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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Lenscap (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8
Location: Home Setup
Date: May 15, 2006
Aperture: 3.2
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/100
Galleries: Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: May 15, 2006


Place: 5 out of 183
Avg (all users): 6.7747
Avg (commenters): 7.6977
Avg (participants): 6.3600
Avg (non-participants): 6.8996
Views since voting: 3381
Views during voting: 663
Votes: 324
Comments: 53
Favorites: 2 (view)

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08/18/2007 08:40:44 PM
We have the same glasses :)
05/24/2006 11:50:37 AM

Hi Again,

I am thrilled to have landed a 5th place. I am not sure that I realy deserve it with some of you having IMO much better shots than I produced. I had voted many of you a much higher score because I liked your idea and execution better than mine.

This is only my third challenge and it surely has fueled my interest in continuing to submit and even become a member.

Thanks to all that have taken the time to leave me some wonderful comments and suggestions, I would have liked to reply to many of you, but I am still unsure about the rules and etiquette of the board, so I will do a general reply here for everyone and try to explain my shot for those interested.

Yes, I am afraid that lenscaps were harmed during this shoot, but it was all for the good of art and self expression. Many of you commented that it would be nice to see a little more on the left hand side. Well, this is my fault, my shot out of camera did have a little more on the left hand side and I should have kept it this way. I really didn't know what was more appealing. Also thank you for the great comments on lighting. Actually, this is my first try and anything "in studio". I was supposed to go to a friend's house who has professional lighting equipment, but he was not available, so instead, I went to Jo-Anne fabrics and got some marine vinyl for the background, and from Home Depot, I purchased 1/4" plexiglass anlong with some painter's light and cheap daylight bulbs ( 4/$2.00 ) and this is my only setup. Played around with the direction of light as much as I could to what I thought was appealing. I agree that there are some shadows that are distracting. I have tried my best to get them out of there, even with a flash and reflector, but I didn't succeed. Not knowledgable in studio lighting at this point. Maybe someone could point me to some articles or give me their idea. I would love to expand my knowledge. But overall I felt satisfied with the minimal setup that I had.

OK, now how did I do all that. First of all a big Thank You to my wife that now only was very supportive, help me make some white frosting, but also selected this composition out of 200 shots that I took ( as I was learning ).

I had 2 ideas for this shot and decided to go with the oreo cookie theme, I was surprised to see how many other people had the cookie concept as their project. Right from the beginning, my vision was to have teeth marks in the cookie, so I went out to buy some "vendor neutral" lenscaps, and with a pencil drew some semi-circles to form the bite shape. I then clamped both of those together and with my Roto-Zip started to chip away at it. It was not easy to get the round shapes but finished the look with a semi round metal file. I had saved some of the shaving as to create crumbs on the table but the results looked more like thate was bugs near the cookie. So I cleaned up the mess and started over again. My first attempt was with a frosting filling that my wife made for me. I shot about 80 pictures but thougth that the look was a little messy. I started to think what I could use next. My first idea was poster tack, but quickly thought of looking to see if they made white Play-Dough (SP?) which I ended up buying late Sunday night. Filled the cookies, carved around the teeth marks and now it seemed easier to hadle and had more of a close resemblance to the original oreo.

I had to titles that I was considering, one was the one that I submitted "photOREO" and the other was " 67mm Oreos".

Again thanks to all,
05/24/2006 08:34:01 AM
Congratulations on the 5th place!
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05/24/2006 06:57:58 AM

Thanks to all for the votes and great comments.
I will post more and answer some questions when I get back from the dentist! So please check again.

05/24/2006 06:50:50 AM
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05/24/2006 03:52:20 AM
Congratulations on top 5 finish.
Great idea and well done.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/23/2006 11:49:43 PM
WOW! How was that done?
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05/23/2006 04:04:50 PM
Great shot, but I must ask how you achieved the teeth marks? :)
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05/23/2006 09:21:28 AM
good theeth.... nice...
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05/23/2006 02:56:18 AM
too cool
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05/22/2006 06:53:38 PM
The most effort of the cookie shots. Well done.
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05/21/2006 11:54:14 PM
Great title and concept! I predict a top 10 finish for this one. Excellent!
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05/21/2006 09:08:19 PM
wow.. I can taste oreo cookies. very creative, well done I like it
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05/21/2006 08:38:25 PM
clever shot
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05/21/2006 08:32:20 PM
Great job on the bite marks. Doesn't seem very tasty though!
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05/20/2006 10:24:24 PM
Loved the "oreo" idea!
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05/20/2006 09:35:44 PM
You have to tell how you did this - really neat. Well done.
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05/20/2006 09:34:35 PM
Looks very yummy!!
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05/20/2006 08:17:41 PM
Very, very creative! Good lighing too.
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05/20/2006 08:01:42 PM
Great work. Wish your milk glass was a little better focused, but not too bad. Very good concept, and going the extra ile to actually eat some cap...
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05/20/2006 12:40:31 PM
All I can say is you went thru a lot of effort to get this shot... 8
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05/20/2006 09:34:31 AM
There were lots of "Cookies & Milk" shots, but this one went the extra mile! Great concept and layout. There are a few shadows which I find distracting, but overall a GREAT idea!
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05/20/2006 07:29:15 AM
Great idea and funny. Sharp and a good crop. 9 from me
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05/20/2006 12:15:54 AM
Oh my, you actually bit through those? :P Just plain weird, but i like it.
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05/19/2006 05:32:21 PM
This will do well, I'm sure of it! (9) Congrats and good luck!
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05/19/2006 02:34:30 PM
Oh my gosh this is so creative!! Having the "bite" taken out of one is what send this photo over the top for me.....well done!
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05/19/2006 11:52:17 AM
Great! IMHO this is the best of the cookies and milk shots in this challenge!
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05/19/2006 09:07:04 AM
Well photographed and a great concept. Good work!
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05/18/2006 11:11:02 PM
Oh this is AWESOME! 10 for delightful creativity!!!
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05/18/2006 10:35:12 PM
shadows are a bit distracting---tighter crop would have worked
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05/18/2006 10:28:36 PM
I suspect lens caps were harmed here... Good lighting for this shot.
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05/18/2006 08:33:21 PM
yummy :-) Very creative ...
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05/18/2006 08:21:45 PM
great shot! good imagination and well executed!
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05/18/2006 07:30:26 PM
Not the only cookie shot, but certainly one of the best executed cookie shots. Nice set-up!
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05/18/2006 06:34:58 PM
Nice set up.
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05/18/2006 06:16:00 PM
My! You even sacrificed TWO lens caps for the cause. The bite makes this one stand out among all the Oreo entries.
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05/18/2006 03:34:06 PM
nice! clever idea!!
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05/18/2006 10:04:46 AM
most creative shot I've seen so far. Could do without the shadows. Otherwise, excellent
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05/18/2006 02:55:47 AM
heheee.. I love the bitemark, it really adds to this photo, nice focus, good composition, maybe more of the photo to the left would help balance it out a bit, but overall, nice job 8
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05/18/2006 01:07:28 AM
Very creative; I love it.
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05/17/2006 08:59:57 PM
A lot of people had this idea of the lens cap and milk. This is one of the better ones I think.
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05/17/2006 06:59:28 PM
Sacraficed a couple of lense caps, I see. All for the good of a challenge. Well done, both in concept and execution.
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05/17/2006 06:44:31 PM
You broke it!!!!
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05/17/2006 03:16:11 PM
Yikes! The things people will do to enter a challenge photo! ;^) Good luck.
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05/17/2006 02:40:36 PM
LOL the bite totally makes this shot. my favorite cookie idea, 9
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05/17/2006 12:29:15 PM
Way to commit. Would have rated higher if the composition was stronger.
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05/17/2006 12:12:43 PM
neat idea.
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05/17/2006 11:22:28 AM
Where can I buy these wonderful photoreos? ;)
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05/17/2006 10:45:22 AM
great idea. Good picture! 10
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05/17/2006 09:42:21 AM
now I want an oreo! love it.
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05/17/2006 09:03:54 AM
Outch! Bet you have a sore stomach now :) Well lit!
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05/17/2006 01:28:47 AM
Very, very clever.....
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05/17/2006 01:19:23 AM
I like the bite mark, it adds to the impact
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