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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study XI (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: G-D of Luxembourg, our living room
Date: Apr 30, 2006
Aperture: F/2
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/30s
Galleries: Portraiture, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Apr 30, 2006

Model: Carmen Glod.

Place: 12 out of 211
Avg (all users): 6.7317
Avg (commenters): 7.5800
Avg (participants): 6.6514
Avg (non-participants): 6.8229
Views since voting: 3198
Views during voting: 644
Votes: 205
Comments: 73
Favorites: 16 (view)

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09/01/2008 10:50:43 PM
Crazy idea, and a grand photo from it! The POV and DOF fit the theme perfectly. Thanks for the grin.
10/23/2007 10:40:04 AM
Beautiful Blue eyes and probably a sweet personality.
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05/14/2006 01:45:09 AM
Congratulations on your top 20 finish with this image that has a delightful shock factor.
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05/10/2006 04:34:53 AM
This is way cool and neatly done.
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05/08/2006 05:36:07 PM
Can't believe that this didn't win :(
I thought this was by a far stretch the best one. Oh well :(

05/08/2006 10:57:42 AM
I love this shot, congrats.
05/08/2006 10:37:39 AM
That had to be fun.....

Great fun shot...
05/08/2006 08:25:17 AM
you're likely the king of texture shots on DPC...
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05/08/2006 08:24:26 AM
Once again, excellent shot! How anyone could give this a score of below 5 is beyond me...

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05/08/2006 03:25:44 AM
you did a great job with this one and deserved a higher place!
really funny and inspiring image.
now i need some sweets... ;P
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05/08/2006 01:42:07 AM
This deserved a ribbon Gilles...great shot...congratulations on a good finish, but you deserved better...it just grabs your attention...I gave it a 10 and stick by that
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/07/2006 11:44:37 PM
Very cool. She must either love you very much, or you wrote a big check.. Ha. Good luck -9-
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05/07/2006 01:27:10 PM
Beautifully done, but the eyes could use some whitening... try Visine.
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05/07/2006 11:47:30 AM
Cute! Messy! Wish the sucker were in focus.
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05/07/2006 08:35:58 AM
hope this wins! what a clever idea...only thing I would have done is brightened up the whites in the eyes just a little 10
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05/06/2006 11:53:53 PM
you have a very complient model!
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05/06/2006 09:24:48 PM
Most excellent because we know it took some effort. 9
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05/06/2006 05:48:15 PM
yebb funny imagination
05/06/2006 03:08:18 PM
This is very cool. How can I not give this shot a high vote? You're probably going to hear the, "blah blah blah - the lollipop should be in focus blah blah blah" but I think it's perfect the way it is. Lotta work. Great job.
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05/06/2006 12:39:51 PM
You get an extra point for effort!!! so colorful, well done!
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05/06/2006 12:13:38 PM
Awesome. Fun and quirky. Love the DOF and the colors. Eyes are a bit bloodshot and the earring doesn't help the image IMHO. But really good, overall.
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05/06/2006 08:05:04 AM
05/06/2006 03:53:01 AM
delicious! yummmmmmmm
05/06/2006 02:19:42 AM
umm.. WOW :)
05/06/2006 12:53:54 AM
Wow, that is just too cool. Ball number 267 on the left hand side is a bit off but, I think I will 10 it anyhow.

Awesome shot.
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05/05/2006 10:57:32 PM
Awesome! This is really original. Great job.
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05/05/2006 09:50:13 PM
I love this! Are her eyes really that blue?
05/05/2006 08:25:05 PM
This looks like it was fun.
Perfect focus on the eyes. I really like the DOF softening of the "candy" shoulders. The only criticism I can find is that there could be more light on the left eye (viewer's right). Nice pic. Bumping up.
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05/05/2006 01:06:09 PM
Very sweet and I am sure a little messy. IMO the blurred shoulders would have connected to the face better if they were also in focus.
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05/04/2006 08:50:26 PM
Wonderful and playful. Brilliant eyes, great light. I actually would have liked to see more in focus and I would have whitened the eyes which would make them even more stunning. Really love it.
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05/04/2006 08:46:56 PM
Like the eyes you did make them really pop. The body blurr pulls the views eyes to her eyes and the lolly pop.
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05/04/2006 09:01:08 AM
wow, thats a great concept, very creative
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05/04/2006 06:13:48 AM
I find this really unattractive for some reason. I won't vote it down because of that but the shallow depth of field does affect it. The body is ok to be OOF but the lollipop needs to be.
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05/04/2006 04:52:14 AM
lol,i love the distance that some photograpers on dpc will go ,this is bril shot 10
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05/04/2006 03:46:19 AM
Fantastic shot, but it would be just that little bit better if the depth of field wasn't so narrow. 7
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05/03/2006 06:36:46 PM
Diffrent, diffrent diffrent... and a winner also. Loks like some crazy thing that Arnit would do to one of his girl-friends. At least you get 10 from me.
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05/03/2006 05:00:14 PM
looks like a lot of work went into this shot, and i like the result.8
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05/03/2006 03:49:27 PM
Wow, this is kind of creepy. But I like it. It would probably be better for me if you had more of her in focus, the blur on the lollipop and on her shoulders seems too extreme.
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05/03/2006 02:05:31 PM
Yummy! Very nice and creative. I like the depth of field you used here and the super crisp eyes make this a very nice shot. I would like to see her tongue and the lolipop in focus. It looks almost like an artificial blur that you applied. Nice capture overall.
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05/03/2006 10:18:28 AM
That's way too creatie how did you getthem all to stick??? 9
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05/03/2006 01:44:05 AM
Crazy...sure this took forever, and your model was very happy when she could take a shower. Very different...10
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05/02/2006 10:56:29 PM
Auður er alveg ótrúlega þolinmóð! Great picture, superb use of shallow DOF, and those blue eyes...
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05/02/2006 09:16:49 PM
Great shot. The things we do to get the shot.
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05/02/2006 06:40:52 PM
Creative stuff
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05/02/2006 06:15:01 PM
Very creative & fun image! Might not have minded a little bigger DOF
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05/02/2006 01:08:54 PM
Looks like Elvi, but..... is it???
05/02/2006 10:50:58 AM
Great origianl photograph it has great whimsical appeal. Perfectly executed technicals. Maybe you're trying to force the attention to eyes, but I would of liked to see the DOF expanded to include the tongue and lollipop.
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05/02/2006 07:55:51 AM
Excellent! LOL!
05/01/2006 11:43:50 PM
Funny, enjoyable picture.
05/01/2006 11:38:49 PM
That's awsome!
05/01/2006 10:41:16 PM
People will do anything to get their picture ont his site huh? This shot made me smile. The eyes do just as your title states without going overboard and the candy on the face and body go just enough overboard without feeling totally ridiculous. Very interesting shot - well done.
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05/01/2006 10:23:02 PM
Wow. Probably the single MOST FUN setup and cleanup of any picture here on DPC.

I love the eyes... You are what you eat!
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05/01/2006 09:35:38 PM
Man, the extremes people will go to get a shot here! And it certainly worked for me -- a 10 all the way!!
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05/01/2006 08:19:46 PM
This made me laugh. Good creativity.
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05/01/2006 07:18:34 PM
Lol how did you bribe the poor woman to do this! Wonderful ceative idea 8
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05/01/2006 06:15:05 PM
Now here is something I like, I tried something (not similar) once (somewhere in my challenge entry´s called candy) But I like this one much more.
Great. 10 for just making a fun photo, btw how did you manage to get the ´dip´ to stick to her face?
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05/01/2006 06:08:45 PM
Wow! I was despairing of finding a single image that I REALLY liked in this challenge but here's one! Totally kinky and I love it! Eye's seem a touch dark against that blown out background. Love composition, love eye contact, love colour and love idea!
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05/01/2006 04:15:39 PM
WOW, such a great photograph here!! Really like this one! This is the first shot I've opened, hope they aren't all as good as this :-)

This is one of those shots that just grabs a persons attention, there's so many things to look at here we just have to take time looking over it.

Firstly, what a great idea!! I could understand just doing her face, but as I can see it the coloured balls are all over her top half too, so much has gone into it...

Her pupils are so large, something else to look at in the shot.

The only thing I would pass comment on is the white space on the right. It's great that there is space there, maybe just a little too much for my liking. But, that's not going to effect the score.

A full 10 points here, couldn't give it any less :-) Well Done!
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05/01/2006 11:56:33 AM
How did you talk her into this...wow, my model (wife) would never agree. Interesting shot.
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05/01/2006 11:47:19 AM
Great idea! I would loved it more if the lolly pop was sharp too.
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05/01/2006 10:11:43 AM
Very creative!
05/01/2006 09:31:27 AM
Don't know about the model but I bet this was fun for you. :) I like the attention to detail having your model with candies even in the soft focused background. Eyes look a little overdone.
05/01/2006 08:04:56 AM
Just sweet, great shot well done bumping up
05/01/2006 07:39:08 AM
05/01/2006 07:10:28 AM
This is the kind of idea I like to see here!!!! The striking "pop" art colors and in-your-face subject sorta blends with a post-modern ambiguity that makes the viewer question the purpose of the image altogether. I'm gonna give this lots of critique because I LOVE IT!!!! First of all the idea and set-up are exquisite .... I have been looking it over for several minutes. Technically-speaking, the photo is above average: The colors and white background make this a ggood studio quality shot. The shallow DOF misses the tongue, teeth/braces and lolly-pop - this isn't necessarilly bad, but my eye is disappointed when looking at it the bottom part of the image :) The nose is difficult to distinguish from the lip - again, this isn't necessarilly bad, just an observation ... The bokeh is beautiful and intriguing since the model seems covered in the sprinkles. The earing and bangs of the hair are merely distractions that keep this image frm being perfect. But If I were to do anything to this it would be to reduce the yellow overall especially in the eyes (which are well-lit and beautiful). This assumes the model has since removed the sprinkles and there's no re-shoot scheduled LOL. Overall, I love this and it's a favorite --literally. 8
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05/01/2006 06:58:20 AM
You are crazy :) But that is good.I like the idea, very original.
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05/01/2006 04:17:14 AM
Excellent, love the idea and love the photo. For me though the ear ring doesn't work
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05/01/2006 02:18:30 AM
This is crazy looking! I like that her body is not in focus, but I think I would like the tongue and the lolly to be in focus.
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05/01/2006 02:01:36 AM
Very clever indeed. Obviously a lot of effort went into this and it shows. Can't wait to see who did this one (though I can have a guess). 10+
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05/01/2006 01:55:52 AM
What a riot... got a laugh.. great setup.
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05/01/2006 01:01:49 AM
Two great factors working here. Originality and a nice close up of the eyes. Also, great composition! With all of the work you did here hopefully you're rewarded for it. Good luck!
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05/01/2006 12:40:18 AM
holy shit
im looking for a rikki photo
the problem is
they are all so different
this might be a guess
those are really blue eyes
im in awe
the end
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05/01/2006 12:26:05 AM
OMG! I can't believe she let you do that to her. Great composition and colours, (of course) my only suggestion would have been to have the lollypop in focus - My personal taste. Good luck. 7
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