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Bad hair day
Bad hair day

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Self Portrait IV (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: At home
Date: May 16, 2006
Aperture: F3,3
ISO: 320
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Portraiture, Self Portrait
Date Uploaded: May 18, 2006

It took me quite a few days to choose the one I liked most and I already submitted one, but I changed my mind at the last moment. First I wanted to submit a creative one, but I finally chose the one of which I thought it was the best one. And I'm still not sure about this one, lol. Ah well, this challenge is going to be fun.

Post processing:

Unsharp Mask
Clone tool
Color (yellow) saturation
Grundge filter
Cross processing filter
Save for web


Thanks everyone! Didn't expect this score at all, so I'm really glad with it :-)

Place: 14 out of 236
Avg (all users): 6.8542
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 6.7556
Avg (non-participants): 6.9375
Views since voting: 6192
Views during voting: 982
Votes: 295
Comments: 87
Favorites: 5 (view)

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11/12/2006 09:36:56 PM
You have a very interesting perspective on life that is reflected in your photography - Bravo for your creativeness! And congratulations on your upward movement to the top at DP.
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09/12/2006 01:32:16 AM
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06/07/2006 03:06:57 PM
Startlingly good!
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06/01/2006 11:42:49 PM
Indeed a pop art study that is outstanding. Congratulations on your top 20 finish.
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05/28/2006 03:54:01 PM
oh, no, the eyes! zeer schoon :)
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05/26/2006 03:49:29 PM
Hey you got Nasti by one place!!! Congrats girl!
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05/26/2006 02:44:50 PM
Congrats Elvi! Love it!
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05/26/2006 02:42:23 PM
This will always ribbon in my book, definitly not DPC but wwayyyy too masterful for it. I love your self-portraits.
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05/26/2006 12:46:49 PM
Wonderful job Elvi :-)
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05/26/2006 11:42:10 AM
Congrats on your highest score until now, I'll see you on the frontpage soon...
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05/26/2006 09:25:47 AM
Fweeewwww, ik was bang dat ze zo'n artsi portret als dit zouden afschieten hier, maar dit is een goede score. Op naar een Ribbon!
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05/26/2006 04:58:44 AM
Gaaf gefelicteerd met je 14e plek. Goegedaan meisie!!!
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05/26/2006 04:23:45 AM
Great job & great finish! Congratulations!

edit to add: TWO ONES??? Jeez.

Message edited by author 2006-05-26 04:24:18.
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05/26/2006 03:26:46 AM
woohoooooooo great job Muts!!

Congrats :D
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05/26/2006 03:08:43 AM
Knowing how talented you are...I would like to see your outtakes.:) Good shots nonetheless but I guess your other portfolio shots are a lot better.
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05/26/2006 01:40:09 AM
Congratulations on your 14th place finish. This was a tough tough field and this is a fantastic image. Well done!
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05/26/2006 01:33:45 AM
Awesome! I was going through the top ten and thinking "When will I get to Elvi's". It didn't take long. Such an intense feel from such a pretty lady, a good combo. I'm going to hit you back on that pm soon its been forever and you probably haven't even thought about it but, I will respond. Great job as always.
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05/26/2006 01:17:48 AM
Very nice! You got psycho eyes and that is too cool...
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05/26/2006 12:25:36 AM
Congrats my darling girl!!! Love it love it.
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05/26/2006 12:15:35 AM
Ha ha ha... this is nice! Nice expression, beautiful eyes and superb PP. You rock, Elvi :)

I did not voted for this challenge but this is definate 10. Congrats for being in top 20 (in the challenge which has best of the best photos).

Message edited by author 2006-05-26 00:17:15.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/25/2006 11:11:20 PM
amazing eyes! great shot like always!!10
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05/25/2006 08:41:51 PM
Look into my eyes :) Great warm colors and your eyes, well... what more can I say? Love it Elvi ;)
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05/25/2006 05:58:42 PM
Love your style and unique aproach. Should be right up there amongst the best. Well done!
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05/25/2006 05:28:20 PM
Hahahaha...now this is creazy but just pure excellence. Congrats on your ribbon...well deserved.
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05/25/2006 01:34:04 PM
WOW! Great capture and processing.
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05/25/2006 01:26:50 PM
Great shot!
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05/25/2006 12:49:56 PM
Hypnotizing eyes and stunning image overall! Excellent portrait!
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05/25/2006 09:04:40 AM
This picture was really great! The white background matches with the colour of the hair and the dress... Really good job on the eyes to.
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05/25/2006 07:28:35 AM
marbelous ! (te gek;)
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05/25/2006 05:44:06 AM
Amazing depth and feeling to this. How do you get those colours?
Those bright eyes aswell, massive impact.
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05/24/2006 11:48:27 PM
A little heavy on the processing IMO.
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05/24/2006 09:55:44 PM
this is a really great photo.....10
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05/24/2006 02:51:44 PM
Maybe you were going for a particular type of look, but to me this is just an odd self-portrait. The editing makes it a bit surreal and the pose and angle give an unnatural look. With the elbows cut off, it almost gives a look of having four arms lol. The lighting, however, is good. I just don't find the overall look very appealing.
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05/23/2006 08:37:44 PM
This is an interesting shot. I like the white background and how it sets off the subject. The eyes are captivating and the catchlights are good. The shot has a pastey feel (that I'm not too enthusiastic about) which may be intruduced by the post processing. I like the composition and the overall focus is great.
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05/22/2006 11:10:19 PM
Amazing eyes !!!great shot.
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05/22/2006 04:58:09 PM
Wow...love the eyes!
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05/22/2006 10:22:53 AM
hey Elf!

I know how you feel about this one, so I would've thought you would pick the green self-portrait. Your eyes are stunning again. great job!
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05/22/2006 06:01:22 AM
shockingly good picture!
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05/22/2006 01:32:46 AM
Awesome!!! U Rock!!!! 10
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05/21/2006 11:32:54 PM
Great expression, light and color! Please don't hurt me! \:
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05/21/2006 10:46:21 PM
Hope you did mean to be funny on this picture :-)
Really nice shot.
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05/21/2006 06:16:13 PM
Gawd you've got gorgeous eyes!
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05/21/2006 05:45:35 PM
Art-elvi ?
I like what you do with the eyes. great work
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05/21/2006 02:51:18 PM
This is great, I love the look on your face it is so real. :) 10
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05/21/2006 02:42:02 PM
Another great SP Arti! You just have a way with eyes and your colors are always great! Well Done!
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05/21/2006 10:02:11 AM
you have such beautiful eyes, nice job
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05/21/2006 08:53:09 AM
The wide angle makes your head look to big
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05/21/2006 02:36:02 AM
funny, well done
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05/21/2006 12:55:26 AM
Howdy maam, amazing detail and eyes. Like the coloration as usual. Right hand is a touch dark, but very high marks none the less. Your collection is always enjoyable.
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05/20/2006 09:11:35 PM
Arti-elvi, your shots are unique and your style is evident. Great image! :)
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05/20/2006 02:33:10 PM
another great shot. Im thinking more could be done with the cropping but would have to see the whole shot to give details... I like the golden colors here as well, something bothers me a bit about the texture of the photo itself, could be over worked a bit or could be the jpg compression messing with things a bit... 7
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05/20/2006 12:22:29 PM
Well, I'll say what everyone else has said. beautiful eyes, great image, nice post processing.... :) Another great self portrait.
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05/20/2006 11:06:45 AM
The art of non-beauty. Interesting shot.
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05/20/2006 10:08:11 AM
Hi Elvi - not hard to recognize you :)

I love how your eyes are standing out. Coloring is great - 8
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05/20/2006 09:48:43 AM
I dont know what to say about this image. I have looked at it many many times. I guess that is the definition of a successful image. I think it is the eys. They shoot right through you. I was recently in Palm Springs and went to the museum there to view the 1940's Hollywood Glamor Photography exhibit. One image in particular reminds me of your eyes. It was Marlina Dietrich on her fainting couch. The photographer managed to capture an image that was haunting and strong and little intimidating. I think you managed to do the same. My 2 cents I think the image is stronger cropped just above your bust line, just above the bottom of your hair. Great work 8. Stop looking at me like that.
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05/20/2006 03:00:37 AM
The eyes seem a bit too obtrusive, but a very good shot
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05/20/2006 01:27:28 AM
eyes .. look at those eyes ..
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05/19/2006 10:28:50 PM
Ooh, gorgeous and creepy all at once! I'm thinking you're going to ribbon with this one, dear.
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05/19/2006 07:35:59 PM
"Bad hair day"? This should be called "good picture day"! Nice job.. Good luck!
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05/19/2006 06:35:39 PM
What an awesome shot :-) I like it.
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05/19/2006 06:19:42 PM
Just don't look in the mirror in the morning, you'll never have a bad hair day ever again. Works for me. :)

Pretty wacky in your face confrontational portrait. Extreme contrast, draganizer? It feels like I am the mirror you are looking in, a bit on the outside, mirror mirror on the wall who's got the biggest and brightest eyes of them all?

Nice stuff Elvi, fits your series well.
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05/19/2006 06:13:28 PM
Hi Arti-Elvi! I like the PP as always, but I think you had some better ones on the 30 day challenge. You still did a great job I really get the mirror idea. Maybe you should have made your hair look even more messy but that's my opinion.
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05/19/2006 05:44:08 PM
cool photo
kinda has a scary morbid feel
i dont know why
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05/19/2006 05:17:47 PM
There is something disturbing about this. I really like it!
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05/19/2006 04:30:23 PM
Really nice, I love your editing! The eyes always draw you into the picture
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05/19/2006 03:29:40 PM
Uha, scary :o)Nice picture..
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05/19/2006 12:11:56 PM
Sexay! How does a "10" sound to you? If aren't happy with it let me know I will lower it to what ever you like Elvi :)
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05/19/2006 12:01:08 PM
Wow, great portrait. Colour is just so right. Oh to have the advantage of eyes like that...
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05/19/2006 11:59:40 AM
I love it.
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05/19/2006 10:29:14 AM
Arti-Elvi - gotta be! ;-) Terrific job as usual. You are SOOO creative! This is really great. Love the tones and editing.
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05/19/2006 10:10:06 AM
Gollum's eye ! hehe

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05/19/2006 10:04:19 AM
Pretty cool shot Elvi, love the look of it. Would NOT be surprised to see you take your first of many ribbons with this image. You seem to have a very photogenic face, shame I don´t live in Holland, would love to photograph you sometime, those eyes are just very captivating.
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05/19/2006 09:52:27 AM
those amazing eyes! great shot...your wditing suits the pose...excellent
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05/19/2006 08:15:46 AM
Heya Arti! Don't ask me why but the pose reminds me of Gollum in Lord of The Rings! LOL...Did you use a wide angle lens? Cool shot!
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05/19/2006 06:41:30 AM
Nice finish :)

I have bad hair days every day.


Message edited by author 2006-05-30 18:35:34.
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05/19/2006 06:16:15 AM
Elvi! Awesome Job!! I love how you make your eyes look like that!
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05/19/2006 06:12:05 AM
Everyone in the world recognises this by now. No matter; it's as interesting and original as all the other ones. I love your photography but I'm not always crazy for your processing. But that could be my problem & not yours. 6.
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05/19/2006 05:54:37 AM
Hmm daar helpt geen borstel meer tegen, de schaar erin ;)
Wat jij toch altijd met je ogen doet, heel mooi! Draganized?
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05/19/2006 02:38:35 AM
or "Beautiful Eyes Day" - LOL - You crazuh!
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05/19/2006 02:35:47 AM
i love the expression and feel, the colors, everything
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05/19/2006 02:33:16 AM
Rock Star! :-)
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05/19/2006 02:29:00 AM
Should win a ribbon.
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05/19/2006 02:22:51 AM
:) moi :)
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05/19/2006 01:19:48 AM
ello gorgeous!
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05/19/2006 01:01:23 AM
dang elvi, you did it again.
you have beautiful features, including art ;)
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05/19/2006 12:23:25 AM
this looks over photoshoped to me,
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05/19/2006 12:06:28 AM
OH, I thought you were so worried, you were pulling your hair out.

Great one, Elvi. Love the intense expression and the fact that we can see the upper body too. Great perspective. BRAVO
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