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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Self Portrait IV (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Nikon D70s
Lens: Nikon AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f2.8D
Location: At work in Scottsdale Arizona
Date: May 18, 2006
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/2000
Galleries: Emotive, Self Portrait
Date Uploaded: May 18, 2006

Took this shot at work. I re-shot an SP I did for the 30 day thing. The reason is I wanted to know if this will pass the advanced editing rule set. I know I risk a DQ but then I will know. So SC thanks for your time as I know you will be reviewing this image.

Post: Crop, Hue & Saturation, Auto levels, Highlights& Shadows(Thanks Rikki), Dodge, Burn, Blur background, Cloned out the small piece of fork under my leg (The part that scares me) cloned out a spot on my right hand, elbow & knee, USM, size and save for the web.

I hope I don’t get DQ’d but I understand if I do.

Thanks again,


Post Challenge:

Thanks for all the kick A$$ comments! I would like to thank all of you for understanding why I submitted this image. Also a big thank you to the SC for your time and validation.

Place: 40 out of 236
Avg (all users): 6.4564
Avg (commenters): 7.2800
Avg (participants): 6.3798
Avg (non-participants): 6.5190
Views since voting: 2653
Views during voting: 591
Votes: 287
Comments: 55
Favorites: 0

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05/26/2006 06:06:34 AM
Well done, very glad to see this one passed!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/25/2006 10:14:51 PM
You know I saw someone else do a shot similar to this recently right here on this website. I hope he doesn't mind that you stole it from him. Glad to see you got your validation on this one. It woudl have been a shame to see a DQ. Graet shot Wazz (if that is your real name).
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05/25/2006 08:13:44 PM
I'd very much like to know how you have managed to discover, then transform, dark matter into a controllable, anti-gravity product with which to utterly waste its potential by producing a daft photographic competition entry.

That's science.
: )
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05/25/2006 12:42:33 PM
unique! 9
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05/25/2006 08:00:34 AM
You are one of the best models in this challenge, he he. Nice work.
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05/25/2006 12:24:54 AM
Hello Desert Man great shot
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05/24/2006 08:28:09 PM
Ha Ha!! You pulled it off!! You're soooo cool!! :)
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05/24/2006 05:14:45 PM
Nice control over the lighting to make one believe subject is floating.
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05/23/2006 07:22:57 PM
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05/23/2006 07:11:50 AM
Wow - I understand how you can take a picture like this, but by yourself? Great accomplishment! 8 from me
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05/22/2006 11:45:33 PM
How interesting!
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05/22/2006 10:36:32 PM
Excellent color and effect! Great work.
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05/22/2006 06:32:08 PM
even tho I've seen this pic before, I really love the tee you are wearing. Plus, it's a really cool shot. good luck! I hope people don't hate just bc they might have seen the thread about this set up.
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05/22/2006 12:20:46 PM
Creative image, well done
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05/22/2006 09:41:11 AM
You did it! And it's validated!! :D

I wonder why you left the orange thingie and the road at the bottom, I think I would've cropped it off. other than that, great job!
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05/21/2006 08:42:43 PM
suoer crisp focus and the colors really pop here. I'm looking forward to seeing how you did this!
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05/21/2006 07:16:08 PM
Whassup Wazoo? This is a Grand photo! :)
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05/21/2006 10:09:22 AM
Awesome! 10
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05/21/2006 09:39:55 AM
that looks cozy, great job
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05/20/2006 09:10:39 PM
How grand, wazzoo!! ;)
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05/20/2006 06:48:00 PM
cool shot! and cool shirt
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05/20/2006 02:54:58 PM
Having seen this "how we did it" I can say I appreciate it. However I'm not a fan of this much post editing in challenges. 8 for the shot -2 on the post editing not that the post editing is bad only because I have a personal problem with this much post editing being allowed... 6
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05/20/2006 12:45:49 PM
Wazz strikes again! This is awesome. Great work (again) :)
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05/20/2006 11:15:38 AM
Wazoo you should stop smoking that grass that Bob Marley was so fond of! ;) LMAOOO!
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05/20/2006 10:21:25 AM
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05/20/2006 06:00:24 AM
I´ve seen this before.. you're sitting on a forklift.. isn't this to old to meet the challenge date ?

still a good photo :)
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05/20/2006 03:38:26 AM
Wow, very creative ..
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05/20/2006 12:44:26 AM
Ok. . .how did you do that! What a great pose :) I love it!
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05/19/2006 11:08:45 PM
Wawzza! :)
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05/19/2006 11:07:21 PM
how did you do this???? well done
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05/19/2006 11:02:29 PM
Hah! Very cool!
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05/19/2006 09:32:01 PM
Where's that forklife? :P
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05/19/2006 09:13:06 PM
sell the forklift wazz!!!!!!!!!!!lol good shot but i'm scoring the babes higher-what can i say--lol
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05/19/2006 08:06:36 PM
Exellent! This really rocks! Good luck!
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05/19/2006 07:11:16 PM
So you and Bob were smoking the same stuff.
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05/19/2006 06:40:46 PM
ok, you got me on how you did this! The power of Zen maybe? (I hope to see a 'how to' in the bio). Great composition, the inclusion of the path and wall is nice and the lean of the tree following your shoulder really adds to the image.
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05/19/2006 05:29:30 PM
Very cool effect, waiting for the "how it was made" post....
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05/19/2006 05:15:19 PM
HAHA, I like it again! 10
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05/19/2006 02:31:51 PM
OMG... Can you really fly :o)Great idea, like the photo to.
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05/19/2006 12:32:56 PM
...now this is a cool trick...float on.
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05/19/2006 11:54:34 AM
I can't believe you would actually submit this photo after discussing it in great detail in this forum thread: //www.dpchallenge.com/forum.php?action=read&FORUM_THREAD_ID=385558&highlight=forklift

I know it isn't THE identical photo, but it is as close to it as ##@%#$@%!! is to swearing. If we shouldn't even discuss outtakes during voting, how can you discuss it in all its detail and glory, and then still submit it??????
05/19/2006 11:34:15 AM
Very cool.
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05/19/2006 10:37:35 AM
Wheres the fork lift? Oh, right, advanced rules. Nice job.
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05/19/2006 09:39:34 AM
HAHA awesome shot, I love it.
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05/19/2006 08:54:59 AM
Wazoo and his invisible forklift!! lol
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05/19/2006 03:29:31 AM
Nice jump. The background is a little to atractive.
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05/19/2006 03:14:38 AM
Hi Erick ;) This idea was one of the best of your 30 days challenge photos, so I guess you made the right choice. I love it!

By the way, I love that T-shirt too. Bob Marley rocks :)
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05/19/2006 02:42:47 AM
HAHAHA - Suhweet! I should've expected this. Will be surprised if there's no contraversy. :)
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05/19/2006 01:25:07 AM
Neat effect for the shot, and the strong colors look good. Good sharp focus on subject and gentle blurring of colors in background. The shot really keeps my attention as I keep trying to figure out how it was done.
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05/19/2006 01:22:11 AM
there's that cutie!!! I'd recognize you anywhere ;-)
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05/19/2006 12:55:31 AM
What can say other then well done, great shot. I love colors the contrast, everything about this.
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05/19/2006 12:52:28 AM
Well Waz the one thing I notice when looking really close is that under bottom edges of your shoes and jeans has a soft OOF quality to it. It might be the light reflected up, but I can't quite tell. Just to the left of your foot the flowers are in focus compared to the rest. Looks like the blending needs work. ;)
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05/19/2006 12:46:58 AM
Good job buddy!
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05/19/2006 12:42:52 AM
Figgered out a legal way to do it, eh? Good luck to ya!
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05/19/2006 12:07:48 AM
wazzzuuuppppp?????? i bet no DQ! gotta love it bud! the background could use a bit more contrast though but frickin' awesome shot!
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