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Police chase ended badly
Police chase ended badly
Hordur Ace

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Photojournalism II (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Location: Hringbraut, reykjavik
Date: Apr 29, 2006
Aperture: f 2.8
ISO: 800
Shutter: 80
Date Uploaded: Apr 30, 2006


Place: 108 out of 183
Avg (all users): 5.4703
Avg (commenters): 4.5000
Avg (participants): 5.3784
Avg (non-participants): 5.5315
Views since voting: 1131
Views during voting: 279
Votes: 185
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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05/10/2006 10:38:21 PM
Critique by arnit for the Critique Club:

Heill og sæll Hörður. Ãetta er nokkuð fín mynd. Fínt móment hjá þér. Nokkur atriði sem mér finnst að hefðu mátt betur fara.
1. Lýsingin er ekki alveg 100%. Dálítið dökkir bílarnir og lögreglumennirnir og ljós himinn. Hefði mátt aðeins lýsa betur bílinn sem er aðalatriðið.
2. Höndin sem er hægra megin í rammanum er dálítið truflandi.
3. Skiptir svo sem ekki máli fyrir útlendingana en það er sniðugt að tengja fréttamyndir við staðinn sem hann gerðist á. T.d. ef þessi mynd birtist í blaði þá væri flott að sjá hvar þetta er nákvæmlega. Sé þarna rétt í endann á JL húsinu sýnist mér. Hefði verið flott að taka þetta þannig að maður sæi meira af því til að tengja þetta strax við þennan stað.

Annars bara fínt móment og fín fyrir keppnina. Flott fréttaefni. Ãessir punktar eru auðvitað bara mín skoðun. Ekkert svo sem rétt í þessu öllu saman. Gangi þér vel í komandi keppnum.

Kveðja, Ãrni
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/07/2006 07:29:03 PM
Great shot for the challenge
05/05/2006 06:28:02 PM
Good capture of the scene right after it happened. Looks like the lighting was a bit flat which left the colors a bit dull. Would black and white work better here?
05/04/2006 09:14:36 PM
Fínt fréttaefni.
05/04/2006 06:49:36 AM
Oops se daisy!!! I tink they had a wee crash.....lol!!Well captured.
05/03/2006 05:48:12 PM
Good find, hope everyone was ok!
05/03/2006 07:01:32 AM
for news front page ? maybe if the quality was better, low contrast, washed out colors, thing out of frame and so on ... :-)

05/02/2006 12:10:13 PM
looks good. Seems like something you'd really expect a photojournalist to shoot. Clear picture too, considering it's using available light on an overcast day.
05/02/2006 12:22:52 AM
Cool crash, but somebody could take this picture with a cameraphone.
05/01/2006 09:33:44 AM
I don't know if a fender bender involving a patrol car is particualarly news-worthy. Would help if we could see a bit of emotion on the officers' faces.
05/01/2006 07:42:35 AM
to dark for publication to me.
05/01/2006 12:21:58 AM
Kind of blurry.

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