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Dusky Pulsating City
Dusky Pulsating City

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: DPC Cinema (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
Location: Sears Tower, Chicago
Date: May 6, 2006
Aperture: 25
ISO: 200
Shutter: 20 Sec
Galleries: Cityscape, Sky
Date Uploaded: May 7, 2006


Place: 162 out of 207
Avg (all users): 5.0152
Avg (commenters): 4.7143
Avg (participants): 4.7917
Avg (non-participants): 5.2255
Views since voting: 932
Views during voting: 291
Votes: 198
Comments: 16
Favorites: 0

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06/19/2006 03:54:06 AM
CPTII, oi!

This shot burns the eyes, yeah?;p
It doesn't really fit that well in this particular challenge but still, it's a nice cityscape.
Wouldn't have the composition any other way, ang I guess a little sharpening wouldn't've hurt. Nice sky as well.
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05/20/2006 01:23:09 AM
*Critique Club*

"Dusky Pulsating City" is a very attention grabbing entry into the DPC Cinema challenge.

The first thing that grabs my attention is the bright city lights. You did an excellent job capturing the colors of the lights in balance to the sunset. Unfortunately the some of the brighter lights draw attention to the focus being a little off, possibly the camera was bumped. I think if the clarity was stronger it would have helped the score.

It was interesting to see more of a landscape shot not in the long length way most shots are done. I think if you had gone with a longer width you might have lost the interesting greenish building down towards the bottom.

I think this challenge was a little harder because voters, like myself but a little more emphasis on the subject. I personally looked at the shots for the photographic quality and also the believability as a movie. Your was more interesting as a movie because of the title you gave it, so defiantly good work on the title.

Overall nice work and I look forward to your future entries.
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05/19/2006 11:18:02 AM
From the CTP MkII

First Impression: Wonderful sky

Composition: the sky is on thirds, and in the city there's a disgonal on the right, but it seems a bit busy or chaotic with all that light.

Subject: OK, nice title and subject

Technical: I'm not sure if it's my monitor, but I see the lights of the city a bt blurred. Red color is really great. You capture a nice tonality.

Improvement: It's difficult, but IMO this photo needs a pattern, some shape on the lights, not sure about how to achieve it, sorry

Summary: Nice colors but a bit busy. Keep shooting.

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05/16/2006 08:03:27 AM
Hi from CP2!!

Iim not sure this works for a movie poster.
Otherwise I thinkits stunning!! The horizon is nice and a good use of rule of thirds. The colours are beutiful and the orange contrasts the black well:)

I think the only thing that effected your score is that it doesn't really look like a movie poster.
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05/15/2006 01:22:40 AM
Greetings from CTP2

My first impression was, it's a nice aerial shot but it didn't have enough going for it to do better in this particular challenge. Compositionally, it works. I like the horizon and the main highways being off center. In terms of the technicals in general, not much to critique here. You captured the dusky feel nicely and there are no distractions or anything like that present.

The choice in subject is what I feel held you back. What this fictional movie needed in my opinion was more identifying marks of the city. Here we see a city sprawl that could be any city. Maybe a skyline shot of downtown would have worked better giving a face to the city and the movie.

In terms of improvements, I just think having a stronger more identifible subject would have really helped. As is this is a very nice aerial that probably would have done better in the Night challenge.

Edited for clarity.

Message edited by author 2006-05-15 01:24:24.
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05/15/2006 01:03:31 AM
Hey Shail, nice entry! I haven't read the comments you received, so mine are completely uninfluenced. When I first looked at this, I thought it was smaller than the 640 px allowed, but checked and see that it is that in width. So here comes my tip: I've noticed that my scores have gone up in general by between 0.5 and 1 point since I've started to make both dimmensions wider. So I think if you had made the vertical 30-50 pixels wider, it would've helped your score. The shot itself is really good for a movie poster, imo. You've got some nice colors going on and I like the comp. The lights look a little blurry, but one could say that the blurriness adds life to the shot. (probably the voters don't think so, though :-) Amazing sunset!
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05/15/2006 01:01:13 AM
Hi Shailesh, from Becky of the DTP:M2 group!

For this challenge, specifically, I think your photo took a hit for the landscape orientation, which was hotly debated in the forums. Also, the title is awkward and doesn't really suggest a movie title so much as a description of what I'm looking at.

As to the photo itself, there are a few things I see. First is the greenish-gray patch at the bottom center. Since it's not in the same tonal range as the rest of the photo it is a distraction. Instead of wondering about the movie, I'm trying to figure out what that particular feature is. (A parking lot, I think.) I would definitely crop that out. There's also a little bit of contrail in the sky (in the dark part in the left quarter of the scene) that could have been cloned out. Also, the lights seem to be a little over exposed, and the effect is that they actually seem a bit pixelated.

This might have been an interesting movie lead-in if the city were a less common color, say, adjusting the hue or color balance into blue, purple, or green, to give it some intrigue, but I somehow doubt that modification would have been well-received amongst the voters - I get the impression that anything that looked too processed really lost out in this challenge.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/14/2006 08:38:44 PM
Great vantage point, and the amber colors are nice, but the focus is not sharp.
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05/13/2006 07:10:59 PM
may be too noisy or your tripod isn't sturdy, the camera moved.... picture lacks clarity
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05/13/2006 05:38:11 PM
great shot !
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05/12/2006 09:48:28 PM
yes it is
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05/11/2006 04:39:43 PM
My feeling is that for this kind of panoramic overview shot, you need a stronger - much stronger - sense of the fine detail; aside from that, your composition is strong - those highways or whatever really lead the eye through the image, and there's a nice sense of increasing complexity towards the horizon.
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05/10/2006 10:43:39 AM
I think the colors in this shot are not doing justice to the actual view seen by the eye. Everything came out looking shades of yellow when the actual city lights are much more varied than that. Subtle, but still full of blues, reds, greens, etc. The sunset also makes me think your capture or PP is cheating you on the richness and saturation that is available. Night shots are tough to capture well and tricky to process, but the rewards are worth the effort.

Compositionally, I think this shot will not please voters as much as some other cityscapes because it lacks a natural focus point for the eye to rest on or return to. The train line and highways leading off to the upper left help, but are not enough to carry the composition by themselves. You were hemmed in by your desire to capture the sunset, and the fact that the direction of NW contained no larger lit buildings to provide a focal point.
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05/09/2006 06:19:15 AM
I love this point of view. I always love cityscapes, especially at night.
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05/09/2006 01:43:18 AM
great night shot
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05/08/2006 04:33:00 PM
You're just describing a landscape photo, not imagining a movie, imho.
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