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Prickly Pear
1st PlacePrickly Pear

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Still Life II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: Columbus
Date: May 13, 2006
Aperture: 9.0
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/400
Galleries: Still Life, Textures
Date Uploaded: May 13, 2006

I wasn't planning to do anything for still life but I woke up one morning thinking hmmm...maybe a pear with tons of needle sticks. What sparks those wierd ideas anyway? This is approximately 500 pins and took me over an hour to place them. I liked the pink back better than white or other colors I have.

Crop, Levels, Sharpen, Neat Image, Saturation

Post Challenge -
I can't believe I ribboned!!! I'm new at this and I thought that a ribbon would always be beyond me. Thank you so very much for your votes and especially to those of you who commented. Since some of you asked - the exact number is 552 pins. Yes, it took a while but it was therapeutic in an odd sort of voodoo kind of way. Also, don't worry - I now have a clean sensor...still learning - sorry. Yippee! Yahoo! Thank You!

Place: 1 out of 338
Avg (all users): 6.9658
Avg (commenters): 7.6279
Avg (participants): 6.7111
Avg (non-participants): 7.1250
Views since voting: 31915
Views during voting: 519
Votes: 234
Comments: 93
Favorites: 51 (view)

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12/26/2006 11:22:00 AM
It doesn't get more creative than this!! Right brain definitely in gear....LOVE it! Bravo!
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10/03/2006 02:57:07 AM
This was great! Very Cute!
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08/23/2006 12:14:05 PM
not sure how or why I never picked this as a fav. but I'm fixing that now. :)
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08/18/2006 06:43:53 PM
Absoluely brilliant! Great colour, complimenting BG colour and 100% pin sharp.
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05/29/2006 04:51:06 AM
Hello, and greetings from the Critique Club.

As this photo finished with the blue ribbon, I am going to leave this temporary note on your photo so that I can go on to more entries that may need my help a little more.

Congratulations on your blue, and if the powers that be decide that I should leave a little more of a critique anyway, I shall do so and contact you when it is done. If not, then know that you've done the job you needed to do and that's as much a critique as anyone can give.

Enjoy your ribbon.
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05/29/2006 12:53:22 AM
Congrats on your 1st ribbon!! Excellent capture!!!
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05/27/2006 05:34:32 PM
great idea, super creattivvveeee
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05/27/2006 11:11:12 AM
Beautiful photo. Congratulations-a well deserved blue ribbon.
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05/26/2006 02:08:01 PM
A wonderful sharp image,shows you don't need "L" glass to take great pics, Congrats Aimee on your 1st of many I hope.
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05/25/2006 11:53:44 AM
It's all about the idea and you hit it right on the head. Congrats on the win, the work involved and the lighting set up.
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05/25/2006 08:32:00 AM
Congratulations! Great idea and a very good outcome.
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05/25/2006 06:37:59 AM
A really nice idea and realization! a question , what you used as light source?
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05/24/2006 05:11:07 PM
Brilliant shot but it sent my wife frantic as she has an aversion to very "holey" things: she keeps imagining what the pear looked like after you removed the pins. The aversion was so bad that she felt the need to pummel me! Who said fruit was good for you! :-)

Well deserved blue.
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05/24/2006 04:43:28 PM
Sooo glad this came first - I didn't have time to properly view entries, let alone comment or vote but this one I did stop and look at and made a mental note to come back and comment before the challenge was out. Didn't have time but looks like most people agreed with me that it's a truly amazing shot!
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05/24/2006 12:26:33 PM
Congrats, reminds me of shots by Palmi Einarsson where he stitched up fruits and stuff like that. www.pedesign.is and look under "fine art color" and then "patching up nature". Nice work!
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05/24/2006 12:01:54 PM
Congrats on your ribbon!
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05/24/2006 11:29:55 AM
very cool idea, nicely done. congrats
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05/24/2006 08:59:30 AM
Congrats on the Blue!!!! It is a great shot and a great idea. Not sure where those wierd ideas come from, but thankfully they do come from time to time...
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05/24/2006 08:26:45 AM
Nice photo and idea. Congrats for the blue!
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05/24/2006 08:22:24 AM
Congratulations with your first ribbon, great shot!
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05/24/2006 07:52:49 AM
Excellent and extremely creative. Congratulations on you "Blue". Van
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05/24/2006 06:23:54 AM
Congratulations, Aimee!!! What a well-executed, delightful idea! And you beat Tim's blue ribbon score to boot. :-)
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05/24/2006 05:45:32 AM

Congratulations on your ribbon! Great shot!
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05/24/2006 04:52:20 AM
Extremely clever and well deserved ribbon...welcome to the ribbon club!
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05/24/2006 02:54:15 AM
At least there were no animals harmed in the making of this one... ;) Great shot, great composition. Cool idea too. This is definitely one of the more original entries for the challenge!
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05/24/2006 02:41:24 AM
Just now read your photographer comments. You sure you didn't watch the movie Hellraiser the night before? :P

Message edited by author 2006-05-24 02:41:36.
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05/24/2006 02:24:52 AM
Congratulations with your first blue! Great job, way to go!
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05/24/2006 01:51:50 AM
awesome shot! very creative also!!
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05/24/2006 01:20:24 AM
Ha! great idea and image!
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05/24/2006 12:51:59 AM
Huge congrats from me on your well deserved blue. You must be over the moon (your husband was probably more nervous than you this past week ;-)
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05/24/2006 12:43:27 AM
I didn't vote in this challenge, but I'm awed at the brilliance of this idea. Brilliant. And congratulations!
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05/24/2006 12:23:13 AM
Hoorah. Now that I like. I didn't vote in this challenge so I didn't see it, but I would've voted you really high for such a great concept.

Wow that's cool. Get's better each time you look at it. Congrats!
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05/24/2006 12:21:41 AM
Awesome job!! Congratulations!!
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05/24/2006 12:17:11 AM
Nice. Congrats!
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05/24/2006 12:16:37 AM

You know you now have a higher avg score than your husband.

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05/24/2006 12:11:52 AM
A huge congrats Aimee....well deserved...!
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05/24/2006 12:11:28 AM
Way to go woman!!! I knew you had it in you.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/23/2006 11:46:30 PM
Someone has a lot of patience...I like the background color.
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05/23/2006 11:30:56 PM
Returning for comments. I scored this an 8 however I'm curious how this does given the theme of the challenge. I don't know much about still life but from a pure standpoint this seems arranged and manipulated to how you wanted to present it so it fits the challenge, IMO.

I can't imagine how long it took you getting those pins in there and so evenly distributed. In addition to the uniqueness of this I like the color scheme and the lighting is perfect. I like the composition but I'm wondering why you just didn't crop this tighter to eliminate that sensor dust. Hopefully that doesn't hurt you.
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05/23/2006 07:39:04 PM
how long did this take you!!?!? nice job
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05/23/2006 05:06:47 PM
Great idea and outcome.
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05/23/2006 03:45:13 PM
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05/23/2006 10:34:48 AM
i would suggest you don't eat that! 10
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05/23/2006 09:46:46 AM
Good imagination. But for me the lighting is a bit flat.
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05/23/2006 05:49:33 AM
A lot of work invested, well done!
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05/23/2006 02:14:25 AM
This will either place or make top ten...easy...so great...wonderful color and lighting...10
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05/22/2006 06:36:10 PM
how long did it take to set up this one?
great shot.
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05/21/2006 11:17:07 PM
This is a great depiction of a play on words... and truly does add to the image. A wonderful image worthy or a 7 at first pass. I will be back to review my score on this one. Great job.
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05/21/2006 10:44:09 PM
Awesome take on the word play :)
Splendidly executed image with a very nice choice of bk color. Makes my top3 list from the challenge.
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05/21/2006 10:29:47 PM
That is too cool, great shot.
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05/21/2006 07:18:00 PM
great concept and execution Lighting is great. Splotch on right detracts a bit, but comp draws the attention away from it.
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05/21/2006 05:54:54 PM
Creative idea -- must have involved a lot of preparation time. Eyecatching shot.
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05/20/2006 05:50:10 PM
I would not have it quite so much left of center and there are two spots in the upper right that could have been edited out. Great concept. How many pins?
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05/20/2006 10:29:38 AM
Seems like excessive treatment of a defenseless pear... lol. Unique and nicely done, eventhough it doesn't really appeal to me.
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05/20/2006 01:13:36 AM
anyone who spends that much time putting pins in to a pear deserves an 8 at least!
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05/19/2006 09:04:19 PM
Interesting subject. There is a spot in the upper right hand corner that I find a bit distracting but I love the clarity of the pins so my eye tends to stay with the subject. Nice lighting. Well done.
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05/19/2006 08:21:05 PM
very cool, I bet that took some time. The green works well with the pink -9
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05/19/2006 07:21:49 PM
Love it!!
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05/19/2006 12:48:36 AM
You must have the patience of a saint to put all thos pins in. Bonus point for set up.
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05/19/2006 12:33:25 AM
love it-
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05/18/2006 09:30:35 PM
i love this!!!! great job.
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05/18/2006 06:50:16 PM
Awesome! Very random, but very creative! :)
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05/18/2006 06:30:20 PM
LOL. VERY clever! Nicely done too - a winner!
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05/18/2006 06:27:14 PM
Love the idea and the off centered shot
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05/18/2006 04:41:09 PM
Yikes, danger!! lovely sweet color, nice idea, nice workout. Not sure it fits the challenge. But 9 ;)
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05/18/2006 01:26:49 PM
This meets the challenge - inanimate and arranged. Looks like a lot of work and the title, if anything, spoils it.
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05/18/2006 09:57:47 AM
This had to of taken forever to do. 10 for the Prickly Pear even thou I'm not crazy about the pink background.
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05/18/2006 09:25:15 AM
Not sure about the pink ... hmmmm Really interesting though. I like the abstractness of it. Good imagination. 7
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05/18/2006 09:05:55 AM
Great idea, I am ambivalent though about the pink background. (7)
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05/18/2006 04:13:29 AM
Wonderfully innovative idea and tack sharp with good composition. I just wish the background was a different colour - the pink really doesn't work for me personally.
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05/18/2006 02:57:59 AM
tack sharp, -9-
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05/18/2006 01:43:02 AM
Simply great, love the lighting, love the composition. Very inspiring. Must have heard the line it is not the camera but the person behind camera that matters. You prove it right, subject is very simple yet picture is amazing,15,( i know i cannot give more than 10 but its' worth 15)
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05/17/2006 11:10:10 PM
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05/17/2006 06:51:04 PM
I really like the contrast between the green and pink. I dig the pins. Very inventive!
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05/17/2006 06:46:31 PM
Wow. Lot of work to get all those in I imagine. And they look pretty well spaced apart.
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05/17/2006 06:07:18 PM
very good
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05/17/2006 05:11:52 PM
Love it. Perfect lighting, pleasing composition, and even like the contrasting background. Great work.
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05/17/2006 04:59:52 PM
Extra points for the preparation. How many pins?
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05/17/2006 03:55:08 PM
How long did that take you to do? A for effort. Nice image also. 7
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05/17/2006 02:12:23 PM
wow lot of time went into this, and it worked. very nice, something else!
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05/17/2006 02:11:30 PM
This one is the winner! Great colors, very creative concept, well composed. A little work in post and it will be a WOW!
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05/17/2006 12:54:03 PM
wow that must've taken awhile
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05/17/2006 11:38:43 AM
Wow! How long did that take! Very creative, nice coloring, & a plus for humor. 10
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05/17/2006 10:54:28 AM
I think it took for you a lot of time to do this :) ... nice idea
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05/17/2006 10:38:33 AM
clever idea, I like the pink background
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05/17/2006 10:25:06 AM
Clever idea
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05/17/2006 10:05:05 AM
How patient are you??? Good work!
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05/17/2006 09:20:35 AM
Clever, but not really still life in the true sense.....
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05/17/2006 05:59:02 AM
Awww awesome love the concept!
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05/17/2006 03:23:20 AM
What impact.
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05/17/2006 02:17:47 AM
Creepy ... but interesting :) But the pink background doesn't seem to suit the subject.
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05/17/2006 01:37:25 AM
Great concept. Time to clean your sensor.
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05/17/2006 12:48:33 AM
I love it! The green looks great against the pink. :)
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