjustment layer?
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04/29/2006 03:47:22 PM
Wonderful crisp sharp image. Great contrast. Great crop. Very nice job.
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04/29/2006 03:06:20 PM
exceptional flower study - 8
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04/29/2006 03:00:13 PM
great shot. the drops really add depth and dimension to this flower and visyual interest too
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04/29/2006 02:22:45 PM
Lovely picture but the border kills it for me, so i will pretend it isnt there.
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04/29/2006 01:03:51 PM
*I am only commenting, and not voting on this challenge*

Ahh, the classic flower on black. Now with water drops!

Pretty nice. Interesting to look at, but the green over-powers the yellow for me, really taking away from the impact of the complementary issue. Of course, that's just me, and since I'm not voting, I guess it doesn't matter much :)
Interestingly enough, the border also contributes to that, and had it been a deeper yellow color.. maybe a bit stronger. Had you tried that?
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04/29/2006 12:19:14 PM
good impact good colors 6
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04/29/2006 09:23:30 AM
nice capture
04/29/2006 05:34:21 AM
Love the lighting, crispness and colours. Good work.
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04/29/2006 04:10:01 AM
Nice bright colours...I dont think it needs the border though.
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04/28/2006 05:18:27 PM
Beautiful detail and clarity, water droplets are a nice touch
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04/27/2006 09:49:36 PM
04/27/2006 08:33:26 PM
This is a great shot. Wonderful coloring, great lighting, very pretty! I'm not sold on the boarder but still a job very well done.
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04/27/2006 10:12:43 AM
Love the colors and contrast...the brite lite to the left distracts it a bit
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04/26/2006 09:23:07 PM
One of the "best" in this challenge.....I love it, and I hope it wins a ribbon.....
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04/26/2006 06:37:35 PM
3 - Good potential. Less greeen, variation in angle, composition and focal point(s), make this better in my opinion. Some of the colors look 'blown'. Also, I see blue/yellow and purple/orange here, so concentrating on one or ther other and slightly adjusting the hue if necessary also. Frame detracts, especially for this Challenge, in my opinion.
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04/26/2006 08:25:15 AM
maybe to much water, and if it is croped i would have done it larger.. intresting lighting..
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04/26/2006 06:11:33 AM
frame is distracting as well as the leaf at right, image is oversaturated, too much green, too littl yellow
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04/26/2006 05:43:35 AM
wow...this deserves a top 5 or 10 finish...only criticism is I would have liked to have seen the whole petal on the left hand side...bit lovely and sharp with great lighting, well done
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04/26/2006 01:28:48 AM
I think there might be TOO much to look at and no real point of focus. Perhaps a more shallow DOF with focus on the bottom left flower would've had a stronger impact.
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