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My Secret
My Secret

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Self Portrait IV (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S2 IS
Location: San Pedro, CA
Date: May 15, 2006
Aperture: 3.2
ISO: 50
Shutter: 0.8
Galleries: Studio, Self Portrait
Date Uploaded: May 16, 2006

Took this photo on the edge of my bed with my hair hanging down.

Lots of post editing... The original photo was more like a full body shot (which I wasn't about to submit). I cropped & rotated the photo, adjusted levels, saturation and color balance, cloned out minor blemishes, and applied gaussian blur to my face and unsharp mask to my eye and hair.

Place: 75 out of 236
Avg (all users): 6.1695
Avg (commenters): 6.7714
Avg (participants): 5.9568
Avg (non-participants): 6.3590
Views since voting: 1668
Views during voting: 651
Votes: 295
Comments: 40
Favorites: 1 (view)

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09/08/2006 12:44:24 PM
Excellent shot! Especially for being taken with a PowerShot at such close range. ;) The crop works perfectly.
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05/26/2006 06:22:37 AM
I loved it. How about posting outtakes?
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/25/2006 04:56:37 PM
Darn! Almost a winner. I love the concept and composition...really fantastic. On my monitor, it is not sharp enough. Especially with the hair being so interesting from a texture standpoint. Anyway, great idea and keep shooting. 8
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05/25/2006 12:52:57 PM
unique composition 9
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05/25/2006 05:38:27 AM
I love this, the composition and the colours are fantastic!
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05/24/2006 11:29:04 PM
Very cool composition and tones. I would have liked to seen this image a littler sharper in the face though.
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05/23/2006 01:05:11 PM
Could be improved by reducing the hot spots on the face
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05/23/2006 11:49:38 AM
could have been a little more crisp. . but the composition and hair look great
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05/23/2006 10:43:09 AM
love this shot!!! 10
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05/22/2006 11:11:08 PM
I love this picture. 9
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05/22/2006 10:10:56 PM
Excellent concept. I really like the glowing gold of your hair, though the skin tones are a little too yellow for my taste. The focus on the hair is good too. Your eye looks like it is a tiny bit out of focus. I would prefer the eye be in sharp focus and the hair in softer focus.
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05/22/2006 08:32:27 AM
To orange and focus should be on your eye where it looks like it is on your hair.
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05/21/2006 11:42:01 PM
Beautiful color and composition! Just a touch soft around your face. Nit picky really. Great shot.
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05/21/2006 08:32:55 PM
little bit soft focuswise but the lighting is greay and your wavy hair is very interesting. I like the crop, but don't care for the double catchlights in your eye. little hot on the forehead and nose tip too.
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05/20/2006 12:20:14 PM
Pretty, and the title makes it intriguing. However, if your eye had been sharp as well as your hair, it would have been better.
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05/20/2006 07:06:43 AM
Great idea, well executed - good luck (8)
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05/20/2006 06:22:56 AM
First of all, your composition is a 10. I love how you framed yourself. Some detractors are:
-The hotspots on your forehead and nose. It is an easy fix. (use your clone stamp tool at 50% opacity. Use the DARKEN blend mode. Alt-click on an area that is not 'hot' and then go over the hot spot with a large, soft brush.)
-The white balance seems off. The golden color works well for your hair, but is distracting for the whites of your eyes and your skin tone. (Try going into CURVES. Click the white eye-dropper. Now click the eye dropper in the whitest part of your eye and see if that takes the yellow out. OR, you can try using a cooling filter.
-Also, try a little selective unsharp mask on your eye.
-Kill or simplify your frame :)

Of course, this is all just a matter of my opinion! I really do like the potential of this image. 7
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05/20/2006 05:35:36 AM
Border much to overpowering.....but love this composition.....
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05/20/2006 03:39:44 AM
This is a great shot but it lacks sharpness, If this was more in focus it would've definitely ribboned .. 7
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05/20/2006 03:21:09 AM
beautiful hair ! , eye lighting and colour .. nice composition
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05/20/2006 02:40:57 AM
i like it.. although it's not perfect technically
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05/19/2006 11:24:20 PM
Really cool to focus on your hair! A couple blown highlights on your nose and forehead, though.
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05/19/2006 07:57:32 PM
looks like a hair ad...a bit yellow for me but I LOVE the crop
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05/19/2006 01:01:57 PM
Like the framing/crop, but the frame around the photo is... well kinda tacky. The focus seems to be on your hair, think you rather should have gone for the eye. Like the style though
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05/19/2006 10:58:05 AM
looks like Beyonce...wish the focus was on your eyes though...lovely shot, great comp
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05/19/2006 10:43:27 AM
Nice pix. This could be an advertisement. Great color, nice texture, great lighting, nice minimalism, nice movement.
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05/19/2006 10:40:02 AM
I really liked the composition in this shot. However the overall shot is out of focus. It appears that your camera locked in focus on your hair and not your face.
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05/19/2006 10:31:34 AM
a tad overlit on the nose and forhead.. but i like the crop and the colour here.. 7
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05/19/2006 09:45:44 AM
i like your creativeness and style but it looks soft.
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05/19/2006 09:40:46 AM
I like it.
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05/19/2006 09:24:56 AM
Very nice!
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05/19/2006 09:21:24 AM
Shame the sharpness isn´t as good on your face as on your hair, other than that this is simply georgeos but the lack of focus on the face is hurting it a bit in my opinion.
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05/19/2006 08:59:09 AM
This should be used for an advertisment very nice
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05/19/2006 08:16:17 AM
Beautiful shot. I'm not too fond of the heavy frame but you're hair is fantastic - 7 from me.
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05/19/2006 08:14:17 AM
Great composition and beautiful tones. Very original. It's very sad the focus on your face is not perfect ....
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05/19/2006 07:41:51 AM
The golden light is great! I like the way you've included just a part of your face; it lends an air of mystery. How did you get your hair blowing out that way?
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05/19/2006 07:33:26 AM
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05/19/2006 05:19:54 AM
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05/19/2006 12:57:17 AM
wish the facial featruers were sharper - seem either oof or smoothed with NI too much
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05/19/2006 12:30:54 AM
I feel like this could be a little sharper. I absolutely adore the colors.
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