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Divine Princess Cod
Divine Princess Cod

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: DPC Cinema (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM
Location: A very odd smelling place in Hafnarfjörður
Date: May 7, 2006
Aperture: 5,6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/60sec
Galleries: Humorous, Urban
Date Uploaded: May 7, 2006

After spending a few days deciding what to shoot for this challange, I came up with this place where Cods are hanged for drying... A friend of mine agreed to come with me to play this role as "Princess Cod" :o)

While going through the 150 pictures I took, I decided this was the one where you could see the cods in most details.

Post: Saturation, dodge and burn... Decided to make the cods stand out instead of the girl :o)

Place: 82 out of 207
Avg (all users): 5.7407
Avg (commenters): 6.6471
Avg (participants): 5.6444
Avg (non-participants): 5.8283
Views since voting: 1043
Views during voting: 269
Votes: 189
Comments: 22
Favorites: 0

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05/20/2006 12:43:31 PM
nice angle and subject. might have scored higher if you had spot metred on subject, and not sky..
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05/20/2006 12:26:38 PM
Interesting place and an excellent title.... a solid six scoring that is a very good sign. My favorite title in the challenge.
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05/19/2006 06:40:42 PM
Hi Greetings from the Critique Club.
I like the setting of this shot, and I think the 'look' of your model suites the surroundings, she looks sort of mermaid-esque. You do want to be careful not to cut off peoples limbs and digits when you photograph them unless you have a really good reason, that being said would like a tiny bit more on the bottom of the picture.
The thing that I find most that I do not like is the light in this shot. You need to find a way to get rid of the bright white sky! My easiest idea would be to do a vertical crop about 1/2inch past the girls elbow. That would also strengthen your overall compostion a LOT IMO, would also help you to see both fish and model better, without the distracting light. The other way you could work it is put a subtle lighting effect on her and the fish on the left of the phot, brightening her and darkening the sky.

I also really like the color tones. Really cool location for shooting hope we see more shots from there!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/14/2006 11:14:28 PM
Great idea, but you need more light on your model to make her stand out better
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05/14/2006 12:41:55 AM
Very interesting photo. Would have liked to see more light highlighting the lovely model,however.
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05/12/2006 09:04:23 PM
I find the image intresting, but your model is much to dark. She gets lost in the image.
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05/11/2006 09:08:47 PM
Love the tones used in this image so very much.....
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05/11/2006 08:00:40 PM
Wow ... this is pretty unique. The color and effect is really cool. The composition leaves me wanting a little more drama - perhaps showing the entire person would have made it stronger ... nonetheless, original and cool. 7
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05/10/2006 12:54:03 PM
Ok, I think you have officially found the weirdest place on earth... ????
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05/10/2006 12:28:49 PM
That's wonderful. You've created a creepy, intriguing fantasy world. The muted colors work well to create a subdued surrealist mood (fish always help with surrealism, too).
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05/10/2006 11:19:57 AM
Sounds like a B-Flick I've gotta see!! I like the lighting and color tone here. Good job.
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05/10/2006 03:59:30 AM
This is pretty weird ... and I always like that. Presumably this is in Iceland, where dessicated cod might be considered a suitably glamorous backdrop for a princess? I'd be virtually certain to see this movie. 7.
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05/09/2006 11:57:08 PM
This is a bit eerie... but still an appealing image.
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05/09/2006 06:04:55 AM
I can't explain why, but I really like this one. Perhaps the girl is a little bit too dark, but I don't care. Great colors.
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05/09/2006 03:12:39 AM
great shot...they look golden
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05/09/2006 01:51:00 AM
At first I thought the model was not prominant enough but having checked back a few times before scoring i have to say - Well Done. A few more roll9ing clouds would have sealed a perfect 10 from me (8 'as is')
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05/08/2006 07:32:06 PM
The smell, the smell. Dont you just love it?
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05/08/2006 02:51:30 PM
very very strange ... but I like it ... perhaps might have worked better in a portrait format
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05/08/2006 01:59:50 PM
Very outworldly... Strong image!
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05/08/2006 06:38:55 AM
One of the best in the challenge i think! Well done!
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05/08/2006 04:19:48 AM
wow! amazing place
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05/08/2006 02:09:31 AM
more lighting on the girl would be helpful here. The blown sky is leads my eye there instead of to your subject.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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